Username Change Thread

Please change my username from Neo Bahamut to Vanilla. Thank you.^_^

can you change my username to Full Metal Alchemist

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It's been a week since a username change has been processed, but what the hell.

Hello. My name is cApN' pArKa and I have a problem. I don't feel like myself with this strange, uninspired name. I...I often feel like a woman in men's clothing. Mutilating my genitals was easy enough, but I've been in a pickle considering my username since the "change username" feature was removed from this respectable forum. Please, make me complete. Make me feel like myself.

Was that necessary? I doubt it. To the point, right? Yesiree, I'm getting there.

cApN' pArKa to VoN, please. You know--whenever you gentlemen/ladies get around to it.

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Hi, I just started and changed my mind about my SN... I would like it to be changed FROM Kinote TO Break... I'm sure about this and I won't ask for another name change, you can count on it.

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I was thinking I should change my name to Ashelia after Christmas. But since I'm a new member I can wait till I'm not. Just make sure no one gets that usrename okay? ;) thank you :)
Change me from PreZ to Millencolin

it's time for me to retire my user name.
Instead of DKnight I will be Sylar

Any Chance i could have A name Change From Zoidee To Ghis?
