Username Change Thread

Erg.. I normally wouldn't ask but would anyone mind changing my name back to Unforgiven? Thanks muchly.
I don't FEEL like a Kelet Queen anymore...hope it's not too frustrating to change a user's new name into another one.
If Nyla is available, put in that as my new username.
If not, then you could put Nylah.
Again, you need to wait 60 days before you can receive another name change.
Has it honestly not been 60 days yet? Its been most likly 50 days or more. Im not keeping track. Give me a break here lol...
can i have my name changed to: The Young Knives, please?
hey Can i have my name changed from Full metal Alchemist to Kira Yamato please, thanks.

If this name is taken them i apologise