Username Change Thread

Feel free to change it yourself, as per the post above yours.
Right, now I know how to change my username. I learned that I can change it after 30 days. However, I realized that this username may have been a mistake, I don't want it anymore... 30 days haven't passed by yet, I want to know if you would be so kind and change my name to Althea.
Unfortunately you're going to have to wait until the time-period has expired before a new name may be granted.
why don't u just close this thread already then? if we can change it from the user CP :monster:
explain everything here and close it, ain't that better?
This thread has been left open in the instance of users for some unforeseeable reason being unable to change their own name manually. Sufficient explanation has been provided.
All users, please see edit in first post:

NOTICE: This thread is now defunct. To change your username, go to User CP->Edit Email, Password & Username (you must re-enter your password to change your username). Members will be allowed to change their usernames once every 30 days. Once you change your username, the option will disappear until the 30 days is up.

See the above quote ^
Gosh darn it

I have waited 30 days like a good boy, but the option thingy is messed up for me.

so, I was wondering if I could go back to Darkstar

oh. how I have missed that name, its been a good while at that too
Apparently the option is no longer appearing for some members. Feel free to make future requests in this thread until the situation is rectified.

Request done.
This thread has been left open in the instance of users for some unforeseeable reason being unable to change their own name manually. Sufficient explanation has been provided.
Apparently the option is no longer appearing for some members. Feel free to make future requests in this thread until the situation is rectified.

Request done.

"Magneto" please, minus the quotation marks, obviously. I've checked the members list already and it's free as a bird.
It's only been 4 days since you've changed your name :P If you wait three more days then you should be able to.
Well it's been 30 days since my last (requested ¬_¬) name change, so can I have Debbie Harry please?