[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Awesome! :awesome:

Reason: I've been officially cheered up today, after my not so cheerful night last night. I had mentioned the reset button, and reset it did, it's a new day. :ryan:
Mood: Strange...

It's really hard to describe how I've felt for these past few weeks. I feel as if I've been asleep for a long time and woken up to find many things changed... But the weird thing is that nothing has changed and my sleeping habits aren't THAT messed up. I feel an urgent need to meditate, do yoga, excercise, eat healthier.. It's as if someone is nagging me to do these things but NO ONE is. There are so many meditation methods that I don't even know where to start. Yoga? Hell no. Just no. I'm making huge excercise plans for the summer holidays though. Since I live near the sea, I'll wake up around 10 a.m. each morning and go for a run along the beach. As for healthy eating, I want to be a vegetarian but I don't know what would be a good substitute for meat. NOT tofu. Yuck. Since I'm underage I'm gonna need miracle food :gonk:
I've taken a break from writing and computer... Yeah, I'm on it now, I know. The thing is, I had to research some info for my school and after finishing it, I ended up staying here for roughly three hours -__-

I bought a nice candle.
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Mood: LOTS better! So I'm doin' good now.

Reason: Well, my body aches are gone so that's good. Because I got a new keyboard and mouse I can finally finish writing my fanfic so that's great too.
The day is warm but not too warm. I'm still kinda drousy but not that much.

Yay for feeling kinda better!
Mood: glad, a bit meh at the same time

Was eating at my desk earlier and i spilled my juice, it almost got to my laptop. Luckily i moved it immediately and set it on the floor so it still works, otherwise i wouldn't be online now. Meh well i'l always somewhat meh all the time so nothing new there.
Okay and a bit sad

well atm i ish eating ice cream so im quite content :mokken:

today felt slow and i hate slow days. >_>

but keke and I were aguring earlier and it brought me down D:
Mood: sucky. Well The day at school kinda sucked. Well it was just ok. But the shit part was Uncharted 2 yesterday. I was playing like shit yesterday. Likee I would die more than kill. It was beggininh to get irratating. Also wanted to play with some FFF ers but it said they were playing single player. Stupid glitches :rage:
Mood - Amused.

College was great today. History teacher only made it for the last 20 minutes of the lesson, no Law. Wonderful.

Survivor is giving me lots of giggles. The username colours and daft usernames make me laugh everytime xD
Mood - :hmph:

Woke up grumpy this morning for no reason at all :rage:
Eating breakfast, maybe thatl cheer me up a bit. Food is happiness afterall.
Uhm no plans for today, just relaxin in the house as ive mostly done for the last week ¬_¬ MIght make a shop trip later for some irn bru and food :ryan:
Mood: :awesome:

So, I ended early today! Feels good to be able to finish and be home earlier than usual. Furthermore, I managed, though I wasn't exactly very willing, to go to my music school to practice my piano piece. Spent some time home afterwards using the computer. Pretty good.

It also helps to know that there are no homework due tomorrow, considering the fact that most of them are already done, and the remainder are all due next week. Well, that aside, I've managed to come across some lecture notes to what apparently seems like a lecture on psychology.

It's apparently on the topic of conformity, and I was researching that for a small presentation tomorrow.

Looks interesting, and enforces the belief that I'm definitely still interested in majoring in Psychology when I come to it. :D
Mood: Meh...

Reason: I woke up feeling awfully dizzy this morning. I didn't want to go to college, but I had to get my English presentation out of the way. So I had no choice but to go - and I managed to survive only one lesson before coming home ill with a slight fever. Good news - I'm feeling significantly better after a late morning-early afternoon nap, bad news is that I have a bit of work to catch up and one or two teachers may try and lynch me because I didn't tell them I wouldn't be turning up. Oh well - sickness is a bitch.
mood :lew:

Ive just had the most hilarious msn chat of my life :lew:
I dont think ive ever laughed so hard like this in years :lew:
Hahaha that aside im just eating food now :ryan:
Tonight is off to a good start :D
better =]

I feel hella lot better then last night. Things aren't exactly resolved but, it's chilled i guess.

Just took a shower so im more refreshed and I feel clean x]

I'm a bit bored, which is making me tired D:
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Mood: Awesome. I got my letter of grades. I did ok I guess for this semester. Still one last one to go and hopefully ill be ok :gasp: The awesome part is UNCHARTED 2. I played some co-op with Ariana and Suki and man that was epic loads of fun. We also played a good game with Ryan and others. 7 PEOPLE! but I got disconnected and the had to eat and then I showered :ness: I CANT WAIT TILL TOMMOROW. Its FRIDAY! which means More LONGER time ON UC2!!!!!!
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: It's been a long and eventful week, and now that it's Friday, I'm completely wiped. Lack of sleep across 5 days (and possibly last weekend as well) has me well behind on rest. I'll look forward to getting to bed tonight to sleep in tomorrow and be completely refreshed. :ryan:

The work day has been busy so far, as has been the case for the past few weeks now. I must say though, I'm really enjoying having a high workload. It makes me feel more important to the company, I won't get bored as frequently (yes, a person can get bored browsing the internet for 6 out of 9 hours in a day :mokken:) and it makes the day go by a LOT faster.
Mood: Fascinated

Reason: A couple of my friends went off this morning to try fencing before our lessons began at 11.30am. I tagged along too - I'm feeling a lot better and I felt that a bit of exercise will probably help my crappy immune system. I've never fenced before, I figured - why not? If I get injured somehow, I won't need to suffer an hour and a ten minutes of poem studies.

So there I was trying to learn the basics of fencing. Needless to say - I really suck at it. I can't even hold the damn blade right. Even though I'm not eager to have one of those sessions again - I'm still interested in the sport. Maybe not actually take part in it - I'd rather watch it.
Mood: Meh

Reason: I'm just not feeling myself tonight, I guess. I haven't had a particularly bad day - I'm somewhat put-out that my copy of NIER didn't arrive, though - but I've just been thinking about things and its put me in something of a melancholy mood. Just need to sleep it off, I suppose...
Mood: Angry

Reason: I just hate the hunters that go out and kill innocent animals just for fun. It's so disgusting...it really makes my skin crawl.

I just cannot grasp why ANYONE would willingly go out and hunt an animal just for fun. What kind of fun is it to kill something? That's insane!

So yea, I'm mad because that.