[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Hungthefuckover

Reason: 2 bottles of wine, several shots of sambuca and vodka jelly babies..... great night was had, though I think I was a tad loud ...:andry: the state of the house when we woke up this morning :rage: Im so glad that wasnt my house, it would still be a mess now. fuck that

Im detoxing now. Not touching another dro pof alcohol EVER again

Well, for about 3 weeks, then im getting wankered, has to be done :mokken:

But other than that, Im never drinking again
Mood: Refreshed

Reason: I was really tired last night. I slept for about....10 hours and woke up at about 11am this morning? Good grief, is that a new record for me or something? I don't think I've slept that much since I was a baby. xD

I had a little lie-in, got up, had a shower, got back to my revision work more refreshed than ever.

And tomorrow is when my first exam will be. Joy. I hope I remember to get up earlier and not sleep for about 10 hours again. :hmmm:
Mood: bah. I need to do my part so I dont fail my group tommorow for french. So Im gonna do it now. Its about Catholicism which is gonna be easy. I just have a short part though :awesome:
Mood: Nervous

Reason: My first exam is tomorrow, in something I have little to no confidence in...I have little to no confidence in everything though, if I'm honest about it. I've done all I can, but I don't think its been enough or is going to be enough...I hate hate HATE this tension. I doubt I'll sleep much tonight, eat much tomorrow morning, and when I finally sit down in it I'm either going to be relieved or feel even worse. Damnit. I want June 1st already...
Mood: Sleepy

It's starting to get more into Winter and the mornings are dark when we wake up at the same time as we did in Summer. =(

It feels like we should still be in bed when we're up in the cold getting ready.

Showers are really going to be horrible. I hate it when you get out and the cold air hits you. =(

Must leave for work in an hour. We should so be allowed to hibernate in Winter.

I finally beat Assassin's Creed 2 :awesome:

The ending totally confused me though :hmmm:

Today's actually been going by pretty fast tbh and I don't like it >.< I got work tomorrow and so don't want to gooo :gonk:

Can't wait for RDR :awesome: TUESDAY HERE I COME :D
Mood: Annoyed

...that doesn't need explaining.

Anywho, I just slept my whole Sunday away. Dx I figured I would take a small nap around 4 pm, maybe sleep until 4:45 or something. Nope, woke up and it's 7 pm.

Think I'll just relax for the rest of the day.
Mood - Sleepy but good.

I had like 3 hours of sleep, so I'm running on empty right now, and boy, do I feel it. I hate Mondays. However, I got up and ready fairly quickly this morning, which is odd for me, so far it's looking like it'll be a not-so-horrendous day :jess:
Mood: Fresh

Reason: Concked out around 5pm ish woke up at like 3am, stayed up for an hour then went back to bed. Think Im getting too old for this drinking lark. Gunna have a detox starting from today and I am not drinking this weekend! I cant drink next weekend by force, so im hoping for a good old clear out of the system.... lets see how well THIS goes

Anyway, off oot to buy detox food :mokken:
Mood: Good

Happy with myself for coming home and cleaning up the house.

I picked up a couple of laybys today too and also got some more parcels delivered from ebay. Yayness!

One day of the week down and four to go. Can't wait till the weekend. <3

Going out with Steve's family for dinner. <3
Mood: Happy

Reason: I've finally seen the light of a dark tunnel after such a long time and I'm ecstatic! The only downside is that I haven't prepared for a presentation for my lecture tonight. Looks like I'll have to muster up whatever I can do and that'll have to be that. Got lots to do beside that as well. It's like a whole new life has just opened up.
Not bad

Woke up feeling pretty good this morning. After spewing my guts up yesterday i was expecting to still be ill today but im feeling pretty good, still got a sore head but thats easily dealt with.
Think i might be heading out for a haircut later on...its needing done badly ._.
Asieds from that no plans for the day :hmmm:
Mood: ehhhh.

Cold, tired, and it's 6am. Too early to be awake, let alone showered and nearly ready to leave. -__- Have to run to the store before school or I would've gotten about an hour and a half more sleep. Faaaaaaaaaaaail. Haven't done my homework or anything of course, why would I manage to do something I'm supposed to? This is what weekends at my dad's do to me, I don't get anything done that I'm supposed to. :rage: Mondays are so fucking shit. :mokken:
Mondays are so fucking shit. :mokken:
I second that. :rage:




Same as always really. Couldn't sleep at all :gonk:

falling asleep, i dont even remember i guess halfway asleep/awake? idunno but, i'm so tired D=
I tried taking a sleeping pill but it didn't work =(

Hate Monday's with a burning passion. :rage:

when i get home from work, im sleeeeeeping.
Mood: bah. School like always but its ending in less than 10 days or so so no problem. I have my part done for my religion so today we should present with no problems :gasp: Cant wait for school to be done. And Im gonna play Some FF XIII when I get home.
Mood: Content

Reason: Exam went well this morning - the questions were exactly the same as the ones I'd been revising from for the last week. Right down to the last word. I managed to get the exam finished 45 minutes early as a result. Its given me a little confidence and hope that, if I revise as I have been for my other subjects, it will actually pay off. Its a nice feeling ♥
Mood: Alright (as per usual :hmmm:)

Reason: Well, I only have 1/2 of a day left at school - tomorrow, but we finish early. It'll be nice to have all of the time off but the end of school brings me closer to my exams, which I don't really want :hmmm:
I really need to get on with revision, though, I only have a week (well, more like 6 days) before my first exam and I've barely done any work.
Mood: Meh.....

Reason: This is why I hate having exams first thing on a Monday. I woke up having forgotten nearly everything I revised the night previously for my Critical Thinking exam. Still, it was alright I suppose. There was nothing really bad that had me stabbing the paper in frustration.

My next exam is on Thursday - also Critical Thinking (Module 2). Excellent. Can't wait. >.<

Hearing that I can't drop the damn subject at A2 really made my day as well.
I'm okay I guess.
But I'm in one of those moods where I ponder over thigns I will never have an answer to.
Ya know, why am I here?
Will the world miss me when I'm gone?
What is the point of it all.
mood :sick:

My stomachs in bits again just like yesterday =[
I feel sick as anything. Gladly ive got the doctor 2moro, its for another reason but im asking about this sickness even though its probadly just a bug ive caught from somewhere =[