[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood Relieved, and happy.

After a very long time of keeping it all inside, I finally came out to my family. It wasn't done in a direct way. I am not really the best when it comes to face-to-face interactions, especially if it's dealing with serious topics.

I was nervous when I did cause I did it via facebook. I admit, not the best way to do it, but it was the only way I could do it without having to fully deal with all the stress that I know I would get from my dad.

I got a huge support system that includes some fantastic friends, and my wonderful family. This all made me the happiest guy. What made it even better was my mom telling me this was the best gift I could get her on mothers day.

Yeah, so I kinda teared up today. xD
Mood: Content

I'm gonna start practicing driving again, i feel like i don't need much more until i get everything down. The only thing i haven't done is practice parallel parking, i can't imagine how difficult it'll be for me. I'm not too worried though, i'll do decent i think i usually do and so far things have been working out as far as getting out and getting a place of my own. I just hope that i'll get a job soon, i could really use the income and i could save up money quicker.
Mood: Mixed.

Pretty decent day ended up horribly. Not how I wanted to spend my day off at all. Really irked with a lot of things I should maybe just try and write off, rather than bottle up

Can't sleep, which is awesomely convenient seeing I have work today. It's raining, which usually helps, but it appears to be doing nada atm.

I'd like to book one vacation away from life for a while, please.
Mood: Tired

I'm just tired of everyone in my family bitching at me instead of helping me do what i need to get done and advance in life. I'm always there for them, i don't see why it's such an issue for them when i ask them to help me. I hardly ask as it is, yet they ask me to help them constantly. I'm trying my best to ignore it and just keep doing what i'm doing, thankfully music is helping me with this.
Tired: Well, last night I goofed and went to sleep early when I shouldn't have. Now I have to stay awake 24 hours to make sure I sleep at 8am (which is normal for me) and wake up at 3-5pm. Though, it was worth it as I got drunk and played Minecraft for a while. It's just... too bad I don't remember half of what happened in Minecraft. I have no idea what I said as I was playing it. Hopefully, someone can fill in the blanks whenever I talk to them again. :gonk:
Mood: Ecstatic.
Reason: Getting my wonderful grade for Psychology this morning sealed my deal. A B+ is a wonderful grade to stare at below an A in English. Now I just have to pass Mathematics classes and slowly gain back that admirable work ethic I had in high school.
Mood: Irritated

My phone went and overheated last night and possibly fried it's charger port. Doesn't charge and it died last night so I have to send it in. Not sure what they're gonna do but I know they're gonna wipe it :sad3:
Mood: On Edge.

Super frustrated a lot lately. Gotta go in and talk to my floor manager tomorrow about my contract, and for some reason I have a bad feeling. It's just great that all the money stuff adds up to that while I'm on a either full contract or no extension/jobless kinda deal here. I really hope tomorrow runs smoothly. Everyone's saying I'm worrying too much, seeing I'm a good working, but I can't help but think I'm expensive for them, and it's really bothering me as to what they're gonna do. It's tomorrow, my appointment, so I guess that means less days to worry, but I guess I rather not know. =/ And if I have to know I just hope... It's not bad news for me.

So, I'm just feeling like a pile of a huge anxiety mess. Not liking it one bit, I guess it's where my edgy temper is coming from this week, and people just aren't helping. You rant about it, and they tell you 'it'll be fiiiiiiiine'. Yeah, okay, whatever.

Man... I'm so tired of bad news.

Just gonna make some vegetable soup, and dog pile on it while watching Bones. ♥ Hopefully that'll get my mind off it, though probably not.
Mood: a bit annoyed

Lately when it comes to meeting new people they talk to me for a bit and they just stop for whatever reason.Doesn't happen with all of them just some, I'll never understand it to be honest. It'd be nice if it stopped happening but when have things ever worked out for me? I mean sometimes they do but in most cases they don't, i just seem to have shit luck i guess. Other than that i'm still looking forward to this weekend, i might possibly see a movie. I don't know which one yet though, seeing as how the day to go isn't entirely set in stone.
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just meditating on how the fuck game difficulty went from mentally stimulating to a mind-numbing test of endurance. puts me in a bad mood when you look at how far games have come and know how good they should be.
Mood: Apprehensive

Reason: Exam tomorrow. No laptop. Don't feel like playing any games. Doing anything is a nightmare, so I'm just wasting my time away watching this episode download, thinking about nothing in particular. I don't think I've ever wanted a week to bo by both slowly and quickly before. Someone, knife me before I go insane.
Mood: Awake and pretty damn good

It's my last day off before I have to go back to work. Fridays are terrible for me, but I'm just going to have to plow through it. Thankfully, I only work four days and work tends to not be so bad once you're finally there. But for today, all I'm really going to do is write a bit, play some video games, and relax. I'll probably even pull an all nigher so I can make sure I sleep at my usual time and wake up at my usual time. I may also get drunk again. We'll see. :grin:
Mood: Pretty Good
Reason: Well, for the first time in a good few weeks I didn't wake up feeling pretty crap and sad. I feel like the old me is coming back a little; though I probably shouldn't jinx it. :/
My parents are taking my sister and I out to a pub for a nice big lunch in a hour or two; so that'll be pretty good. Food is pretty much the way to my heart anyway. xD
Mood: Not great.

Reason: I have had a really weird week with complex, confusing emotions. :sad3: Today just about topped it off. :sad3:

I'm trying to find a way to cheer myself up, but it's not easy this time. :( The friends who could help aren't around either. >_< My best friend is in Germany (she's moved there) and the friend I was supposed to be seeing today cancelled because she discovered this morning that she was double booked. :sad3: People need diaries...

I am not used to feeling like such an idiot. :lew: This mess is my fault. >_< Though I suppose the worst part is uncertainty - and it's quite possible this 'mess' will lead to something even more positive than what I had before. Either way, once my questions have been answered, I'll find a way to move forwards. I hate waiting. -_-

Fun times! :lew:
Mood: Divided

I have some things on my mind & my attention is divided across a number of different things. I have some issues to resolve and from experience I've come to realize when I feel occupied I tend to unintentionally make people feel like I'm ignoring them or not taking them seriously as on some level they notice I'm not giving them my full attention. It tends to add to my troubles as people mistakenly get the impression I don't value them.

Its like a myopia x tunnel vision "reading email and multi-tasking can lower your IQ more than smoking marijuana" effect & probably something most manly men wouldn't even notice as they're too busy grunting and cultivating manly face stubble whilst procreating with well endowed members of the 'gentler' sex. ;))

For whatever reason, I have to be the oddball who thinks about and tries to question everything. :LJ:
Mood: Can't complain


I wouldn't say I am pissed cause I'm not. I am in a decent place mentally-speaking. My thoughts are fixated on just trying to get my life going in a successful way. The incident a few weeks ago was the start of it. Coming out was the first of many things I need to get off my chest. I know it won't be easy, but with my family and friends behind me, I know I will be able to do it. ^^
Mood: Little bit sad
Reason: Sick of my family and their drama, and missing my boyfriend a fair bit. It really isn't long until he's around for a bit, but it feels like ages. :( I'd love a cuddle right now, to be honest...
Next weekend really needs to hurry the eff up. :/
I am utterly fantastic! :yay:

Everything I was worrying about worked out in the end! ^_^ To cut a long story short, my boyfriend Chris and I are back together after a month and a half and I really couldn't be happier. The time apart has offered me a new sense of perspective; I feel more confident about expressing myself (I have never been good at telling others how I feel! :lew:). We are both on the same page in regards to sharing new experiences, which is something I love to do. More importantly, I feel like just being with him, by his side, is enough. Looking back, I took him for granted at times :sad3: I will not be doing that again! ...Ahhh. I'm so content. ^_^

I passed my senior project :gasp::gasp: I've been worrying about it for a while and thanks to the school catching on fire, one of the requirements I couldn't get done was nixed so I could finish up my classes and the final paper for it with no problems. Today was my last day of school, aside from tomorrow in the afternoon for the senior farewell and graduation next Friday. I'm excited :grin: