[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: WHAT

Last night I was in my bed reading my Harry Potter book. So innocent. As I turned to the next page WHAT do you expect to be there? Have you guessed? If you guess a baby centipede, you are correct.

I was screaming and then took my bookmark and smashed it on the book to kill it. And there is a mark :rage: Poor Dumbledore has centipede blood on him :(

Mood: Disappointed. Lonely. Wanting more from someone who will never want to be in a relationship so I'm basically wasting my time. Which I've been doing for two years now.

I want to meet someone else. So I'm also depressed.
I'm in a decent mood.

I've been very productive today, at least within the house. I'm kind of agoraphobic lately though so I can't get things done outside the house, which I really need to do. ;n;
Mood: Pissed

It's so hot in Southern-Cali. I feel like I am about to go insane, getting fatter too because exercise is just horrific under these conditions.

How do people stands weather like this?
Mood: Disappointed. Lonely. Wanting more from someone who will never want to be in a relationship so I'm basically wasting my time. Which I've been doing for two years now.

I want to meet someone else. So I'm also depressed.

I hear you. Been through that.

In the end I figured that I would meet someone else, I did and got my heart broken :cry:

Then I figured that being alone wasn't so bad (alone as in sentimental relationships), and I pursued other goals.

It is a biological impulse to want to be with someone, to love and feel loved, entirely normal and healthy.

Don't let depression get to you, whether you find someone now or later, you will end up realizing that life has so much more beauty and mystery to worry about things that are not of utmost importance.
Mood: Calm

Reason: Nothing is bugging me yet. Happy about that, except the day has barely started so I know something will. Whether its school work or just people being annoying. We will see when the day moves on. :D
I'm feeling/doing pretty great.

I've been hanging with my boyfriend for the past few months and we have had a blast together.
But I am also a little sad that he is going to be going back to Iowa for school on Sunday. :sad3: I won't get to see him a whole lot then.
Mood: Exhausted
Reason: Done a LOT of rushing around today, and I didn't get much sleep last night. I regret not going to bed earlier. Just, blah. Bed seems tempting, but right now I have a lot to do, still. :/
Mood: Very happy and content! ^_^

Chris and I had a fantastic day yesterday! :grin: Cuddling in the morning, modelling dragons together using coloured modelling clay, followed by a trip to town! We were going to ride the balloon, but sadly it was closed due to high winds. We had a lovely meal in a local seafood restaurant. I had salmon fillet with curried puy lentils and cauliflower and a tomato and onion salsa! Chris had a sweetcorn and goat's cheese risotto with some basil oil. We then shared an apple and summer berry cruuuumble with local vanilla ice cream!! :yay: The crumble was absolutely gorgeous! Large apple chunks with loads of berries! I caught some blueberries in there, and quite possibly some cranberries. Blackberries too no doubt!

Afterwards, we went to a pub quiz with a few of his friends. I think we came last... but it was just good fun. :)
Mood: Pretty good

I'm on holidays and I got up bright and early this morning to have some guy install a new toilet for us.

I intend to do a lot of cleaning and packing today. I haven't cleaned hardly anything since being on holidays.

I had my birthday and brothers wedding on the weekend which was awesome. We got to go up to Caloundra for the big day and it was so nice and sunny.

Now we're back home and we have to start packing to move back into my parents house for the next year or so.

We really need to start saving money to pay off our car loans and start saving for our wedding and house deposit. >.<
Mood: Really tired and down

Reason: Think I have a cold coming on...I guess the fact that it's late has something to do with me being tired too :p
Mood: Pretty queasy, but then I always get that way when I'm excited. (you just joined a forum, hello?) or could it be... the orange juice? :P
Mood: Happy

I don't usually come in here to express happiness haha usually it's to have a whinge and a moan but today I feel really good :griin: Everything just seems great. I have plans for the future now that I'm really looking forward to, I know what i want to do with my life and I like having that direction.
Work still has me down, but it gets everyone down, not just me, and now that I know what I want to do with myself I can focus on saving money to do it and know that in just over a year I'll be able to quit this crappy place and move onto something else :D

I've an amazing guy in my life who I adore and had the best holiday with, and the weather is improving a lot because summer is coming along and am seeing my mates today for lunch!

I dunno :hmmm: I just feel really positive :D
Mood: Hyper/Bored
Reason: Excited about staying at my boyfriends place this weekend, that and I just drank a lot of an energy drink :/ As for the bored part... there is absolutely nothing to do right now. I've done everything I need to today... Might make a wish list or something, hmm. ^_^
Relieved! My Uni didn't have the English preliminary task online, so I had focussed on every other task possible. I gave them a call yesterday and today, asking them to post it online. They have done and the task is the same as one in the general letter. :lew: I just hope it's the right task. ;)
Mood: Angry :rage: and Sick :(

It seems I am always sick on days that I have stuff. :mokken: I started feeling really sick yesterday at school, but I still managed to go to tennis practice yesterday. Everybody there was moaning and complaining about how hottttt it was :gonk: In my head I was saying BOOHOO AT LEAST YOU AREN'T SO SICK YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE GONNA FAINT FROM THE SOUND OF THE TENNIS BALL HITTING THE RACKET BECAUSE FOR SOME REASON EVERY SOUND IS AMPLIFIED AND OH MY GOSH WHY IS THERE A HAMMER INSIDE MY HEAD?

So I stayed home this morning because it got worse and I have a fever, sore throat, and there is a hammer in my head. And TODAY of all days is the huge tennis match between us and our rival, and a bunch of school friends were gonna go see us, and the actual match score is being bet on! I had been looking forward to this for so long. But no, I must be home and veg with my empty home that contains NO ICE CREAM :jimberry:

It's a sad day :sad3:
Mood: A bit down

Feeling really stressed about the job issue, specially since I just found out it's going to stop on November, that means literally only one more full month payment, which freaks me the fuck out. I'm really not enjoying the no work experience. I thought it'd be nice to have a break from my work, but I just never expected it to be this hard even if you're actively searching... =/ Blegh, just wanna get my mind off it now, thankfully we're gonna check some things out as far as my mom's pay goes monday, and HOPEFULLY it will not all be bad news. -.- Sick and tired of it.

On the good side, mom told me to pre-order Borderlands 2 to cheer me up. :lew: So that has been done. Woot.
Mood: Anxious

Heard the stomach virus is going around in my school. I do NOT want to catch that crap. I can't afford it. Plus school work is already piling up. My nerves are just bad right now :/

But also.....

Mood: Happy

Cause I'm home for the weekend :) And I get to see my cats, and family. lol.
Mood: I'm tentatively optimistic. I don't know why, I spent half the morning in panic mode. Regardless, I feel a good change is coming. Maybe its the sweet music? (Guitar Hero being played in background)