[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Fine

Reason: Back at my flat now, loving the peace and quiet. There's not a whole to do at the moment because one of my flatmates has gone out and the other is asleep in her room. Been on the PS3 and having quite a bit of fun. So need to get on with playing Enchanted Arms, I can only play Tekken for a certain amount of time before I get bored.
Bored :mokken:

This is what happens when you have exams four days from now. EVERYTHING is on hault and you're left with no choice but to hardcore revise for days on end. It's boring the living the shit out of me but I suppose revision is needed >.>
Mood: A little annoyed.

Work took forever. I didn't sleep all too great, so I'm rather tired at 10.30PM, which is rather sad. -_-

Managers at work are completely ridiculous, as the people working there. It's just... >.>

Off tomorrow. Huzzah. >.>
Mood: Nervous

I have a whole week of tests this week. Regents they are called. The determine a pass and a fail for my classes and even though I know I will pass, I am scared that some shitty thing may make me fall asleep and fail :sad3:

Im sick of people overexagerating things, sometimes they take for granted what they have not even taking into consideration what things are like for other people. Theyl ask how everything is but its shorttalk really, theyre not interested which is obvious to see. Even worse are the people who drop hints when theyre wanting you to do something or if theyre trying to say they dont like you. Its just better to be straight up. If im doing something wrong just tell me ''lewis quit fucking about' dont be subtle and drop hints, its annoying.
Life and things in general can be shit but theyre not great for everyone else x_x
Mood: Good

Woke up at a decent hour considering I went to bed at 4am.

Still feel a bit tired though.

Eating some yummy coco pops right now and I'm thinking of heading back into my room and sitting in the air con.

If only I had a laptop so I could take the internet with me. :gonk:
Mood: Annoyed


Some jerky old guy is being a jerk to some people because he thinks he is right. I wish everyone would stop being mean to others, especially for a silly couple fight :(

Cure: Writing in my novel. :)
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: Trying to catch up with homework. School started last week and it took exactly a week to get added to Spanish, so I'm a little behind on things. Spanish book cost $170 in total, which is ridiculous especially since that's more than my tuition. Actually the book was only $100 but the instructor wants us to get an online code, which costs $70. And for what? So we can do stupid activities online. I'm really pissed off about that...

General Psychology online is kinda fun, although I'm peeved that no one would reply to my threads since my posts are longer than everyone else, but they reply to the short ones. -_- Lazy students. I'm making damn sure I get an A for this class and Spanish...especially Spanish. Adios mis amigos.
I'm really awake for some odd reason. :wacky: I'm listening to really loud music and idunno it gets me pumped XD. Music is something I love =) I haven't got much sleep but I feel like WIDE awake it's weird xD.
Work was totally depressingly slow and I was bored all damn day. Hopefully it won't be as bad tomorrow.
mood: Starving :rage:

Reason: Fucking diet :mokken: This is what i get for eating liek a pig over Crimbo. Lesson learnt :mokken: I can't even get the button on my BAGGY jeans to fasten, I tried them on this morning and was like :rage:

I really ought to do summat productive today, there's dust balls that are gunna start their own civillization soon if I don't sort them out, I just can't be arrrrrrrrrrsed
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Done everything I've needed to do this morning. I've had a shower, got ready, had breakfast and now I'm waiting for my dad to come meet me up here like we do every Tuesday. Got a bank appointment at half 1, so I really hope he comes soon because it's past 12 already.
Mood: Good

Had a pretty relaxing day. Steve and I pretty much slept the day away in our room with the air con on. XD

Then I would wake up every now and then and read some more Twilight and then fall back to sleep again. >.<

We went to my parents tonight to take back a few things we borrowed to help us tidy up for the inspection and then we went to hire out some DVD's.

I got 'UP'. Can't wait to watch it tonight. Apparently it's really good.
Mood: OK...ish.

Reason: I can't be bothered to worry about anything right now - although I have plenty to worry about. I'm reasonably confident I'll do passably well in my exam tomorrow, and I should be able to get my coursework done within a week...even though its group coursework and I shouldn't be doing it by myself. But since I am the only one who appears to give a damn, there we are.
Currently debating whether I should buy Mass Effect 2 or not...the prices are putting me off, but playing I'm playing the original again right now (with a Jean Luc Picard look-alike~<3) and I'm in that sort of mood. XD
Mood: Bored

My boyfriend is at work so I'm at home, and my parents are away somewhere so I have no-one to talk to :( and there is nothing to do really either.
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: I'm back home earlier than I expected and got everything sorted out at the bank. There was a really nice woman, who ran me through everything at my own pace. And now I've got the rest of the day to do whatever I want, so that makes me very cheerful indeed.
Mood : Blerh.

I've felt sorta shitty all day. I've had a real laugh with Natalie, Jake and Heather though, those three people have made my day wonderful. I've just felt all ill. Sucks too, since I have an exam on Thursday D=
Mood: Good

Just finished my 'Fundamental Engineering Mechanics' exam. Half said it was hard but I found it quite good. If a few people found it hard then that can only be a good thing if I was comfortable with the questions. Time will tell.

My lecturer is such an idiot though. He loves the Dynamic book that we use and he actually used a question from the book in this exam. :ffs: He did it in last year's past papers that he gave us to revise as well. :ffs:
I'm not complaining. :monster:

I did nothing at work today. I built a few few things but if i added up the time it took me to do them all, well, i couldve done it all in an hour. The day totally dragged due to me being a lazy bastard i was looking at the clock every 5 minutes wishing it was 4.15.
Its weird how the days where i do nothing tire me out more than when i work my ass off, some odd logic there.
Its only wednesday tommorrow aswell -.- roll on friday. Im gunna book a few days off in a few weeks, a long weekend sounds fucking awesome tbh. I think the plan is now to sit and realax, maybe play the ps3 and hover the forums while warm and comfy :ryan:
Mood: Pleased

Reason: That's another Tuesday over. I hate Tuesdays in college because of the longer Critical Thinking class on, which bores me to death. My news reel team don't meet up with me until two weeks later, and I'm rather looking forward to it and seeing what new projects we are going to do this term. Until then, I have only two lessons tomorrow and most of the day off. I can't be bothered driving with all the traffic in these last few days. I'll probably jump on a bus.
Mood: (Earlier: Impressed) Now: Bored

Earlier, I was watching this show on television called 'Who's Line Was That Anyway?'.

I have to say that show has impressed me greatly. Are those people on the show for real? They were literally asked to come up with acts to fit a specified scenario on the spot! One of them even had to come up with an original song to sing... And hey, he really can sing, I admit.

Though, that was a few hours ago. I still am impressed by their quick mind. If I had a mind like that, goodness knows what I can do with my grades and my life.

Meanwhile, right now, I'm just unable to sleep, which is why I'm currently online. It is somewhat boring, but that's about the only thing I can do.