[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Mellow.

It wasn't the best of days, but I just had one of those states of mind, where I just let it go, turned on some music, closed my door, and just drowned myself in playstation games, writing, and music.

It's my day off, but I wish it had been a bit better to be honest. Oh well...

Shouldn't let it bother me... Just gonna go cook some food later on. Dinner late tonight seeing it's already passed 9Pm. I just couldn't be fucked to do it earlier.
Mood: Annoyed and yet relaxed

Reason: I'm annoyed with my Spanish intructor. He gave me back my Spanish homework and it read "No Credit" on top. Apparently I didn't conjugate some of my verbs properly. What an...arghs. He could have at least gave me partial credit - it's not like I totally ignored my homework. I did most of it right. Jeez. He grades so harshly.

But my day got better. Tim and I stopped by at McDonalds (no that's not what made me happy) to grab a frappe mocha, iced coffee, and chicken nuggets. Then we went to the park nearby, sat on the bleachers, and had our little snack or what have you. It was a great day outside, not too cold or too hot, just perfect. We talked about Final Fantasy XIII, tax credits, school, people at Wal-Mart, Ariana & Kaylee, Chuck Norris, and how much we love each other. It really was a good day, and here's me hoping the rest of the day will go smoothly.
Not bad

Been a fine relaxing day. One of many this week. Not really much to say other that everything has been pretty good. PLayed some ps3 although ive got bored of that now so i think il just spend whats left of the night listening to music and doddling about on the laptop. =]
Mood: Pretty good

My day went okay seeing as it started off a bit rushed. I'm meant to start work at 8am every day and today I woke up at 8:50. =/ I rushed out the door and managed to get to work by 9:15 and I don't think anyone noticed. >.<

Oh well, it's been a rough week for me. I haven't had a good nights sleep since last Thursday night. I must of just been in a really deep sleep last night and my body clock didn't even wake me. =/

Anyway, had a good day even though I finished at 6:30. We're off to finally get a PS3 tomorrow! I'm sooo freakin' excited! It'll be the best weekend. I'm just going to sit on my butt in my comfy lounge and play FFXIII all weekend, seeing as I won't have any money to do anything else after I buy the PS3. XD

Off to have a night out with the boys now! Think I'm going to be the only girl there. =0
No real complaints about anything. Been quite happy with myself these past few days but that's wearing off I think. I'll maybe get a few laughs this weekend and make myself a cheery Jim. Other than that I'm a bit knackered. Such is life.
Mood : Nervous and Bored :D

Nervous - I don't know what will be the reaction of my friends if I will apologize to them. Geeezz. Also, I'm also nervous for the final exams next week. I could'nt handle the pressure (just kidding). I don't know what will be my grade. I'm too NERVOUS!!!

Bored - Playing Ninja Saga.
Mood: DAndy :D
Reason: I slept pretty good last night cinsidering I went to bed late :hmmm: I just want to get through the day and then go places with keke :)
I'm also anxious cause I still havent gotten XIII :vikki:
Mood: Tired and Cold

Just got back from a mates house after a few drinks and I'm freezing. Feels like Winter already. =(

Was so nice to get in the car and put the heater on. Would have stayed at my mates longer if it wasn't for the weather.

It is 1:30am though, so I really should get some sleep.
Mood: Creative

Reason: Well I'm at work and don't have enough to do in my queue, so I'm sound splicing and remixing songs. With rap and rock.. I'll see if I can get a mp3 posted.. you might like it. It's just one of the many jacks of the trade.
Mood: :great

Reason: Clares on her way with wine, I have chicken and mushrooms in garlic butter sauce and meditteranean veg to make us for tea, FFXIII is ace, 1 week and 6 days til I get to see Dave again. Life is gid. Seeing the Mother tomorrow aswel for takeaway and loads of chocolate. Life is goooooood
Mood: Amused

Reason: Today was just a day of laughs for me. A little acting session in my English class went a little wrong ( several of us fell off the table on top of one another) - and the teacher was making a right spectacle of herself by pretending to conduct a Mozart opera and then going absolutely wild. I was then watching a politics-themed comedy (I know - they exist!) that was surprisingly the highlight of the day especially because of all the over-exaggerated swearing.
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: Have been all day, really, I guess. Plus I'm watching Eurovision: Your Country Needs You and Eurovision's competitive as well as fun. I'm still somewhat inspired. I really want to get this fanfic up for tonight. Been planning it for ages, so I can't wait to present it to everyone!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Its been a very long day...Friday always is. My first afternoon lecture was cancelled, because the lecturer's wife went into labour. I decided to stay for the second one, since I've been to hardly anything this week due to FFXIII...it finished early, and I didn't get home until almost 2 hours later. A fatality on one line, at the stop next to mine, and a power failure on the other one. Every train came to a halt. I ended up getting a taxi out of the city, which cost me quite a bit...thankfully, not as much as it would have, since I got a lift for the second half of the journey.
Looking forward to a relaxing weekend, consisting of an Arceus event at GAME, Dragon Age: Origins, Final Fantasy XIII and general lazing about.
Mood: Meh.
Reason: Im just fed up again. I was crying last night cause I was so damn lonely and every fucker I know is in a relationship. Just sick to death of being single. 7 months is a long bloody time.
Mood: Sick

Reason: Because I went and saw Alice in Wonderland. There happened to have been a sick guy behind me and he was coughing the whole time. I tried breathing through my shirt but, I suppose that didn't work. And I've been sick since the 5th.
Tired (too much FF)
Frustrated (too tired to pay attention, and thus beat a boss).
Angry (Had the ending of XIII spoiled for me)
Sad (no particular reason)
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's been a long day. I half passed out on the bed before and then woke up to see it was like five minutes later or something like that? Methinks it's bed time, anyway. Will have to give my mum her flowers early for Mother's Day since I'm at my dad's this weekend and all the flowers where I'm getting from will be gone on Sunday, no doubt about it in my mind.
Mood: tired :gonk:
I mean, today was fun an all but, my feet hurt! Keke and I went and saw her bro play a baseball game which was fun to watch since I love baseball.
My feet hurt 'cause I was like standing all day :mokken:
Fun day actually but, i'm tireddd.
Gunna go soon ta sleep.
Also checked my email and my copy of XIII should be here soon! It's in Kentucky? :hmmm:
I hate things being shipped though -__-