[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Irked

Reason: I really don't want to revise today...I'd rather spend the day playing NIER, to be honest. But I know if I do that, I'll feel like absolute crap at the end of the day due to stress of not doing anything, so I've been forcing myself to continue with my "hour-on, half-hour-off" plan...done two hours thus far. I'll do a couple more before I give into temptation and spend the rest of the day doing nothing.
Mood: Alright.

I love the PS3. xD Was to lazy to get up, and seeing Jeff was on, we can just call from the voice chat on there, instead of getting on the computer. xD! Wooo for lazyness.

I just went and got some fries and a cup of coleslaw at KFC. :ryan: Was hungry, no chicken though, I ate that enough - like, more than enough this week.

I'm considering going outside again, and buying my mom FF13 for mother's day that's coming up this sunday. That means she'll steal my PS3 though... xD I'm not really sure what other to buy her if not that. :hmmm: Maybe I should wobble around the shopping street and see if I can find something. :hmmm:
Mood: Feeling much better. I finally finished that Long ass assignment and it was the final one of the year so im happy! Now I have a good day at school and it shall be short! Tommorow I have off and I can game the whole day :awesome: I just feel better when im in a good mood xD
Just fine

Actually got a decent amount of sleep. Rocky was hogging the bed though >.> Actualy fell asleep earlier then usual aand I have no clue why but I feel better now that i'm a bit more rested.

Going to go to work in a bit :monster:
Mood: Ok

Reason: I feel better than I did yesterday, but I was up really late last night and I have an exam tomorrow, but I'm so, so tired... :hmmm:
Early night for me, maybe.
Mood: Good

Just... good. \o/

I was hoping the week would go by a little bit faster, but at least we're at Thursday. One more day until a short break.

I went to bed extremely early last night, and still woke up late. :hmmm: Probably ought to try something else. At least I'm feeling awake.

Got to go out yesterday, that was excellent. Bought a lot of things that I was procrastinating on getting.
Mood: Relaxed and relieved.

Reason: Got my last bit of coursework officially handed in today. I could have done a lot better on it but I did it, at last! So now I can concentrate on revising, which doesn't seem so daunting anymore with all my coursework out the way. I plan on balancing it with gaming, since I'm really getting into FFIV, FFVI and FFXIII. So, let's just say this exam period will be a pleasant one!
Mood: Okay

Reason: I'm a little annoyed that I'm made to go to an early lesson tomorrow. I usually spend Friday mornings having a little lie-in before my lesson begins at 11:30am. I guess it's no big issue - it's not like a lot is asked from me I suppose. xD

Right now I'm just relaxing - or trying to - my network router has decided to become a little weird today and it's giving me a few disconnection problems. It's fine now fortunately.
Mood: Awake

Wide awake at the moment! I'm really not sure what to do with myself to be honest. I might go with my mom to the bank, and accompany my sister with shopping, but I just went yesterday so I'm pretty much broke. |D

Not looking forward to getting up earlier than usual tomorrow though, so I'll have to make sure I get a good night's sleep tonight.
Mood: :awesome: Im just on my bed about to play some Reach and browse the forums like always. I have tommorow off <3 which is just perfect! School was good today. So now im just gonna relax :awesome:
Mood: Good good

Reason: I had an interesting day at work today. I got randomly blindsided with an assignment that I had to do off-site. I always enjoy random diversions in the work day. :ryan: I did accidentally forget to do something with that job though, so that sucked. :( But it shouldn't be a big deal. I also like it that my bosses are laying more work on me. It makes me feel like a bigger part of the team, when I've felt like I was insignificant at times. Gotta love job security! :awesome:

Just relaxing at home now. A nice easy night. Played some guitar for a little while, now I'll play a game for a little while and maybe I'll get to bed at a reasonable hour. :ryan:
Mood: Happy

Just got home from work early and felt great because its the weekend and I can sit on mt fat-ass and relax over the weekend and play some games and watch dvd's, Its mothers dy this Sunday so Im really looking forward to that.........uhg time with the family.
Ive been up since 5 and now i cant go to sleep. Note to self :coffee is NOT good two hours before bedtime. played FFXII for a few hours but that didnt do the trick. Can someone come over and knock me out please?
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Mood: Generally content

Reason: I've had an OK-ish day...got my coursework handed in, and I'm glad to see the back of it. That unit has been an absolute HELL. So long as my mark is above 40%, I don't care what I get.

I'm also feeling better in general about my exams, as well...revision lectures and seeing people does that to me. It feels good to talk about it...it lets me know I'm not the only one absolutely clueless/terrified about things. Misery loves company, and whatnot.

Also managed to pick up a few bargains in town...GAME and Gamestation are still having clearance sales. Arrrgh. I could have spent about four times what I actually spent...

The only downside is I skipped lunch, so I'm near death from lack of food. Dinner isn't for another hour; if I have something now I'll spoil my appetite, so I have to wait...arrgh...
Mood: Pleased

Reason: I had a one-to-one extra lesson this morning in preparation for my English exam that is coming in a few weeks. It was really useful because I actually got something done and it has entrenched in my head a lot of useful points. I'm starting to feel that the exam may not turn out to be so hard after all.

As expected, everyone is talking about the election at college. It's like a once-in-five-years chance of this happening - normally people don't pay any attention to politics. xD Thanks to the election, my politics lesson was actually enjoyable today. xDD
Mood: Good

Reason: Had a test today, and it went pretty well. I'm tired right now but it's Friday so I have a lovely chance to catch up with my sleep :ryan:
Mood: Worried and pissed and sad

Reason: because my father is slowly killing him self because of his diabetes. He does not care what others say about it he just brushes it away like it can never happen to him. Which also pisses me off sooo much i actually cry about it. :(
Mood: Outraged and whatnot

It's more for personal reasons but I'll say it anyway just to get it off my chest...
Okay, did I tell you my Mom has been divorced since forever? Well now you know. I haven't had problems with her boyfriends but there's this one particular guy she met BECAUSE OF ME. There are soooooooo many things wrong with this guy. Most vital is his short-temper, mental and physical abuse (although it's very rare). She's known him for five years. There's been a lot of history. He's called her all the names under the sun, beat her several times and she's STILL with him. She keeps denying that she likes him but I wasn't born yesterday and, sometimes, I wish I was. We used to live together but after one incident we moved out. He still comes regulary and it drives me nuts. I don't talk to him after he hit her in Christmas Eve. I lock myself in my room everytime he comes over. He hasn't seen my face in five months exactly. I don't even go to the bathroom when he's around. I just can't stand seeing his ugly muzzle...
I told my Mom not to let him in today or at least not let him sleep-over because I'll want to take a long bath in the morning, and I can't while he's around. We're also planning to go to Dun Laoghre shopping centre so that I could buy myself some headphones. BUT NOOOOOOOOO. :rage: