[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Meh

I dunno. I have a headache, and I'm hungry. There's nothing to eat, 'cause there was no grocery shopping done, and seeing it's too late to go to the store now, I gotta wait about 4 hours for them to open up. Normally I'd sleep until I could, but my head is killing me, and I'm nowhere near feeling tired.

Was a weird day today. :hmmm:

I feel a bit better than I have lately though, so that's good.

I can't wait for Red Dead Redemption, I'm just dreading now. =/ I just want it already, kinda tired of waiting after so long. -.-

On RDR, everytime I try playing online it makes me leave :rage: I was doing a quick match kicking some guys ass and BAM! "ALERT you have been kicked due to the connection..." blah blah blah. I hate my damn connection I get shit connection D=

... wanted to play too :sad3:
Mood: urgh.

Fell asleep nearly RIGHT after getting home, I swear I set down my purse, grabbed a book to read, laid down, and fell asleep 'til 8pm or so. -__- Got home at nearly 4, so I slept at least 4 hours... urgh. That's like a full night's worth of sleep sometimes. :rage:

Gonna go turn on FFX now 'til I'm tired enough to sleep. :hmph: *grabs coffee*
Mood: Stressed

Reason: There is exactly one week until my tax exam, and I've got to practically re-learn two semester's worth of work between now and then. Its frightening how little I can actually remember of this subject. There is a lot of content, and a lot of rules...two sets for a lot of things. I am absolutely screwed. I could not be more screwed. Failure is not only imminent, its punching me in the face.

...I've also got another exam before tax on Tuesday, which I also need to revise for - although most of that I can still remember, I just need to practice bits and pieces and confirm I can still do it. There is also another one I should start revising for this week somewhen.

2 are down, but the worst 2 are yet to come, and hell knows what the final one is going to be like. I HATE exam season. I'm reminded of why I get such a long holiday after the things are over - its so I can slowly gather my composure in anticipation for it to be broken again the next time exam season comes around. FFS.

...on a minor note...Disgaea 2 for PSP is £12.98 on Amazon...must...resist...urge...to...purchase...have...too...many...games...to...play...already...
Mood: So-so.
Reason: Going to my mates later to play Alan Wake for couple hours. Then chill at home. 4 days off woot!!!!!
Mood: Just Meh.

Reason: I have been awake since 4am due to me going to sleep at I think 11pm? That's around 5 hours of sleep and even thou that is the amount I like I wish I went to bed at 2am and slept yoo 8am or something.

Also have to call the department store and ask about my application for the second time since last week they told me to call this week around thursday so I am calling them in about half an hour.

Oddly enough I'm in sort of a bad mood and not even my FFX NSG run or my music can cher me up so I just wonder why I'm in such a mood. Maybe it is becouse of the odd sleep and the gut feeling that I'm getting a rejection from the job.

Or maybe the fact that I might get the job actually scares me more than not getting it.
Mood: Not great

Reason: I just sat through a lecture for half an hour from my parents about how I have to study and apparently I go on the computer way too much.
I'm sorry, but I studied for 4 hours yesterday, same topic, and my god it was boring. Surely my free time should be mine to do whatever I want? Apparently not.
Also, I woke up with a headache today and I have to go do some more work in half an hour.
Mood: Edgy

Reason: I'm bored and I'm tired but I don't want to lay down because my room is freakishly hot. I could always lay down in the living room with the window unit :hmmm: .
Mood: Good

Reason: Aside from the financial meltdown I almost had yesterday, all is good, there's only me dim enough to accidentally buy a fuckign washing machine (thank you bank of mum, thankyouthankyouthankyouuuuu) Got a job interview tomorrow and am spending the night at the motherships, who is then handingover 100 quid toward that bloody washing machine
Had a really productive day in IT, Presentation is a peice of piss, after excel though...ugh I hated that, Im already ready for the exam, which Im doing next week, just before half term as well, so when I go back I have one module left to do then Ive passed, woohoo!!
The only annoying thing is Dave being dim :hmph:
Mood: shit. Last night was horrible. And now i Have my englih exam part b. Hopefully ill do well cause as I said im not the best article writer but I don understand the concept so im all good. Should be back by 1:00 or so :gasp: Thats if I finish 20 mins before the alloted time. Its long and boring as hell.
Fine and dandy like cotton candy.

Nothing to do all day, free to relax and listen to music.
Weather is nice, not too hot not too cold.

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Mood: Relaxed

Reason: That may be the case now because I'm finally back home and got the house to myself for the next two and a half hours at the most. But I could not believe how warm it was. It felt like an impossible mission getting back! And as I'm typing this, I've just forgotten how angry I was because I've seen an advert for the new Smallville season finally hitting our shores 1st June. Excellente!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Even though exam #2 out of 5 is done and dusted a few hours ago, I've just been told to expect a mock paper for both History and Politics classes tomorrow afternoon. :gonk:

Right now I'm feeling a little dizzy for some reason. I slept quite badly last night - it did become really warm for some reason and the fan I have in my room didn't seem to be working in the early hours of the morning.
Mood: Angry

Reason: Oho, I've every right to fucking be. I've recently been through some life changing stuff and now I'm finally learning who my real friends are. And then there are those who claim to be friends, but oh, those are ones that bitch about me behind my back. They twist my words around and make me out to be the devil incarnate. It doesn't help that I'm due on my monthly as well and feel very angry right now. Looks like two tribes are about to go to war, all right.
Mood: Brooding

Reason: I went to bed around 2:00 AM...WHICH SUCKS.:mokken: I woke up, didn't have any breakfast because I was too lazy. I had a sucky day of school. Ate a hamburger my mum made around 1:30 in the afternoon. And now I have a headache and I am as tired as a dog.

And God bless my brother, but I wanna take his Rock band drum sticks and toss them out a window.:thehell: "Bang, bang, bang" every second.

I'm calling this a short day and hittin' the sack. And no, not with any of you sexy SOBs.

As if anyone reads these :mokken:
Mood: Quite well at the moment.

I managed to convince my parents not to get rid of the dog and get a divorce thankfully so I am happy for that. My parents are actually getting along well too but for some reason I don't think that they will last at this rate. Anyway I did a bit of cleaning at today so strangely I am feeling pretty good.


Today was so long, boring and cold :gonk: thank goodness tomorrow is Fridaaaaaaay. :monster:
I feel aching and my body hurts >.< I have headache which, doesn't help. I think it's getting 'round that time.

I'm also hungry.
I woke up late this morning and was rushed to get ready for work and I forgot my food. Was going to get food somewhere but, there wasn't an place nearby.=(

Just filling out the 2010birthweek thing so, i'll be doing that :monster:

Play RDR afterwards i guess.
Mood: Relieved

The inspection went well so now I can just relax.

Well...after 5pm I can. XD Still have to go to work and I don't wanna. I have to train a new girl on our minfos program so that should make the day go fast.

I'm also going to see my best mate tonight so the weekend is starting off good. <3
Mood: Bored

Reason: Studying is tedious, I will be so glad when my exams are over. I wouldn't have nearly as much stress on me if I wasn't doing 2 AS level exams early as well as my GCSEs, because they're so much harder.
I have 4 exams on one day on Monday, and I'm not looking forward to them at all.