[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Okayish. I just woke up right now. Just decided to get more sleep since yesterday I was on really really early in the morning. Or on the whole day rather xD. 10:46 ish in the morning isnt even a bad time to get up.. it is still kinda early xD. Even though it is almost 11:30 now. Maybe switch on the xbox in a little bit and play some Resonance of Fate :hmmm: Probably chose to get more sleep cause of my left eye flickering... it was weird
Mood: Disgusted

Maybe it's an harsh word to describe my mood but I just came back from the shopping mall to buy winter boots. First of all, I hate shopping. Secondly, I hate crowds. The was so many people at the mall that I almost turned back. It took me 10 minutes to find a parking spot and I did three stores to find a decent pair of boots. I waited 15 minutes at the cash because they had a problem with their interact machine and there was a line-up. That's enough to ruin my day. I'll try to change my mind by listening to some good music and maybe later on play some FFIX.
Mood: Bored

Reason: Well, was watching the Cowboys VS Redskins for a bit then, I played some cards but the game got ruined >_> I just want the day to be overrrrr >_<

The only good thing about today is that I called to get the PS3 fixed and the price isn't as bad as others said it'd be so, i'm happy about that for the most part :)

I'm thinking about taking a bath :hmmm:

Mood: Pissed the **** offffff

Reason: my computer crashed and i had to manually override everything so i think its gonna be a late night for me tonight :"( there goes my plans for going out. Gah fail.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I have been for daaaaays now, not had a really good night's sleep since Tuesday night. I've had to battle insomnia once again and I hate it. Not feeling one hundred percent makes your day seem worse and you get snappy at just the smallest thing. I'm drifting off now and I think I'll turn in for the night. Got until Friday to be off work and make the most of my week. I'm off to the grandmother's tomorrow for giggles and a good old catchup, looking forward to it!
Mood: Lousy, tired, cranky

Reason: Immune system, what have I done for you to keep punishing me like this? Yes, I think I've somehow managed to catch a cold again. It started with that unpleasant sensation you get in the throat and now my nose is being a bitch now. I've taken tablets (night ones) so I'm probably going to drift off in front of my keyboard before I know it. And if I'm feeling crappy, I'm bound to also feel rather cranky as well. I'm also sick of these kids (and people in their late teens who kind of should have known better) who were on our street throwing snowballs at the houses, passer-bys and nearby cars, including mine. Just as well I didn't bother leaving this house at all today. Or yesterday.
Mood: Okay

Reason: After having a pretty shit today, I would say feeling okay is pretty good right now.

Just got my ebay items today when I got home too!

So glad I had them express posted! Don't think I could wait until the end of the week to receive them.

Shall do some more wrapping tonight and I think I may even have to buy more wrapping paper. >.<
Mood: Optimistic
Guess I do not really have any intense emotions in particular at the moment. I did cry a lot yesterday, perhaps, to cry out whatever grievances that I had been keeping in myself. For me, it's been quite rough. It's supposed to be a holiday! But they certainly did a fine job at sarcasm, calling it a holiday when they unloaded on us homework that would most likely keep us busy for the entire holiday.

But it's good revision, that much is certain. Better to work now then to regret later after the really major examinations next year. But whatever, honestly. Whatever - that's not the point. At this juncture, I've made a real choice. I'm not staying any longer. I'm moving on. Sure, I wasted a year, in the opinion of most, probably, but no, I didn't waste it.

I went through the year, and definitely gained some fair bit of wisdom from the subjects that I never grown attached to. With those experiences, I'll make it in my new institution. I'll excel, not just because I have to for having used up one year of my life, but because I am going to.

Confident eh? Nah, just taking the first step in the journey of a thousand miles.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Had an appalling night's sleep. I went to bed at half 11, but I don't think I slept till at least 2am, then I woke up randomly at about 5, so it took me ages to get to sleep again. And then, I got a text at 8:30 from a friend who said 'I left it to a reasonable time'
For me, 8:30 is not a reasonable time to be woken up in the holidays -__- couldn't get back to sleep either so now I'm so tired :gonk: AND I have to do physics revision. WHY did I take A level physics =[
Mood: FML

Reason: Bar + ANY WOMEN = NO? I will not summarize. But Double standards are mother fawking p.o.s. You can't subject your will upon people. You can only hope they abide and stay true to their word. What good is a man if he can't keep his word?

Heroic instances are hard for the wrath players who couldn't do anything but smash their face on the keyboard in a fit of rage. There's only so much time in one day, and I'd rather spend it... not with people who drink paint thinner and/or do not have the patience to even get past a first boss encounter.

It's funny, because I bought Cata thinking it was going to be great. But since I took my sweet time getting to level 85, all there is, and will be for about a month are absolutely horrid groups.

Makes me wish I could pause my account's subscription, but nah. That'd be too convenient.

Heroic instances are hard for the wrath players who couldn't do anything but smash their face on the keyboard in a fit of rage. There's only so much time in one day, and I'd rather spend it... not with people who drink paint thinner and/or do not have the patience to even get past a first boss encounter.

It's funny, because I bought Cata thinking it was going to be great. But since I took my sweet time getting to level 85, all there is, and will be for about a month are absolutely horrid groups.

Makes me wish I could pause my account's subscription, but nah. That'd be too convenient.

Hahaha, I feel your pain man. I don't do heroics without a set group anymore. I get my daily then I'm out. The fights are so challenging I'm in love with it.


Mood: Mondays

Reason: That's about all I have to say about them. :jtc:
Mood: OK...ish.

Reason: I've been brooding about things recently, although I've had a pretty good day. I got an(other) early Christmas present, several outstanding things accomplished and, best of all, I think I've FINALLY figured out how to play Resonance of Fate without dying every other battle! ♥
So, I've had a good day, but I've just been in a bad mood. xD
Mood: Moody

Today just wasn't a great day.

After a long week of struggling to get the guinea pig to eat - we decided to get her checked out again 'cause the medicine the vet gave her was not working. On the way there she had died... =/ I felt like shit thinking she starved, simply because she couldn't eat, while we all thought she didn't want to eat. We tried feeding her with a pipette but to no avail, pretty much.

Buried her today. Rest in peace, babe. <3

i'm sorry to hear that! there is nothing like losing a pet :(

my mood today is sick/ annoyed.
i spent the whole weekend sick in bed with a nastyyyy stomach bug or something. but nothing i ate would seem to agree with me.
now its monday morning and im sitting at work; still sick :/
Good :ryan:

Football on friday and I managed to prep. for it by doing 6 miles on the treadmill which I was rather impressed with since I've done no form of running in 3 months whilst I was at uni. I do ache a bit however, which is a bit of a bitch but as long as it's okay by friday then game on!
Mood: Tired and, bored.


I stayed up late and, woke up early >.< I hate just waking up and, not being able to go back to sleep even though I could use it. I think its cause it was bright outside. Can't sleep when its bright.

Bored just 'cause I have nothing to do. I just cleaned up a bit around the house and ate lunch.

The week needs to hurry up :mokken:
Pretty good. :busta:

I've got a bit of a dodgy stomach and a smoked ham and mustard sandwich right next to me which I'm really tempted to open but at the same time I don't know if I can be arsed eating it. :hmph: Other than that things are pretty epic in life at the moment. :busta:
Mood: :gonk:

Reason: Terrible night's sleep AGAIN. And, about 10 minutes ago I logged onto facebook and something that I didn't want to happen has been confirmed. Somebody I couldn't stand before is back in air cadets which means I'll have to put up with him on camps :dry: at least I'm two ranks above him now so, I can tell him what to do.
And :sad3: work. I'm on a break from revision at the moment but everything I'm trying to learn at the minute feels like a different language. I hope I do ok in my exams :sad2:
Mood: Good. Well I got more sleep than usual. Didnt really catch a glimpse of the eclipse last night.. all I saw was pink sky. Not like I missed anything though. I saw the on in February 2008 so I know what happens and all. Call of Duty Blackops has been fun so far. Playing with buddies from here is always nice :ryan: That and it actually makes me play the ps3 xD
Mood: Great

Perhaps not the best time to be feeling pleased and all, but after finding out about my schedule for this week, I realize that I won't have a chance to have tuition classes. Well, and that certainly lifts my spirit. As I mentioned before somewhere in this thread, I really hate that guy. To the extent that I would use expletives so offhandedly - which says something, considering how rarely I ever use that word, whether verbally or mentally.

But I do understand that I'm missing out on additional practice that could help make a difference in my academic performance this coming Monday and Tuesday. Well, I'm positive about Mathematics, to be honest. But well, I'm not so silly as to forgo any self-practice now that tuition classes are out of the question.

