[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Tirrred

Reason: I've been awake for about fifteen minutes. Plus I honestly don't feel like waking up, since I have to leave the house at 8am, and I won't get back home until 7:30pm in all probability. I'm both anticipating and dreading today...or I would be, if I was awake enough to realise it. Still, at least I've got tomorrow off, and I should have Atelier Totori to occupy me by that point :ryan:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Ish. I seem to be sleeping less and feeling more tired, but not wanting to actually drop back off to sleep, as opposed to sleeping more and wanting to drop off again. I intend to do some gaming on my day off, since I have a long weekend ahead of work. Again. I just wonder when my housemate will wake up, since I want to buy X-Men: Destiny today seeing as how it's released over here on this day. I've heard some mixed things about it, but I'll decide for myself once I play it.
Mood: W.t.h.

Of all days I go back in to work, something fucked up happens and the whole place is locked off 'cause of a fight in the McDonald's, as if nothing worse could happen today they questioned everyone and had everyone at the counter write down their names, and pulled me aside for an hour because I saw what happened, that's awesome.

Fucking retarded people don't even listen when there's a guy laying knocked out on the ground with a head wound, people are bitching about the ambulance while he's bleeding on his arm as well, badly. Put damn pressure on the cloth I gave you don't just lay it ON there. x_x

People are just getting on my nerves more and more lately with how stupid they act in emergency cases. (Sigh) To top that all off, after 2 hours of down time, we had to continue working, and I get yelled at cause this new girl at the counter is freaking out and crying and I tell her to go to the back, what the hell is she gonna do, help people in her state? :ffs:
Mood: Alright

It's Sunday and it feels as if the whole weekend has just flown.

I never got to have any alcoholic drinks last night and I went to bed late with a headache. :sad3:

Going to try and make the most of the day and do some shopping with Steve.

Oh and that lady I was meant to train for three weeks starting last Monday only lasted one day. Didn't like the job apparently. More time for me to get stuff done now though!
Mood: Pretty good, though a tiny bit stressed

Reason: I just joined this forum, and I really enjoy it thus far. I also became a Moderator for the Silent Hill Heaven two days ago, and I've been very happy about that. However, there has been loads of drama going on due to my promotion, which has left me very stressed. I really hope this blows over soon.
Mood: Pretty bored. Just been playing some Gears of War III, but now I am tired. I got to level 31.. so that is not so bad. It has been a pretty boring day. Next week is the time where hell will start. I just want to get through October, even if It really will be hell. I may even pick up my book for English class and read it, because I am that bored. I have to finish it for the 4th anyway. Not even this place satisfies me anymore. Horray for lots of studying and typing assignments in the coming weeks. Tomorrow I need to go observe that religious place or wherever the hell we are going. Yep, my group members decided to do it last minute.. right before presentation day. I just hope we get enough information from the people there, because afterwards we have to put a whole powerpoint together. The place is right next to College, so Ill probably be going to College to put a powerpoint together on a Sunday. Oh well! Going on a Sunday will feel weird as hell though.
Mood: Happy!

Just went food shopping and got loads of yummy food!

Half healthy have junk but still good. >.<

Going to make hotdogs tonight with frankfurts, onions, bacon, cheese, mustard and tomato sauce. None of this ketchup shit.

Then we're going to watch Your Highness! Looks pretty funny.
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I just...don't feel like doing anything. I have some work I could/should be getting on with, but I'm not really in the right state of mind to do it. I'll do it tomorrow morning, before my three-hour lecture/seminar combo; all I do the morning before things like that is sit and brood and accomplish nothing, so I may as well save my work for then. This is my justification for what will probably be a day of idle internet browsing and Atelier Totori sessions. xD
Mood: Surprisingly, rather good

Reason: It's a pretty good Freshers so far, though unfortunately I hadn't managed to purchase the t-shirt needed for free entry into the Battle of the Bands party yesterday (they were sold out by the time I got there), so I had to fork out some money to get in. It was pretty good, with nearly everyone squeezed by the front towards the DJ, and I literally pushed my way through with little effort, meeting some of my fellow dormers.

Being so close to the speakers however, has probably left me semi-deaf by now as my right ear was just ringing and buzzing by the time I got to bed and when I woke up in the morning. At the moment, I just got back from the pub. It was a very brief stay at the pub though, because it was just unbelievably packed and I couldn't stand the heat. If there is one thing this place appears to lack, it's air con.
Mood: Pretty ticked

Reason: I've been a Mod at my most active forum for the past four days, and I've been getting really mistreated. People have gotten angry and crap and think I don't deserve it, even though I am always helpful and doing my best for the forum. When i was just a member, I still was the same way, always reporting posts that were duplicate threads or inappropriate, participating in discussion, being kind to fellow members, and all that stuff. Ugh...
Mood: Hungry

REason: Well, my Dad is making some good food, and I can smell it all the way from my room. It's activating all of my tastebuds in a way that's just making me want to have it NOW. Even though it's only 3ish, I'm very hungry.

We're having Tri-tip, BBQ'd Beans, Macaroni Salad, and some other things that are very tasty. On top of that, I believe it won't be ready for another hour or so and this makes me sad. :(
Mood: A bit irritated

Reason: I couldn't sleep much last night. I don't think I fell asleep until somewhere near 2am then was woken up a hour later by noise emanating from outside (presumably from some people coming back all pissed from the absurdly popular Paint Party last night) and I even heard a few people loudly chatting away in the hallway in what sounded like just outside my door until around 4am. So far noise, lack of air con use and a rather baffling administrative system are the things that really piss me off in this place from time to time.

And the weather is still unseasonably sunny and warm. It's October for crying out loud, make it a bit cooler. :sad3:
Mood: Hopeful

Reason: Concerning my last mood, I found out what was wrong: An assumption. She assumed I snitched on her, and that's why she's mad at me. My friend found this out, so...I PM'd her. Now to see if she actually PM me back and accept to fix this crap.
Mood: Good

Got all the housework done and Steve is cooking Spaghetti Bolognese. Yummo.

Gonna watch some T.V. when it's done and just have a few drinks.

I've already started. XD I had a big day and having an alcoholic beverage seems to make everything so much better somehow. XD

*Is not an alcoholic.*
Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Well, I've managed to get my admin problems sorted out, more or less. Since I'm a returning student, they gave me a new set of details, when I should have kept my old details, so I've been trying to get that sorted out for the last couple of weeks, but the service desk has been entirely unhelpful. FINALLY managed to get some sense out of them this morning, so I can fix all that when I go in on Thursday.

Now, if only I could muster up the motivation to work...
Mood: Tired

It's 11:30pm and I'm buggered.

I should have had an early night but yet again I put it off and now I'm going to be exhausted and cranky in the morning when my alarm goes off at 6:30am.

Yay, work.

Anyway, only three more days until the weekend!
Mood: Still hell in all honesty. I just got a ton of more work to do today and I am really not pleased about that. Hell, I expect it... but not thrown at me all at once. I am now over the limit. I just finished my 2nd novel for Novel English class and I really enjoyed it. I have to start working on my presentation part of the book which is "Why I loved the book" I talked to my other group members today in class and one is on page 100 and one is on page 20. Yeah, you guys better fucking read. I am not risking failing a presentation because of them. Presentation is on the 13th, so I have to get my arse moving and start writing why I loved the book and all. The book was splendid, and I really enjoyed it. However, I don't know how the fuck I am going to cope with all my other work interfering. I have to study for tests, and all my assignments are pretty much due in the same week. Term project for World and the people is due the 14th. Just fucking great. These are all long as well. I have a test Friday, I have a test Next Wednesday, I have to revise an analysis I did for English and make it even better than it was in its current state(make it longer) I have the 2nd part of the book talk which is an full report that must be 1000+ words but extremely detailed. Thankfully that is due November 17th. The worst part of this all is that we have to submit it to the college program. This program can detect cheating within a blink of an eye. It checks where all your sources are from, and shows exactly how you cheated, if there is any indication of it. Now this is fucking scary. I never ever commit plagiarism, but I can be accused of it if I even copied one full sentence from the net. Lets see, I have A LOT of homework assignments to do as well. One coming up on the 18th and I cant afford to fail that. Overall October will be beyond hell for me. I must say this semester is quite disastrous! I will not even bother listing the rest.
Mood: Careless
Reason: After she took the 'point fingers' route, I just don't really care anymore. If she doesn't want to fix this and be a big drama queen, then fine. She can do whatever she wants. I'm sick of this.
Mood: kjahsjdhajwheuqupgjksjeruwiwr

Ooooooooooomg. I'm so sick. I haven't felt this sick on the longest. I'm actually sitting at the desk now, all I wanna do is just sneeze all day and it never goes through, it's so frustrating. My throat is killing me a lot less now, but the coughing why doesn't it stop? :gonk: The nose is the worst part, I ALWYAS breathe through my nose, this is just hell. :gonk: