[V3] What's Your Mood?

I'm pretty good.

Skyrim this morning, then a few more hours at work! :D Dad's driving me in, too, because he's got to go to town for a meeting which starts a little later and ends a little later. That gives me time to go food shopping. :lew:
Mood: So-so

Reason: Love Thursdays. Only one lecture at 1pm which gives me ample opportunity to have a lie in, wake up, do a little bit of work, fetch something to eat, head out and be back with plenty of spare time to get on with something. What I'm not pleased about though, is the disappearing milk. Most people have had their freshly bought milk bottles already opened and partially consumed, and I've had an entire bottle go missing on one occasion. Honestly, I didn't work all summer just to accumulate some money to splash out on food only to have a significant percentage of it go missing or eaten without anyone ever seeking my consent.
Mood: Dreadful. I have just got up on purpose right now to ensure that I actual have breakfast unlike most Thursdays, where I only have lunch. Today I will not be doing Volleyball. My teacher decided that today we are doing the Fitness appraisal. Yes, I want to fucking die right now. I hate these things so much. I will be dead after it, and then I have English class where we will continue that film. Maybe I should just sleep afterwards. Good news is that the English report has been delayed till tomorrow at midnight. That gives me time to finish it, and as well as my Philosophy first draft when I get home. I can not wait till this is over. :(
Mood: Good

There isn't much to complain about which is good.

Today was pretty cruisy at work which I was happy about. I had four days worth of banking to do though so that was a bit of a lengthy task. XD

My back is still itchy from the sunburn on Sunday. I should have put Aloe Vera on it when I first got burnt. >.< Haven't peeled though. =D
Mood: :rage:

I was playing Devil May Cry 2 (first time) and I died to the first boss. :ffs: I want to keep playing but I'm too much of a sissy when it comes to fighting either zombies or demons. :( So I tried to continue FFVIII - I'm at disc three, but I already know how it goes since I've played it several times so I lost interest. I tried all the combat games I have, but idk I'm looking for a plot to go with it. :rage: I can't find anything to play.

...I need a PS3. :rage:
I'm very tired, but great otherwise!

Work today was so good! :) I started by going through some further training, then sorted through some cards (which are awarded to the children when they do well), I designed a poster, ran to the shop to grab some cups for water, and then tutored some of the kids! :D
Mood: Tired, busy
got a lot of work, my rehearsals of Grease in two weeks, as I'm Eugene Florszyk blah. Then in the same time i've got a christmas concert in which I'm playing Rose Of May on the piano, then I've got weeks of Aikido, then I've got to train up my voice for X-Factor in two years, then a big peformance for my drama class and then of course I have an operation in 3 months. Busy year huh?
Mood: Scared :panic:

Dear God. I had to go pick up a pizza today and I had two very close calls while out driving. First I wanted to turn to go to the atm machine and I waited for a car to go straight so I could turn...and I go to turn and I had to slam on my brakes and swerve to avoid hitting an idiot who was following behind the guy in front of her...WITHOUT HER FLIPPING HEADLIGHTS ON IN THE DARK. All I could do was manage to flick my brights on her to try and get her to turn them on...but when I went into the time machine I saw her still waiting at the light ahead...with her lights still off.

Then I thought all was over when I went to pick up my pizza. I was driving home and there was a long stretch of straight road. There was little oncoming traffic, but as I kept going, a van started swerving into the middle of my lane and I had to swerve and lay on my horn to avoid him. He ended up going back into his lane as I watched my rearview.

This has been an awful night.
Mood: Better. I have been working the whole frickin day, and it is Friday. I finally sent my English report and my Philosophy first draft through the college mail. I was fucking irritated while doing both today. Glad I can now have a break, because I have been working too hard. I am getting Skyrim tomorrow, so that just makes it all better thankfully.
Mood: Nyeh

I woke up pretty late today. Midday. c_c

Steve has gone out to do something and I'm just looking around online to see if there are any other jobs that might interest him. I'm over this whole one wage thing.

He really needs to get a job before the Christmas period starts. Not that he hasn't been trying though. He's been applying everywhere. You'd think places would need people at Christmas! :rage:
Mood: Happy

Reason: I just got a job today working at an electronics factory! It's about time I get some workplace experience and some hard-earned cash! :D
Mood: Crappy

Reason: I think I'm developing a mild cold and the dreaded laryngitis. Hopefully the latter is just the acute kind and can disappear in a few days or so, but I'm reaching the point where I can barely speak without it being painful.

And to mitigate things, some arseholes did something at around 4 in the morning that set the fire alarm off. At 4am. And we had to exit the building and stand in the car park for half an hour. :hmph:
Mood: Nyeh

I woke up pretty late today. Midday. c_c

Same again today. -_-

On the plus side I thought it was Monday and so getting to have a sleep in after I realised it wasn't felt really good. :ryan:

The weather isn't so hot today. Still 30°C but it doesn't seem like it. :hmmm:

Just had some coco pops for breakfast. Might go on the PS2 for a bit today and play a few games to keep me entertained. Either that or I'll watch some more Ocean Girl. I got through the whole of Disc 1 of Season 1 yesterday. It was awesome!
Mood: Fantastic

Just got home from buying groceries. I don't know why but I find it stress-relieving. That's why I always volunteer for that errand. :wacky: I bought a bunch of scented candles because I ran out - I can't live without them. Got dimsum to-go and I'll be eating them shortly while watching some TV. :ryan:
Mood: Happy

Reason: I got treated to bubble tea at work by one of my work-mates :D. Definitely a great way to end my day at work.
Mood: Annoyed

Been trying to sort out this annoying pop up all day that keeps saying Norton has blocked the same attack over and over.

No idea what the hell it is. Been on the Norton Forums all day trying to get help sorting it out.

I hate computers sometimes!!!
Mood: Jaded.

Going to bed at midnight, probably. I wake up between 8 and 9 naturally (I can't help it), and methinks I need more than 8 hours sleep a night, so midnight is a bit too late. :lew: Early night tonight; I work afternoon-early evening, and want to make sure I'm alert and can drive home safely tomorrow!

Apart from that I'm okay. I am going to have a relaxing evening watching some DVDs.

My part as Eugene on this Grease play doesn't seem as major as I wanted. I wanted a bigger role, as this isn't some little thing, I want to make sure I can get my dreams achieved so having to play a nerd isn't exactly satisfying. I'm asking my drama teacher tomorrow to see if I can swap roles or get some bigger part hopefully.
Half Tired

I spent a hour unpacking my stuff from spending a weekend at my mother's. Also I had to move some furniture around for tomorrow for my place getting fixed. So far, Ceiling has been repainted, they also shampoo my carpet, and put new wall borders at my doorway last week. So the place right now is a bit messy, but it will all be nice and tidy by tomorrow night.
Mood: Still crappy

Reason: Same old, same old. Runny nose bugs the shit out of me and I'm developing a persisting cough, while at the same time I've very little energy left to stay awake. I had a two hour nap this afternoon, and I can't help but feel that I'm just wasting the day, as I need to catch up with seminar reading and start the next essay due at the end of next week. It's not ameliorated by the fact that neither of the groups I have to meet with for two separate group projects are responding to my messages, and we honestly do have to sometime soon.

There is some good news. I got a high second on my Making of the Modern World essay with a 69. It isn't fantastic I know, but it's close to a first and this being my first essay, isn't too bad at all, and it makes up for my dismal Politics critical literature piece. I just wish I can do as well in my Politics modules though. I just switch off when it comes to political theory. =/