[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Meh

Reason: I'm just not in the mood to work this morning...I added a little to my essay (which is due in on the 27th) but didn't really get anywhere, so I'm just going to leave it until tomorrow. I'll have a full weekend off at the expense of tomorrow, since I need to go to the library anyway, and I won't have any time on Tuesday unless I skip my lessons...which I might, but I shouldn't.

But eh, I can't be bothered to do anything. I've spent most of the morning lurking and listening to Classic FM. Might go play Hyperdimension Neptunia in a minute or something. Bored bored bored.
Mood: Really, REALLY Ill.
Reason: I have the flu, and all I can think about is how disgusting I feel and look. I literally do not have the energy to do most things, and I've got such an appetite from being so ill. I'm not exactly bedridden though, so hopefully it'll go away soon.
Mood: Ugh :damon:

I have a HORRIBLE headache today. I went to bed at 11:30 after typing up my clinical paperwork last night and I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I was sooooo excited about sleeping in today since today was my first day off in the last 5 and at 4:30 this morning I got up and could never fall back asleep because my mind just kept spinning over all of the things I had to do today and things that are irritating me from the week. I ended up giving in and getting up at 9 after laying in bed for another 4 1/2 hours.

Reason: People I don't even really know being bitchy about me/my interests/the way I look/everything, I don't know why, because I don't remember even really acknoledging their existence. It's been like this for a day or two now... pretty bored of it! Also scared myself today... but I won't go into that for now.

Just wanna go to cuddle up in bed with one of my new Gossip Girl books, and then sleep. :wtf:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Long day. I've still got about 800 words of report looming over me to do tomorrow morning, plus I need to take those books back unless I want to pay money and go in on my week off, so I'm going to have to break my back again tomorrow morning. I've had an upset stomach on-and-off today, I skipped lunch again, and the end result of it all is that I feel very poorly used. I need some sleep, a relaxing weekend filled with gaming, and an easier time of it next week...one can only hope, I suppose.
Mood: Sad and grumpy! :sad2:

Reason: I always get sad on this day :mokken: because something always goes wrong :rage: My boss wouldn't let me leave early even though I need to so I can get to dinner on time, someone took something off my desk that I needed for work today (Or I lost it but I honestly cannot remember even touching the papers yesterday) I guess a few nice things happened, I got some gifts from friends and family. But otherwise this day is poo :hmph:
Mood: weird.

Feeling weird. :grin: Like a mermaid with a beard.

I can't say why or how. Red fish, blue fish, green eggs & ham... I don't know who or what to blame, Sam I am. Not. Well, at least I'm not having a cow.

I was flying high last week, but my parades crashed and burned within the last two days.

Was it lack of exercise, too much work, or time spent indoors I cannot say.

I've just been a fish out of water, flopping around like a beached whale out of its element on a hot winters day. :ohshit:

Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Finished my essay off this morning in a little under two hours and, since next week is a "reading week" I can finally unwind a little...and get back into my projects, gaming (since I've gone from having no games I feel like playing to having about five on the go at once again...) and stuff that isn't working tirelessly on essays. For a while. I've still got coursework to do. But, for the moment...:ryan:
Mood: Confused and...not great

Reason: I've been clocking up around 5-6 hours of work every day this week, yet it still feels like I've barely got anywhere, or I've not got as far as I had anticipated. A lot of that work has been revolving around the group project, which comprises 33% of the total marks of one of our modules, and our group has been changing questions frantically to and fro. I've had to discard a considerable amount of material, and now the question we've settled on is just one of the narrow things I have ever seen. There's barely anything concrete for what I want, or even sufficient literature touching on the broader aspects of it in general.

And one of my seminar tutors has handed an assignment back to me with marks docked off because I went seriously over the word count. I argued with him that I excluded the in-text citations and quotations, but he told me that was rubbish and that every bit of it bar the title and bibliography counts. I'm sure that can't be right...
Mood: Mixed.

Reason: I honestly don't know what to say. I've been doing great with my working out, and in one month, I've lost 18 pounds. So, I should be in a fantastic mood, right? Well, you'd be wrong to say right because there have been so many conflicting thoughts throughout this week, and I honestly don't know what to make of it. It doesn't help that I've found this girl I like, but with my shy nature, I can only gaze at her from afar. I know, this sounds so pathetic, but it is what it is.

To add to my things to complain about, I've been slowly losing motivation for almost everything. Of course, my family has no idea what's going on with me because I am so good at concealing it behind an emotional mask or for you other people, my poker face. It really doesn't help my cause that I'm starting to get annoyed by my Dad's constant reminder that he knows what's right when it comes to our work-out routine. :hmph:

On the plus side, I have been getting more of my writing done due to this change of moods. :lew:. If it's anything, it's a good thing.
Mood: Tired

Stayed up late watching movies last night and the only reason I got up so early is because Steve had to get up to go to work and it woke me up.

Have a few things to do around the house today too, which I'm not really looking forward to doing. Dishes, laundry, cleaning the floor, bathroom, toilet etc. >.<
Mood: Blarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgarble.

I'm bored. Surprisingly enough I've been having OK-days at work. The people working when I work really keep up the mood so time flies. :ryan: Although the managers aren't always too happy with the laughing, the customers are happy seeing the atmosphere, so I dunno what the hell their problem is. It's not like we're dicking around rather than doing work, we just have a good time while doing it. :griin:

It's still not great at work though, their shit little rules that keep adding up get under everyone's skin, but oh well. I'm trying not to stress about that. Other shit on my mind that makes sure I don't catch a break.

Not sure whether to watch a movie right now, or just go to bed. Just finished with a set in photoshop, and I'm quite pleased. :ryan:

Still in a blarrrrrrrrrrrgarble mood though. :wacky:
Mood: Bored.

My boyfriend is at work, and has like...no money. My friends are pretty much non-existent now-a-days, nobody is on WoW, and I don't feel like playing any video games. Blargh!
Mood: Sleepy

Stayed up late last night, till like 1am in the morning.

Was so tired today. I really shouldn't stay up again, but there are so many good shows on T.V. <3

Might just have to skip them so I can get a good night sleep tonight I think. <.>

4 days till I'm on holidays for three weeks!
Mood: :sad3:

Last Friday I had WSMA (Wisconsin Solo Music Awards...I think that's it) I blew my performance, and I got my critique back today. Yup, no state for me. :sad3: I knew I did badly, but I thought my general sound would make up for it. No. I wanted to be the best in Wisconsin and then the world! Well...next year. The world will have to wait.
Mood: Pissy
Reason: Last Monday I had to miss my Linguistics quiz because my dad had to take a dog to the vet and forgot to take me to class. I told my teacher, to which she said it was unfortunate, and that she would allow me to take it this once, but that several points would be knocked off. Understandable, right? I figured several would be about ten max. I took my test and got 21/23 points, so about a 91% A. I was pretty pleased, and figured I'd end up with a B on my quiz. No. She knocked my quiz grade down to a 62% D, which I assume is harshly affecting my grade. I can't do sh*t about it, but I still am very upset.
Mood: Frustrated.

Reason: The lack of Versus XIII news is killing and also, my soccer team isn't doing too well right now. I really need to step my game up. I hate to be one of those ppl that blames things on the refs and their mistakes but they've been kind of scandalous lately. I haven't scored a goal in a while either :/

Mood: Nyeh

It's Wednesday morning and I really want more sleep. I went to bed at around 9:30 last night and I still wake up buggered. :gonk:

Only three more days till it's all over for three weeks though. :ryan: I hope it doesn't drag! Might go and buy FFXIII-2 and give that a go on my time off. Still need to finish FFXIII though. No time to do anything anymore!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Getting up at 6:05am to catch transport to TAFE for me is killing me, not to mention I have to wake up at the same time tomorrow, fuck me.
Mood: Pretty Good

Only one more day until my holidays and I'm pretty confident nothing will go wrong while I'm away. :ryan:

Everything has pretty much been cleaned up so they won't have any of my mess to figure out while I'm gone. So can't wait to just sleep in and not have an alarm for three straight weeks. I've been having extra long days at work this week due to cleaning up and fixing anything and everything before I leave.

So buggered now. XD