Vayne disappointment


Even A Stray Has Pride
May 3, 2008
Did anyone else notice how easy the first 2 parts of the final fight were?

I just think considering Vayne himself is the last boss he should be a little bit more of a fight (even at recommended levels he was easy) The undying was pretty acceptable as his damage levels were pretty respectable but the overall rating of the fight itself was far too easy for a final boss fight
Far far too easy, it just isn't tough enough! A final boss should be damn near impossible to beat!
Yeah he was sooooooo easy...kinda like Genesis (the Final boss fight, not the first 3 times you verse him) in Crisis Core
Easy final bosses are kind of a classic staple of Final Fantasy. They leave hard-as-hell bosses in there for the gamers that want a challenge, but the mandatory bosses are rarely tough at all.

Final Fantasy games are all about the story and characters, which is likely why it's kept that way. The final bosses are easy, so the player can just beat the game.
That really didn't apply to 7,8 and 9 the final bosses on them were quite respectable since 10 came into the picture all final bosses have a piece of cake
Since 10 came along? You make that sound like a long time. It isn't. Contra is right, all the hard bosses are side quests. Nemesis, Omega Weapon, Zodiark etc.
The Final Bosses are easy, espicially 8 if you don't level up, and even if you do, It's still easy.
Yeah Vayne was easy. When I went to fight him when I was level 50 he was very easy. At level 99, he seemed to hit somewhat harder. Anyone else notice that?
He's easy, eh? :[
Haven't reached Vayne yet (last battle) but that doesn't sound like good news. :/
That really didn't apply to 7,8 and 9 the final bosses on them were quite respectable since 10 came into the picture all final bosses have a piece of cake

Uh....hate to be a nitpicker, but Contra's right. Sephiroth and Necron were incredibly easy. Hell, VII and IX were easy games to begin with, all you had to do was level as you progressed through the main story and keep up with your materia/abilities and you were guaranteed a win. Easy final bosses has been around since...well, VII. Before then FF games were a tad more challenging in general.

But yeah, I was highly disappointed by Vayne...and the ending. That's why after I beat it, I loaded up my save and went off to do all but 6 hunts, so I could feel like I actually got at least some of my money's worth out of that game.

Yeah Vayne was easy. When I went to fight him when I was level 50 he was very easy. At level 99, he seemed to hit somewhat harder. Anyone else notice that?

That's because his stats actually change if you hit lvl 99, I forgot exactly how much. But that's why I only got to about lvl 92 on everyone (that and my patience wore out).
Yes, the final fight with Vayne was disappointing. Even the last bosses of KH and KH2 were a bit harder.
The only time I ever struggled on bosses was my first play throughs because I was ALWAYS underlevelled. other htan that, after doing the sidequests and what not they went down a peice of cake.

X really took the mick on that but that's a whole other rant thread lol

I think he gets harder when you hit level 99, well, from what iv ad somewhere....not done it myself, cba.

As far as final bosses go he waspretty dissapointing. He didn't even look the part. Altho when he was doing that walky bit and all that stuff was sticking to him, that was nifty. But he was a bit of a let down -__-
The first two parts were too easy and the last part was of average difficulty. I was hugely disapointed at him, I had more trouble with some of the normal bosses.
Yeah, i too found Vayne to be a huge disappointment. I found Gabranth to be harder than him and that's shocking to say.
It's the same with me. I was disappointed by Vayne, as well, and not just because I spanked him at the end. But you know, like it's been said, final bosses tend to be on the easy side. If they were super, impossible to beat, hard - then the fun factor would be stripped away and of course not many people would get to see the end of the game. That's why you have these optional bosses - Omega MK 12, big Y, etc. They are there to pose a challenge and quench your battle hungry soul. :)
Altho when he was doing that walky bit and all that stuff was sticking to him, that was nifty. But he was a bit of a let down -__-

That part was just fucking stupid, it was a direct ripoff of Tetsuo the Iron Man....unless they meant it as a tribute, in which case it's still lame because he lacked the giant drill for a cawk. But it was just plain dumb of them to make him into a Super Saiyan. They couldn't have thought of something more original than him absorbing Larsa's energy and becoming super buff?
Yea, the first two rounds with Vayne Solidor were not that hard. However, that last for of his did put up a show for a few minutes. I mean, hitting for a minimum of 1000 HP and all the damage I did was crap...even with all characters at about 70 >.>
Dont know how that happened.
Anyways, I think Vayne should have gone down with a bang...I mean, when I first saw him, I saw potential for a new Sephiroth. Boy was I wrong....
Vayne was a pushover, I had more trouble in trying to reach him then the actual fight. His special moves really suprised me when they only hit for 1000. And seriously his pailing on his final form, should have stood for a longer amount of time.
Lol, you are joking right? Have you not finished FFX at all? Yeah, Vayne isn't exactly the worst FF bad guy.
Not Seymour, I really should have said Yu Yevon. I mean, you automatically had auto-life on, you had no chance of dying, and for a final boss...he was like a bug, with ridiculous low amount of HP. :wacky: