Vayne disappointment

lol i finished all three first time at like lv 50 something i was so dissapointed!!!! it should have been much more challenging the third part was irritating why did he keep doing circles?? was that to make him more difficult???it didnt help lol!
lol i finished all three first time at like lv 50 something i was so dissapointed!!!! it should have been much more challenging the third part was irritating why did he keep doing circles?? was that to make him more difficult???it didnt help lol!

Circles? Are you talking about those stupid barriers he put up, or how he'd actually circle the area and you'd have to keep chasing after him? That made it bloody impossible to hit him with swords when he'd keep moving from one side to the other.

Those stupid barriers that negated all your attacks were so cheap. I despise it when boss fights last forever when you figure out a pattern because they have a ton of HP or employ some cheap method to keep themselves alive. If they wanted to make him tougher, they could have just given him better moves or something.
lol the barriers didnt bother me so much cause thats just a chance to power up with protect haste and bravey and crap but why did he keep moving it was just irritating!!!!!!
Vayne was simply weak, especially if you do any of the Esper/Monster Hunts sidequests... I killed him so quickly it made me annoyed. Second time round I simply didnt go to Bahamut and just kicked around the whole time...
Still havent gone back yet...

But I agree totally on the barrier thing, and I hated it the most when Zodiark or Exodus did one though...
They were called Palings I think...
Vayne was kind of disappointment, I fought Espers and Hunts that were a lot more harder.
I think all FF final bosses are relatively easier than the side-quests.

FF final bosses are part of the storyline, if you didn't level up anymore and just stuck to the main story, he/she/it would be harder.

You can't really complain about the final bosses being easy if all you do for one third of total game time is level up. How can you expect them to be hard if all your chars are at 100.
i found that some of the Espers were a hell of a lot harder than Vayne, especially Zodiarc and i also found Zeromus fairly difficult, but Vayne was a walk in the proverbial park
I think all FF final bosses are relatively easier than the side-quests.

FF final bosses are part of the storyline, if you didn't level up anymore and just stuck to the main story, he/she/it would be harder.

You can't really complain about the final bosses being easy if all you do for one third of total game time is level up. How can you expect them to be hard if all your chars are at 100.

First of all, leveling to 100 is fairly difficult and so I fought Vayne in level 70. It is fairly high seeing how leveling can take some time. So far, I still find him easy. I think it should've been as difficult as Gilgamesh, it took me sometime to beat him, but I forgot what level I was, so he could actually be fairly easy too.
i had all my characters equiped with that ring that gives you double the exp so i was abit ahead of what i should of been so the final boss was far too easy for was when u couldnt harm him that annoyed me
Those stupid barriers that negated all your attacks were so cheap. I despise it when boss fights last forever when you figure out a pattern because they have a ton of HP or employ some cheap method to keep themselves alive. If they wanted to make him tougher, they could have just given him better moves or something.

Agreed. They could have put those flashy cutscene attacks to good use if they actually caused any considerable threat to your party :neomon: Vayne had the cool look, but phailed to deliver a punch. I don't think he ever did over 4000 damage to my party at any one time, and I could just Curaja that back almost instantly.

Story-wise I love Vayne as the villain, but as a boss-battle he was a bit of a let down. But he's still x100 times more challenging than Yu Yevon was -__-
I would have liked Vayne to be stronger but then again, I was had my characters max level with top grade equipment.
And that said, On a whole i have been disapointed with the difficulty of the series bosses. Although on my first play through it took an eternity to beat Ultimecia.
I never had a problem with Vayne he was too easy but the problem is why the heck they call him The Undying if he dies? '_' and as you all know the strong monsters are side quests >.>
Vayne was ridiculously easy.I remember almost beating the entire thing on my first try with like no powerups at all!lmao i must've been...early to mid 40s. it is waaayy too easy now that i'm in the late 70s rofl
I found Gabranth more dissapointing than Vayne, Gabranth was WAY to easy considering he was used on the cover, and bigged up alot. The second time you fight was alot more dissapointing than the first, you'd think he'd be alot harder than the first, but no, virtually the same, way to simple.

Vayne on the other hand, was also dissapointing, BUT, that's the beauty of FF I think, all the sidequests and extra non-essential boss battles you don't necessarily need to do give you alot more to level up for than just following the story. Anyone can complete a FF game, but it takes alot more to complete all the sidequests, extra boss fights etc.
I hated the Undying battle. What a wimp, not showing his health and stuff.
And I would have appreciated it if Larsa had actually LEVELED UP since Paramina Rift. But actually, most of the Imperial bosses were wimpy- like Ghis and Cid. They dont have much health.