Vector Industries

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Um, DFX, I just looked at the images, and I have to admit, this is one thing I can't do. I'm so sorry I could not be of service. :(
I would like to make a request if I may. I sig and avatar set Hunter/Hunter.jpg ~This is the main image I would like used.

If there is space I wouldn't mind these two also added or just one. Hunter/mh.jpg Hunter/Rathalos.jpg

Avy, none
sig, "Jaeger Tatsu" & "Will you be my prey?"

Colours: Navy blue and black are my colours but if they don't work something to compliment the pictures.

Thanks in advance.
Yes Loki I can do it ^_^

And DFX I know I can resize it, but it is rather a big image with a lot of people, and I wouldn't know who all you want in there. However I will give it a go and I'll see what happens ^^

Oh and Tethar, I should have had your stuff to you on wednesday, but I've been going into london all week XD
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Shion. as you know i love your sigs and would like to make another request but its for another site, would that be ok?
I have recently Watched Xenosaga Episode 1 (movie version) and would love a sig of KOS-MOS from it.
i dont have many specifications, but i would like you to use FMV picture if possible.
Do you think you could do it for me?
Of course guys ^^

Wow I've never made Xeno sigs for other people before :D

Um, DFX and Tethar, I actually, havn't gotten to ya'lls yet XD I've been really busy. I'm actually disapointed in myself because its been 2 weeks almost. I'll definitely have everyone's done by this week hopefully.
If it is too much trouble you can skip mine it was only going to be a smaller forum I go on occasionally anyway.

Though I must admit I would love to get you to do one for my main forum.
Oh I'll still do it, its just I've been distracted by other things, like my new pokemon game lol. DOn't worry it will get done though.
Don't worry about it.
The pokemon games are addictive.:blink:
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