Vector Industries

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All done. Although I could only use one image since the size you asked was inda small and if I tried fitting in both the images themselves would be hard to recognize.

Sorry shion you made a sig for me a while back and i just realised it's too large to upload or link, could you resize it or something if thats possible thanks I'll attach it here
Wow that was quick and it's fantastic thanks alot ^_^ just a couple of things, can you please, please change:

+ The Effects colour to Gold and the Background colour to Yellow?

+ And change the Text to "Zurh Tutt, Kupo!" (Without the Inverted Commas ofcourse) and make the Font Black and a sort of Medieval/Calligraphy style, put it in the bottom right hand corner of the Sig and make it straight instead of diagonal?

I'm sorry if I sound a bit bossy but this is a really good Sig and I want it to be specific, please take as long as you need and thank you soooooooo much, You're a doll! (In a good way LOL)
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That's fantastic ^_^ thanks!

EDIT: Sorry I've only just've spelt my username wrong I know it's rediculous to ask but can you change it please? and can you make the Moogle in the forefront of the Sig smaller so you can see his little bobble thingy on his head? I know I'm being fussy and I'm really, really sorry...
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