Vector Industries

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Well Mateus, since you love doing art, and I love your art, I have another request (if you want, that is).


Description: First off, can you please make the size small enough to fit on the site? Not amazingly small, but not the biggest one. Y'know.. I guess something like the size of your avater. Can you give the background a stainless glass effect, with a bunch of different blue colours (but please dont make it blend in with his hair ^_^ ). And if you could give it a thin border of... Um, whatever colour you think'd look best.


Description: Keep the size the way it is, please. In a cool cursive-like light blue text, write Avin right in the middle of the blank spot on the left side. And if you can put another nice border around it, the same type of border you used with the avatar?

Thanks if you attempt, as always.
New siggy please! Here's some pics and details:






Please cut out the text and Sonic in the above 2 pics... this is about silver

Please make it good siggy size... and if you can please make the first picture smaller for an avatar.^_^ good luck!

And sorry to do this, if you haven't already started, but could you make the sig look like the one I have now, with the quote on the blank spot, and Avin in the bottom right corner?

But dont worry about it if you've already started.
Ok, I am officially requesting a sig and posting some images for you Mateus:




For the signature:
*Resize and add the Alexander Airship, or at least most of it to the right side of the sig.
*Then add Zargabaath to the left side. Part of the Alexander flagship must serve as the background.
*Also, I would really appreciate if you add this: "Judge Magister Zargabaath
Captain of the Alexander, flagship of the 12th Dalmascan Fleet of the Archadian Army"

Either red, blue, cyan, light blue or any other color who might look cool with Zargabaath's armor.

Either Georgia, Book Antiqua or .....well do you suggest anything since you are the artist here?

For the Avatar:
Nothing so complicated, just add some colors to the Zargabaath Pic, resize and crop those unnecessary sections and add "Judge Magister" somewhere.

Thank you Mateus, for this you'll have my eternal gratitude.^_^
Ok, my last post but I had to do it anyway. Well me and several other members joined FFH as Judges and we need someone to take the role of either Bergan or Drace. Are you interested?

Drace plz. If LA could somehow change my name ^^ by the way I need you to pm me the link to the site, its such a long name XD
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