Versus 13 or FF 13?

Which one Intrigues you More?

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I disagree i think the normal FFXIII is looking much better than that versus,the characters on the normal FFXIII dotn look so anime like with the that blue hair and red eye anyway there have been no clips of gameplay for FFXIII Versus so im just not goign to judge it yet,though im looking forward to the normal FFXIII much more
Okay so this is a question that I'm asking everyone who's heard of both FF13 and FF Versus 13.

Which out of the two are you MORE interested in. (irrespective of the fact of whether you have a PS3 or an x360)

I really really prefer FF Versus 13 to FF13. I mean FF Versus LOOKS more cooler, the main character is VERY cool. The whole dark futuristic feel is just plain awesome as well. Plus, it's being made by BOTH the KH Team and the FF7 AC team (and that pretty much guarantees great graphics AND Gameplay). The story looks quite nice as well.

FF13... I'm just not impressed all that much for some reason. The FEEL the game gives off just doesn't... I dunno, impress me XD
We're complete opposites XD

I'm looking forward to FFXIII more than Versus.
I get that Versus is a "fantasy based on reality" ... but when you try to make fantasy massively realistic, in my opinion, it takes the 'magic' out of it, so to speak.

I understand that FFXIII itself looks very realistic, it still retains many fantasy elements that make it more appealing to me. The summons, Pulse (I know Cocoon is very sci-fi oriented, but I'm intrigued to see how this balance of Fantasy and Sci-Fi will work), the Shoopuf-looking things ... The game just stands out to me much more than Versus on a personal preference level.

I'll still play Versus (eventually), but I'll look forward to FFXIII more. I'm just not as interested in Versus. The only thing that makes me want to play Versus is the female character that's been revealed. I couldn't care less about the main character. (When I first saw him, I sighed and wondered why I hadn't given up on the series ... The same thing happened when I read that Lightning was the 'female Cloud').

I'm not particularly raving about either game, but if I had to choose I'd definitely say I'm looking forward to FFXIII more than Versus.
I am more intrested in Versus but i surely will get both games and play them for next decade,offcourse if FF VII remade doesnt come soon.And offcourse for PS3.FF XIII will surely have better graphics for PS3 version,less disks and meaby exlusive content and earlier release date so its normal that i buy it for PS3 :D
I'm going for Versus, it just looks a far superior game to that of XIII, the character designs in my opinion are quite clearly better and the story looks as if it will be a lot darker than other FF titles which is a refreshing change. To be honest, a new trailer for XIII needs to come out because Lightning hasn't impressed me at all so far. =/
I'm far more interested in Versus XIII if for nothing more than the concept. I'm curious about the "mafioso" theme, and how Square intends to incorporate it into their game. I'm a little sketchy about the battle system, but without having witnessed, or played it I'll remain open to the concept.

I'm interested in XIII as well, but it seems to lack the intrigue that Versus XIII conveys.

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I like the idea of versus more, but i think that the trailers make more of it than will come to fruition. So i think im looking forward to XIII more, and to hopefully see what the first FF on the ps3 is like!
I'm definitely more interested in Versus than FFXIII. Setsuken's reasoning pretty much matches my own. As someone who greatly prefers Kingdom Hearts to Final Fantasy, I like that the Kingdom Hearts team is working on Versus.
Can't there be an option for both?! T_T These games have caught my attention equally, so I can't really pick one over the other; not yet, anyway.
I'm equally appealed to both...I can't decide yet :gasp:

Guess I'm just gonna have to wait till I play them.
By far Versus, sure XIII looks cool but Versus's just looks better story wise and the dark feel...aswell as the characters seem cooler to me.
I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on Versus XIII! So far, it's impressed me a lot more than FFXIII due to the guy with the swords, the futuristic and dark look of the game and well, because it was developed by both the KH and FFVII:AC teams. That game is gonna rock a lot!

FFXIII on the other hand... well, it looks cool but not as cool as Versus XIII:P
I'm actually looking forward to FFXIII more. I'm really intrigued by the main charcter Lightning (xD) and by the mysterious red-head that appeared in the trailers. It looks like it's going to be a really awesome game.

As for Verus, I really don't know what to make of it yet. Maybe I'll be more excited for it after they release another trailer or something. I'm definately going to buy it when it comes out and everything, I'm just not really pumped for it yet.
Versus looks alot better. The main character looks like one of the coolest FF characters I've ever seen. The story is rich from what I've read so far. And the graphics could be mind blowing. I especially like the dark feel that I get when I watch videos for Versus. I want both Final Fantasys. But Versus is defiently higher on my list than FFXIII.
While I think Versus looks badass and I've been more drawn and hyped by its trailers, I'm oddly looking forward to 13 more. I think its because of the atmosphere and scenery that'll be coming from 13. I like it's fantasy feel more versus reminds me to much of VII's feel. I want to see how beautiful 13's world will be.
I'm more interested in XIII than Versus. XIII just seems to be more lively and more fantasy based than Versus. Versus still looks cool with it's dark atmosphere and what not, but XIII just appeals to me more for some reason.
I like how people are comparing the storyines between both games already. One mentioned Versus's looking better. Erm, hello? We don't know enough yet to make a reasonable decision.

Anyway, my vote, goes to XIII. I prefer main games to spinoffs. In the case of TA and TA2, tis a different story.
Versus is floating my boat lately, mainly cause of the darkness about it.

XIII looks goood don't get me wrong but i don't think it'll be as good as Versus.

Regardless i'll spend my hard earned cash and buy them both when the day comes.