Versus Story Prediction


Jan 28, 2011
Well, i just wanted to ask if you guys have any prediction of the story or maybe the ending. You can share your opinion and imagination if you want :P or based on the fact/ trusted source.
I'm thinking it will be largely political.

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Actually it looks a bit obvious they're going for a Romeo and Juliet thing, what with the family rivalry and whatnot.
Sultan imo they wont do that..I think that would be too obvious..I think they will do the opposite :D Noctis and Stella will end up hating eachother :giggle:

Well SE is so predictable I think you will be right...but I would love to see them giving this another twist..

I also think Noctis thinks he is so strong but his ass will be kicked by the female dragoon and he will be like WTF I got beaten by a girl :rage: then he will question himself and then he will end up in a emo state/..

His friends will convince him otherwise and support him to the fullest with unconditional love and he will realise he is not alone and together they will prevail...

SIGH ...:mokken:
Prediction of the beginning of the game:

Noctis is the prince of his country, and he is being escorted to a party/celebration thing in a car. The party takes place in a glass dome on a roof top in the middle of the city. He arrives, sees Stella for the first time, and they talk about Goddess Etro and their personal lives. They finish talking, suddenly the party is attacked by the Dragoons/Enemies. The building is taken over by the soldiers, and he must escape. He runs down the city street and explosions are going off everywhere.

This is all based on the trailer. It looks like it will probably be the beginning because when he's running around and explosions are going off, he has less battle commands, which most likely means it's near the beginning.
I think that the story will be a lot about tragedy. Maybe something like a modern Godfather. Noctis can be a mix of Michael Corleone and Anakin Skywalker.

In the beginning he is a shy, inexperienced and a normal young person.
But later he gets mystical powers from somewhere(maybe when his father dies) and that will destroy his personality and he will become a cold king filled with tragedy, anger and revenge. That could explain why he is so cold in the older trailers and why he is later against Stella. Maybe he will go against his friends, too.
That could change the gameplay also. Noct's friends can't use magic anymore without him being on their side.
@ Sultan and Ohri... Didn't one of the early trailers of Versus quote Shakespeare? I can't remember the quote, or the play (though I'm guessing most fitting would have been Romeo and Juliet I seem to recall it being something else that was quoted, though I'm probably wrong).

I wouldn't mind them drawing from Shakespeare and making references, so long as it isn't essentially a retelling of a Shakespeare play (that said, if any character transforms into a donkey - I'm sold).

Final Fantasy hasn't been shy of referencing Shakespeare in the past (FFIX in particular had many references to him with regards to the theatre, and the playwright Lord Avon who wrote 'I want to Be Your Canary'). Then there is that we're all referencing Shakespeare constantly throughout our lives, so there'll likely be something at least vaguely Shakespearean about Versus' storyline considering that they made a conscious effort to quote it.

As for what I think the storyline will be? I'm really not sure at all. I haven't been in the loop as far as storyline updates have been concerned, not that there have been many updates there. I do think that Noctis and Stella will be on opposing sides of a gang / faction, but hopefully it is more complicated or original than just being that.

I would comment more about the story in general, but I really don't know enough to make an educated, or even an uneducated guess. Anything extra I say now without knowing much about the game would just be me talking garbage. I may come back to this once I get around to reading more about it.

Apparently we all need to "forget about Versus for a while" anyway. :sad2:
I believe that quote was "There is nothing either good or bad, only thinking makes it so".
Im not sure if this is correct..I hope they dont copy too much from the real shakespear thing...cause that has been done too many times..
I know this argument is pretty weak, but I'm sure I spotted a "tragedia" somewhere in the song that played in the original trailer. Like you said, they were quoting Shakespeare, and from what I understood from the trailers, there's a rivalry going on between two families or something. And Ohri, it doesn't matter whether they love or hate each other, I'm just saying that's probably where they got the idea of the story. I don't know about video games, but a lot of anime writers draw heavy influences from Shakespeare, which is a fucking mystery to me, since his forte was in language and not storytelling.
Has Nomura said that this story will be a 'romeo and juliet'?. Sure most of the quotes came from shakeshpeare, but that does not mean Versus will be a 'romeo and juliet', true?. Maybe its just a tragedy occurred in the family (Lol, this is just a little hope from a fangirl like me). And it seems I am still curious about the quote "An act of love by the last king. ".

Well, does anyone have any prediction or imagination what will happen after the Nieflheim invades Noctis's Country?. And I think there is a connection with the 2008 trailer, where Noctis and his friends stopped in front of the broken bridges.

Anndd... the game starts here and the whole party thing is just a prologue?. Maybe they're heading to Tenebrae next or going to take back their crystal. Oh yeah, i don't really understand about this crystal things within the story. And I don't understand anything about the light and the 'near death experience'.

Argh, to much question in my head. And i hope i can get the answer. But predicting or imagining is fun :) please give your comments..

-Not to forget, sorry for my english :( -
I don't think it's ever been clearly stated that Versus draws inspiration from Romeo & Juliet. Hamlet certainly because of the quote, though I have a feeling that whatever connections the game will have to Hamlet will stay minimal anyway. I think people have started going on about Romeo & Juliet because they've been led there by that little Shakespearean element and a possible tragic romance between Noctis and Stella, the only two characters we know the most about so far.

I personally don't really try and make many predictions with storylines at all until more things have been revealed to us. Even then, I try and avoid predicting the storyline to keep my expectations at a reasonable enough level so that any impact of disappointment (if the story is awful or a certain part(s) turn out to be insufficiently done for whatever reason) is dwindled a bit and that any bits that are genuinely awesome and unexpected do a good enough job of wowing me.
I don't genarally like political storylines among FF's most notably FFVIII and FFXII.......But I feel versus would tie in love/betrayal plots into the storyline. I'm predicting maybe Stella is a rival and betrays Noctis.

But I'm not going to dismiss the "save the world" plot........Every FF as far as I'm aware has one. And I'm sure Noctis,despite people thinking his kingdom is revolved around imperialism........I'm sure he is a good guy or will be at the end of the day. Also the amount of villains got me excited too....Don't know who the main one is but Stella could be alongside them.

I also hope to see a tragic side to this......Hopefully Stella betrays him..........or even kills him at the end :gasp:that'd make it awesome.......The main character dead at the end :awesome: don't think a game's ever had that. In the recent trailer at the end he was talking about revenge.....whoever it was against :ahmed:, this must suggest someone has done something to him,his friends or his kingdom.

Also I surely hope Noctis is doesn't act like how he did in the recent trailer........I prefer him an emo, than an annoying little brat. :mokken: