Video Games based of Movies/TV shows that don't suck

What Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic?

Technically they are based off a movie and they were both fantastic games. Some of the best characters I've ever seen in an RPG. I'm of the opinion that they actually put movies to shame.

I thought about that as KotOR is one of my favorite games of all time, but it's not really a direct tie-in to any of the movies and over the last 30 years or so Star Wars has expanded into much more than just a movie franchise, so I decided not to count it.
I remember Bugs Bunny, lost in Time. It was a really epic game, designed for kids, really, but my whole family loved it. Hell, my whole neighborhood loved it. It was simple, harmless fun. :lew: You were going through periods of time, from caveman periods, to Medieval times to 1930s Mafia ridden America. It was just a really fun game.

The Toy Story 2 game comes to mind as well. You played as Buzz Lightyear. It was a really fun game in which you fought other toys and the gameplay, to my 8 year old mind, was epic. :wacky:

It helped that both games were long and simple, but the main thing was there was effort put in. Games based off films like Harry Potter are really short and tedious of late. You don't even have fun for the brief period you're playing the campaign for. In my opinion, put in the effort, or don't make the game at all.
Spider-Man 2 for the PS2 was decent, although the plotline had literally no connection to the film of the same name lol.

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age was not so bad, not the best RPG ever, but not a bad attempt either.

The Matrix: Path of Neo was kind of fun to play, although the retcon ending was kind of WTF.
Ninja Turtles game on NES
Jurrasic park on NES

Those were freeking awesome at that time, played it for hours , Splinter haha en Michael Angelo etc.. awesome shizzle !

I cant remember a lot though :(

Jurrasic Park was really 16 bit goodness, the T-Rex was scary :O
Goldeneye 007! From the N64. Hands down the best movie to game adaptation made. It's one of my favorite Bond movies and it's one of my all time favorite games. There's so much to compliment about. The graphics were unlike anything made at the time, it was the first real 3D first person shooter. A variety of weapons to use, addicting levels, fun multi-player, a well done soundtrack and Goldeneye even spawned a very decent disciple, Perfect Dark on N64, which blended elements of James Bond and Blade Runner. Goldeneye influenced the first person shooter genre majorly after it's release and it's still a fun game to play even to this day.
Well my little cousin asked me to play Lego Star Wars with him, and it was ok.
My mom's friend has a few SNES games, like Jurassic Park. It was pretty fun, but the T-Rex suddenly jumping out at you in the complete darkness was kind of creepy. (and in 1st person no less)