VII Gaia or IX Gaia?

I'd prefer IX's Gaia. I'd either live in Alexandria and be part of the Knights of Pluto, or live in Lindblum and be an Airship engineer. Or, I'd be a Dragoon-Knight in Burmecia. Or a monster-hunting rogue.

Ah, the possibilities XD
I love both the worlds in the games, but Midgar and Edge seem really neo-city type, Costa del Sol, Gold Saucer eek! I'd love it lol!!
But IX seems much more medievel so I'd love it there too lol VII seems poverty-stricken!!
But, and this isn't relevant, how good would it be to live in Zanarkand, or the city in the Final Fantasy XIII Versus trailer *drool*
I'd prefer IX's Gaia. I'd either live in Alexandria and be part of the Knights of Pluto, or live in Lindblum and be an Airship engineer. Or, I'd be a Dragoon-Knight in Burmecia. Or a monster-hunting rogue.

Ah, the possibilities XD

Or you could join Tantalus and be a thief/actor! That would be pretty fun ^^

I love both the worlds in the games, but Midgar and Edge seem really neo-city type, Costa del Sol, Gold Saucer eek! I'd love it lol!!
But IX seems much more medievel so I'd love it there too lol VII seems poverty-stricken!!
But, and this isn't relevant, how good would it be to live in Zanarkand, or the city in the Final Fantasy XIII Versus trailer *drool*

Midgar would be pretty cool to visit...but i wouldnt want to live there. Looked too run down and polluted. Costa del Sol would be okay, but it's too sunny and probably too hot. Gold Saucer...i hate with a passion xD

Zanarkand would kick ass ^^ The city in XIII...meh...
Oh gosh. This will probably be one of the hardest questions to answer. I'm not basing my answer on the cities that were erected in the games; I'll base my option on the settings and the general nature of each world.

FFVII and IX are my favorite games in the series, and it's hard to pick them apart side by side.

I love love love FFVII's setting to death. There are so many locations in the game that I adore to pieces. The only factor that turns me off to the idea of living in FFVII Gaia is that the worldwide depression that ensues because of the monster corperations that overrun the world.

I would have to choose FFIX on account of the upbeat civilizations that it includes. FFIX seems much more fast paced and individualistic, whereas FFVII is running a mile an hour under the occupation of bigger corperations.

Where would I live in FFIX? Most likely Treno.
VII's world would be kinda cool if it was back before ShinRa and whatnot. Like for instance, i'd love to see what Wutai was like before Yuffie's dad ruined it. It's just that VII's world seems kind of...used up, like humanity has gone as far as it can go without utterly destroying itself.

IX's world seems to young and on the verge of great discoveries (like Cid's inventing the airship that doesnt need mist). I think there'd be alot of opportunities to lead a great fulfilling life on that planet without having to worry about making loads of money for a corporation. Hell, you could even sell gyshal pickles in Lindblum.
i would choose FFIX i always liked that world it was pretty cool. i liked the medievil theme in the world. I found ff7s world cool too but just i found it weird how midgar was all high-tech and futuristic and the rest of the world was full of villages.
Easy! I love Castles, so I’d pick IX Gaia. As for the area that I probably live in, first choice would be Alexandria, my second choice would be Lindblum.
Alexandria seems cool, but to me it looked like there wasnt much in the way of a middle class, it was mostly the castle and ghetto. Treno was like that too, only worse.

I just love Lindblum though, it's a giant bustling metropolis, there'd be alot of stuff to do there, but it's still quaint and not all cyberpunk and gloomy like Midgar. I really wish they'd kept the airships flying around the area in the game like when you first see Lindblum on the worldmap, that made it seem bigger and busier.
FF9's Gaia was awesome.
It was a nice happy land full of adventure and excitement.

FF7 felt too gloomy.