vincent valentine best ff 7 character ?


Jul 22, 2010
vincent is the best final fantasy character because of his background.

vincents story

vincent was a turk and was a part of the jenova project in niblehelim and falls in love with lucresia cresent but after he finds out the link between her and his fathers death lucresia avoids vincent and goes out with the mad Professor Hojo and ends up with lucresia pregenant with hojo's baby then finds out that hojo wonts to use the fetus in the jenova project.

Lucresia ends up very sick in the project and vincent confront's hojo but hojo pulls out a gun and shoots vincent in the chest and uses him as a test project for strengthening the endurance of the human body, and metamorphosis, enabling the body to transform into various monstrous forms. While Hojo did succeed in making Vincent's body stronger, the experiments were a failure because Vincent, though still living, remained in a death-like state.
As a last resort to rehabilitate him, Lucrecia infused the chaos-tainted mako into his broken-down body. The procedure worked, as Vincent's body, due to Hojo's previous experiments, was strong enough to become a vessel for Chaos; however, Chaos was completely uncontrollable and was only stopped when the protomateria had a reaction to Chaos. The Protomateria, discovered by Grimoire alongside Chaos, was theorized by Lucrecia to have been created by the Planet "out of necessity as a means to control Chaos and prolong its own inevitable fate," and was put in Lucrecia's laboratory. She put it inside Vincent's chest, and thus Vincent was able to control Chaos to a degree. Vincent later awakened on the operating table and responded to his modified body with both anguish and rage.
Believing himself responsible for Lucrecia's illness after Sephiroth's birth, Vincent locked himself inside a coffin in the Shinra Mansion basement, where he slept mostly undisturbed for 28 years to atone for his "sins". He constantly relived his "nightmare" as a punishment for his inability to stop Lucrecia from submitting to Hojo's experiment on her unborn baby.

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vincent is the best final fantasy character because of his background.


Ok to stop my post being deleted il say something relevant :rage:
He wasnt that important, he wasnt even in the ending cgi. :wacky:
it seems though he has more fans than cloud and sephiroth put together? I dunno if its his story people like or if its cuz hes a little dark and mysterious, ive never really lived they hype around him tbh 8(
in ff7 fair dos hes a pickable character but he has his own game now and i belive he is in befor crisis aswell but i may be wrong :/

i like him for his story and cuz he looks alsome + i like turks ... well kida.
The game Square came up with for Vincent wasn't very good..more of a shooter than an rpg.

Was he a good character.Yes but he wasn't more important than Cloud or Tifa.

Hes got a sad background, but IMO it doesnt make him the best. My mate loves him, but I dont see the wow bout him. Yeah dark and mysterious ... nah doesnt float my boat. Lol, didnt know he wasnt in the final FMV, oops XD
I don't think that he is the best character, an interesting one but not the best. I think that if him and Auron got together and had a few drinks they would be best friends.
No. Not developed enough for that. Also the badass lonely type generally strikes me as boring, seeing how they rarely say something or show any kind of personality beyond their usual sulking. I do like him, because he is an optional party member that does have his own story and adds to the game's plot. And having different characters gives the game diversity, which is always good.
I personally think Red XIII/Nanaki is more interesting that Vincent. With his family backstory and his grandfather and everything, he gave more to the general storyline than Vincent.

Vincent is more of the 'cool' character that adds detail to Hojo, but not vital to the storyline.

I'd put Cloud/Aerith/Red XIII/Tifa ahead of Vincent in terms of importance to the storyline (for the good guys that is).
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I think that he’s a very good character, but he is not my favourite. He is missable in FFVII. They focused on making him a secret character instead of working him into the storyline (though he is arguably the third most connected playable character to the game’s plot, following Cloud and Aerith), so they had to make another game to give his character development as the few scenes that were in FFVII were not enough for some people.

I do like his background story, and that of Lucretia and Hojo. It was possible not to see some of the details of his story in FFVII itself, but enough was there to get an idea of what had happened (later made clearer by Dirge of Cerberus), and that was enough for me.

In battle he had the most interesting limit break. To transform into different beasts was pretty cool in my opinion, and they all looked great.

I tended to use him more in my first play through than I did in my second. When I first saw him when I was younger I thought “oh cool, vampire who can turn into a hideous monster”. I used to have him in my party quite a lot. I didn’t like him as much in my second time playing the game. Actually, I wouldn’t say that I didn’t like him, but I just found the other characters more entertaining to watch and I’d grown attached to the other characters more.
I would hardly call Vincent the best FFVII character. I would wager to say that over half the people missed him or Yuffie along their ways through the game on their 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd playthrough. There was nothing about him that interested me, he was just lame imo. And terrible as shit fighting wise too. And he's an optional character, which means he isn't necessary for the storyline, so idk how that translates to "Best character" if he's not even important enough to have to be in the game for you.

I found Red XIII aka Nanaki to be much more interesting story wise. He's a talking wolf with a fire tail, and has badass tattoos. How in hell can you beat that look? Oh and Cosmo Canyon= epic. The look of the place and the theme song for it, just made it an epic win.

So for me Red XIII> Vincent
I honestly only liked vincint for his clothes XD He's alot like me in that he seems quiet and he's got great style XD. I wish he had a better weapon, but I like him nonetheless.

Vincent may have been only an optional character but he got his own videogame. That should count for something....right? right? I don't see a Barrret vifeogame XD

I love Vincent besides Cloud though. He's one of my favs from this game.
So because he has his own game, that makes him a better character? Sorry, I dont buy that one bit. That game was made for 1 reason, more money. SE knew people would eat that shit up, so why not make the game? And need I mention, that game was a piece of shit. Final Fantasy should never be made into a shooter, again.Just because he has a game revolved around him doesn't mean he's better than Red XIII, Tifa, Barret, or Cid.

Sorry, not buying that arguement.
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He is missable. Automatically lowers his approval rating, despite his powerful backstory.

Despite that, however, I do think that he does have a very powerful impact due to his story. With what happens to him due to Hojo, and by extension, Lucretia, I thought that "Wow, he has had it quite rough". He does also have a very enigmatic look about him and his dark tone makes him a very likeable character fan wise.

In the original game, I am not sure he can be considered the best character, as mentioned earlier, he can be missed. Cloud would have to be the most interesting STORY WISE, as he was easily overdone than the other characters, bar Sephiroth. Although this was unfair, it over elaborated on his story, almost purposely.
I liked him just fine, but he was definitely not the best character in FFVII, he was moderately interesting, his background seemed a little cliche to me (not that, that's necessarily a bad thing) but since he wasn't really in the game that much there was no real character-development and because of this he didn't really feel like a full-fledged character (or a super noticeable one at least) and it felt like he was more or less just there.

And yeah, yeah, he was in Dirge of Cerberus and all, but that game blowed.
vincent was class the only reason he was optinal was cuz there was know way to fully build him in after they got3/4 of the way tho that has nuthing to do with him beinging the best ff7 charicer tho and anyway hes in far more game than any of the others be4 crisis fter crisis ff7 durg of curbiras the only 2 people i think who come close are sehiroth or cloude or maby arith altho she dies
I like Vincent, but then again, I love every playable FFVII character except for Yuffie and Cait Sith. I like Vincent because he is stylish, dark, mysterious and independent. He is equivalent to Amarant from FFIX and Shadow from FFVI.

Back when I first played the game as a teen, Vincent was my favorite. He was ever so ~dark~ and ~troubled~. Nowadays, he seems more than a bit over the top, and I have a new found appreciation for Tifa and Cid, among others.

That said, even though Vincent is an "optional" character, I couldn't imagine playing through the game without him. He does add a lot to the plot, the feel, and the mythos of the universe. I'm still fond of him, but that fondness now comes with a certain degree of eye-rolling.
Vincent was a good character but not the best, They made vincent very dark and mysterious which was great but ya find him sleeping in a coffin, I thought he was a vampire when I found him, No offence but if I found someone sleeping in a coffin that sat up and talked to me I wouldn't ask them to tag along and save the world I'd cut there head off