Dirge of Cerberus Vincent's Arm

I've pondered over this for a while...

Get this, We see Vince as a Turk and Vince as the Vincent Valentine we all know and love. Now, the glove and boots are very similar to medieval armour but the look like they have moving/interlocking parts. When Vince trasforms it seems like the fingers of the glove retract, as with the boots.

The cloak becomes a kind of skirt, with the collar buckles becoming belt buckles.... perhaps the whole costume is designed on Vince's experiences with his bestial side?

Lady Aerith, he did sound a little harsh, stay true to your opinions, I love hearing them.
Vincent's left arm


I want to know what Vincent's left arm actually is.
I have read that it's a fake arm because he doesn't have one. Others say he can take it off since it's a weapon and he has a normal human arm underneath. Others say he wears that to cover up his demon claw.
Could someone tell me the truth please?
Hojo did experiments on him....it could be perminatly fixed onto him for some reason or just a fancy bit of garment. Eitherway there is no solid explanation on his appearance so knowbody knows.
I've been asking myself the same question and the only answers i've thought up is that it's either covering an injury from his experaments or he just wears it so he can use it as a weapon.
Score! Thank you wikipedia...

"Although previously suggested to be a prosthetic, the refined character design used in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus shows that it is merely a gauntlet with long claws covering an ordinary, albeit gloved, hand."

:) I answered my own question.
Thread closed...?
I have read somewhere that is arm was removed and replaced with the claw, although it was not from an official source.

Although he can probably use it as an extra weapon, for clotheslines or something like that.:)
My guess would be that the gauntlet is covering up a majorly scarred hand, most of his body would be scarred from Hojos experiments, he uses his right hand to use his guns and he wears a glove to cover up scars and his right hand has a gauntlet to cover up scars and to use it as a weapon. That's my theory anyways :)
Another aspect that game designers that would look cool but didn't realize that avid gamers would notice and find a deeper meaning.

Morons! We're fans! Of COURSE we're gonna notice something like that :omg:

I always assumed that the claw was synthetically attached to his hand through Hojo's various experiments, but wasn't a prosthetic limb-turned-weapon.
Lmoa they are morons aren't they, they should always assume that we'll notcie these things and come up with a small yet accurate lot of information about it
So for i've heard that it was real and replaced his old, human arm as part of Hoji's experiments

Now that i've found out from this thread that its actually a gauntlet...

how come it doesn't fall off at any point?