Vincent's Birthday


Jun 6, 2006
For no particular reason other than I felt like it, and I just happened to be flipping through the game manual, I would like to remind everyone that yesterday was Vincent Valentine's birthday. Now the real question remains - what do we get him? :mellow:
happi belated b'dae hehe i think we should all get him a super fast machine gun hehe and a whole new cape with no holes so when its raining he can cover himself hehe
If it's not too late I think we should get hima new cape since cloud stole it from him in kingdom hearts 1 lol
oh,i forgot Vincent's birthday.i'm a terrible person.i hope Vincent will forgive me about this.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINCENT.(if it counts now)
Wow. And I thought his luck was bad enough as it was, but now he's got a Friday the Thirteenth B-Day? Life hates ya, doesn't it, Vinny?
I'd get him a copy of one of those Deal With Death books. For the 'Lucrecia Obsession', of course. Cloud could've used one of those during AC, too...