Vivi's Name


Hardcore Hero
Oct 24, 2006
Sometimes the World that Never Was, sometimes Cast
I was sitting bored off my ass in spanish class today and I noticed that "vivi" in spanish means "to live". I wonder if this is where they got the name? It kind of fits in with Vivi's story and the black mages. I've always found Vivi quite a strange name. Any thoughts anyone?
Square do have a tendency to put meaning behind people's names. With this, I'm not surprised in the slightest. Though I sort of am, because I didn't see it coming... xD

Good find.
Oh, that's a very good point. There's a high possibility that that's where his named derived from, indeed. It certainly matches the whole theme of Vivi's life.

Or it could've came from the Italian word Vivo, meaning "I live"...and is also a female name derived from Vivian, meaning "alive"...but yeah, same concept and everything.
Hm.. apart from the quote of Vivi's "How can you be sure you exist, maybe I don't exist..." I don't really see how "I exist" fits in with the story. A lot Vivi's section of the story is about life and death and there has been debates about whether Vivi is dead by the end of the game.
I found this quite a while ago:

Vivi may come from the Italian Vivo meaning "I live." Alternately, his name may come from the Latin vivus meaning "to live", or Spanish vivi, or "I lived". Vivi is also a female name derived from Vivian, which means "alive".
I was sitting bored off my ass in spanish class today and I noticed that "vivi" in spanish means "to live". I wonder if this is where they got the name? It kind of fits in with Vivi's story and the black mages. I've always found Vivi quite a strange name. Any thoughts anyone?

Hey that's a nice find. XD
I never even thought about vivi having anything to do with Vivi's name. lol.
But it makes perfect sense, you're right. And it goes with his story very well.
Not to mention it's cute. ^__^
Now that you mention it, yeah, I agree, good find! :D
I never even thought about it myself, and I think lots.

It makes perfect sense, yes siree.
Makes a good point, but I never though of that actually I though more that Vivi's name was some sort of Roman numbers thing, you know, since he's created and I though it would mean VIVI, in roman I think it makes seperated 6-6 or it can be 5-1-5-1....but since Squarenix kind of use allot of old Latin words and names I think the living one makes more sense....
Wow I speak Spanish and I didn't notice that. o_o I fail at Spanish. Vivi....Para vivir. (To Live)
In French, vivre = to live and life = la vie . Square likes to use Latin words in their names, so that is why it seems familiar to all Latin based languages (Spanish, Italian, French).
yeah i think that they thougth it over and got vivi cause its not a usuall name relli it had got to mean something and if it meanss to live it would suit him like mad
good discovery. it makes perfect sense as throughout the game vivi ponders his reason for living and where he came from. eventually he realizes that he wants to live. it all comes together.
Huh, good find indeed.

The whole time, I never really game much thought to his name and I fully agree that it goes along well with Vivi's character theme and story.
That's something else that I never knew, however I'm not surprised. It does go along with Vivi's story very well indeed.
i didn't know this :D good find!

it makes sense though as it gives the meaning of Vivis name a meaning and a cruel Irony, since you say it means "to live" and Vivi doesn't...well

and i think SE gives most characters names a meaning, like Aerith Means Earth, and Yuna means moon (or something like that) im not surprised that they made Vivis name mean "to live"
I was only aware of the French term, Vivre. Ironically, that's precisely what I named Vivi. I didn't even know his back story beforehand.