
I do have a taste for rather out there hair style and colour, besides pink. Though if someone dies their hair, they better do it well. If it looks cheapo, i think its just bad.

Here is a colour variation cosplay of Miku's typical teal and black.

Iono. I rather like how she does it. Especially the hair ties and the headphones
The picture matches her leek. xD <3

im sorry but i have to say the shion brothers and sisters pwn the entire vocaloid cast. and depending on the packages the kagemines are extremely whiny... and i love gackupo, megurine and miku :3
I would do all sorts of things with Luka. > n > <3[/rabidfangirl]
mhmm. Negi >.< Miku is teh favourite

i got this in pre ordered


i got this on my desk btw. Three of em. Cutest decoration i have, especially so when her front tentacles come together since they have magnets in em. I can hang em upside down if i wated to or chain em up.


The kagamine are kids, so a bit whiny is to be expected. I do love Rin's kokoro song.
I totally envy you so much right now, Naru. > A >
Must. Have. I know what I want for my birthday now. xD

And I agree, Rins Kokoro song made me cry!
It's such a touching song - one of my absolute favorites!
hmm I never knew what this was exactly,but Ive been told to watch some every now and then,I might look some up maybe find FF8's Eye's on You xD be funny to see that.

Ive probably seen them on that Caramelsan thing thats spammed everywhere ~.~
I really dont know much about this program but ive seen lots and lots of fan art for this and i think it would make an awesome anime! seriously they should consider doing it.