Voice acting improved

I don't see why people bitch about Vaan's VA. It's fine, you know why? Because an actual teenager voiced him.

You know what happens when an adult voices a teenager?


Vaan's VA > wtfpwnage > Tidus' VA
I don't see why people bitch about Vaan's VA. It's fine, you know why? Because an actual teenager voiced him.

You know what happens when an adult voices a teenager?


Vaan's VA > wtfpwnage > Tidus' VA

The fact that he was voiced by a teenager doesn't make the quality of the voice acting any better. It still sucked, IMO. None of his emotions were convincing.

But I do agree that Tidus' voice was worse.
It sounded much more convincing than if an adult had voiced him. Merely hearing Tidus speak makes me cringe. I could listen to Vaan all day without much of a problem. I'm not saying he's perfect, but people act as if he was the worst FF VA ever.

That award goes to Tidus.
The issue I had with Vaan's voice was that he seemed far too nasal when he spoke. Almost monotone too. However, I didn't find it horrible at all.

The only voice I didn't actually like much was Reddas'. It just... didn't work well.
Oh Em Gee, Of course! It was really great. Way better than X. The mouths were exactly on point. At least I didn't notice anything that was wrong.

=D. It's something I look forward too in future games.
The voice acting in XII far surpassed that of X IMO. They had a great cast of people doing the voices and the timing on the voices was, as you say, spot on. I hope in XIII that , if possible, it is just as good or even better, because if the voice over are bad then I wont like the game ^_^
You could tell they put alot of work into making the VO's match the characters lips and of the like. =D!! It made me happy. I didn't realize that X was that bad until I played XII and then went back and played X.
i didn't like ashes voice all that much either. I found balthiers & dr Cids strangely sexy which is so very very wrong (i'd have to add Auron to that list aswel) Iv not completed it yet, but gilgameshes irritated me and i HATED marquis ondores - other than that the VA was good

But why are people with british accent always made villains? Oh well, I like a good villain anyways.....and if those cockatrices had VA i'd swear they were from up north......not sure how to take that LOL
haha i agree XII has the good synch and voice acting...technologies improve year by year, anyway the voice of Rasler isn't really a match to his cute and handsome face
I thought that too. 8D There is no shame in admitting that Dr. Cid had a strangely sexy voice. I thought that too XD!
I made the mistake of googling the guy who did the va for auron and i was rather dissapointed, but perving over a computer game character is soooo wrong. Im assuming it's the same guy who does Balthier? who incidentally also sounds sexy...........

I need shooting haha- im supposed to be all growed up.......
Yes, I thought it was a definite improvement over X. In fact, it’s one the elements I loved the most about XII. Each actor seemed to be perfectly cast for the roles they were intended to portray, especially Fran. I thought her voice and accent was the most interesting out of them all...
It was great, except for the breathing scenes, it was like they were breathing in your ear, over dramatic. I really like the voice acting, except for Vaan.

I absolutely loved Fran's accent, Hot or what, her character as a whole is excellent
Some voice actors sound soooo sexyyy! lol.

Balthier, Auron, & Basch. Omg. So awesome. haha. =)! They did quite a well job on those ones.
I agree that it was better, but I'm not sure if it's the VOICE ACTING. More the animation. I loved the voices in X, they just didn't sync with the mouth movements. I thought each part was well acted, and the voices suited the characters perfectly. I especially loved the actors used for Auron, Yuna, Wakka Rikku and Lulu. Seymour had a perfectly suited voice, too. Tidus' suited him, and I don't think I hated his voice... But hearing many negative (and true) comments on it has slightly altered my view.

The voice acting in XII was also very good. I thought Larsa's voice was perfect. Penelo's was a lot like Rikku's, which meant I felt she was unoriginal. Fran's voice I loved. The accent was just perfect for her character. Balthier's was awesome too. I do think the voice acting was a little more expressive, given the lack of expression between the characters.
I wouldn't b able to understand Fran if there weren't subtitles...
I guess that was supposed to happen
I 100% think that some of FFX's dialogue was utterly lametastic, and Yuna's voice actress was particularly poor in some areas.
FFXII's is better, but it didn't blow me away. The way Ashe gasps at things is far too loud, and slightly disturbing. Balthier is the best, naturally for his english accent. *waves flag*
I wouldn't b able to understand Fran if there weren't subtitles...
I guess that was supposed to happen

Really? For me (I've got a Californian accent), Icelandic accents are much easier to penetrate than, for example, Welsh accents.
I agree, the voice overs in FFXII have improve greatly. As said above, the lip sync fit the voice in FFXII.

Fran voice suit her very well. Balthier voice was sexy. XD