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I'mma try again...This is doing my head in.

And 15 is well posh! :gasp:

EDIT: 5 Even. 15 Made me jump. >.>
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RIGHT, fucking bollocksy twat, Ive guessed most of them xD

*sends pm with answers*
My father holy shit I had it on full volume and it was so fucking loud. But some of these are easy XD mostly the british accents.
I knew 8 of them for DEFO, I just guessed the rest, and Im fairly sure I have all the names aswel
I know only two for def. I guessed 8 and left the rest of them blank because I would've failed anyway -__-
Orofl. Wonder if people got mine. :wacky: *pm's her answers*

PMS.... Huh... *Stabs it*
wait wut Kira your in it? *watches video again*
This is gonna be so much fun everyone! I think I can win this, even though I only know 1 voice from this entire forum. Americans are at such a disadvantage for this in my opinion. There aren't many options that I could fit here.
Orofl. :wacky: Yes, of course I'm in there, Adri! And I just guessed the best I could! ^^
Doing well so far guys.

There's a leaderboard type thing in the first post so you know who your main target/s to beat are! :awesome:
Kelly's in the lead! xD You cheater.

I'm going to analyze every single voices when I have the time.
Justin you cheater! And what mathematical approach? =/ Man, 11 right...
Oi, no cheating either! :gasp:

I'll be glad to participate in a voiceclip orgy once your score has been posted. :wacky:

I didn't cheat, but it did take me like an hour to finish. :gasp:
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