Wait what!!?

Kirby Phelps (PK)

Mother fanatic!
Dec 11, 2008
I always thought that Final Fantasy VII was the most popular FF in the series. Everybody praised it, calling it one of the best video games of all time. When most people think of Final Fantasy, they think of 7, right? It's definitely been getting the most attention. But now I'm suddenly hearing that a lot of FF fans hate 7? WHAT!? When did this happen? What's with the sudden FFVII hate, I thought people loved 7. I don't understand.
Anything that becomes too popular becomes a victim of hatred from fans of a series. The same is true for FF7.

I think what it stems from is that to the outside world FF7 is probably the one that people think about and so some fans hiss at FF7 because they believe that other FF's deserve just as much attention as the FF7 game and spin offs.

It's also pretty much the fault of the spin offs as well. I believe Square made a mistake in focusing their efforts on making loads of FF7 games, films, anime and other stuff rather than giving some time towards other games too. The spin-offs have spawned a whole coach load of new fans as well, a lot of which hadn't played the original FF7 game but still consider it their favourite. :huh: So this annoys a lot of general FF fans who don't consider these newbies as proper FF fans, or proper FF7 fans at least. It sort of leads on to how some people see liking FF7 as a blind, thoughtless choice, and that you are just conforming to the masses etc. Which isn't always true at all.

Basically the more that they milk FF7, the more fans will grow irritated by FF7's popularity, and this can sometimes ruin their appetite for the game. This sometimes leads to hate and people start to preach against FF7. I've seen it happen a hell of a lot on here. :awesome:

So that is essentially what has happened. That, and also that some people just genuinely dislike the game. However it is mostly just down to people being fed up with how popular it is. Quite a few people do things like that as it is seen as breaking the norm, being different, standing out etc. It's sometimes a subconscious thing.

If a lot of the haters let themselves enjoy it I'm sure they could, they just feel too angry to let themselves as now it is so much harder for them to play FF7 without trying to compare it with the other games and looking for every possible flaw in order to say "ha! THIS got made into a movie, why couldn't my favourite game which was perfect?" etc etc.

I don't hate FF7. Personally it is one of my favourites (FFVI and VII joint first place in my mind), but I personally don't care as much for some of the spin-offs. However, I don't let this affect my judgement of the original game. Personally I don't see the logic in writing the game off and spoiling it for me forever. Sadly so many other people do, which leaves a bad taste in their mouths regarding FF7.

That's what I think happened to it, from what I've observed.
It's basic bandwagon smack talk and bravado. Since some people can't find new news about the old game, they dorkify themselves in the struggle to create a quiet riot and become some sort of notorious name when you hear about a game. It's pathetic, really, but yeah, its usually bandwagon smack talk like I said. One person says something, another person says something that links to what they said in a negative manner, and links continue to form until a chain of downgrading idiocy holds down the once amazing reputation of a still-outstanding game. This happens a lot with bands on youtube. I have no why the bandwagon complex is so damn easy to gain, to be honest. -__-
Yeah. It may sound strange. But it's true. Some people dislike VII.

When something is hyped up so much, you really expected it to be great and wonderful.
And when you finally start to begin to play and realize that the graphics are not that flash or there is spelling mistakes in the character's speech bubbles. You would probably think.
WTF ? How is this game so great ??

But also think that the game's confusing storyline and not really explaining a few things clearly can leave some players lost and confused. Like the whole Sephiroth > Jenova debate. Who controls who ?, who is the real villain ? Who is the voice inside Cloud ??
How the heck did Nibelheim burn down and then have people say that it's not burnt down by it's villagers and then actually finding out that Cloud didn't lie & Nibelheim DID burn down..

Think the un-clear storyline can leave people confused and disliking the game.
Also heard that somebody disliked VII because of the stereotypical characters.

We have the cold & emotionless Hero
The tough chick that struggles to win over the heart of the hero
The innocent and somewhat naive girl
Animal that can speak and shocks everybody when he speaks
Dark skinned character that speaks in a ''Gangster " like tone
The silent guy who hardly says anything and stands by the corner
The annoying hyperactive girl
The cute & adorable animal
And the random comic relief - Cid who drives a Airship.

Think those characters may be stereotyped today. But back in 1997 these characters were so original and just wow. They were amazing. But not everybody feels that way.
Espically if you watched or knew anime or read manga before playing..

Love Final Fantasy VII because of nostalgic reasons and childhood memories.
But really dislike Advent Children and last Order, because of the random changes.
Crisis Core. Can't judge haven't played. xD

But also think alot of people dislike VII because of the chibi anime style graphics and lego hands and feet. With players being spoiled with today's wonderful technology they may look down upon VII's badly aged graphics. Like dirt.
Well, I'll admit that I don't like FFVII much. It is probably because I was expecting for something really great (after hearing for years how great the games is) and was disappointed. Even though I know that my "dislike" for the game may have grown from the disappointment, I want to believe that I am not a victim of this psychological trick.

Overall, I hate only one thing about the game: It is too famous and the other FFs look lame compared to it, even though most of them are great.

The reason I dislike this game is because I didn't really enjoyed it much.
It really has a great upgrading system, battle system and characters, but I personally didn't like the plot. And that is what ruined everything for me.
I really liked the beginning, but it became boring somewhere in the middle.
It had a few more nice parts since then, but somehow I didn't enjoy them enough.

While I can honestly say that the game has many good points and maybe even great, I can't say that I liked it. For example, it is better than FFI but I liked FFI more. It is just like that.
Unfortunately, I think it's almost become an internet trend to 'controversially' claim that FFVII is bad, and not say, one of the best games ever made. As far as I'm concerned, the game was, and still is exceptional, on every level – and despite being over ten years old it still shames most next-gen games. When a game becomes so successful and receives so much praise though, as FFVII has, you'll always get some people trying to work the fan-boys up into an angry frenzy by saying stuff like; the characters sucked and Sephiroth was a douche-bag, that's one of the most common attacks I've seen on FFVII. That said, some people genuinely disliked the game. For every ten people that loved the characters and the narrative, you'll always get at least one who hated them. For me though, FFVII was an utterly unique and engaging experience. But yeah, the game isn't to everyone's taste, and I think most people's annoyance stems from the fact that they think FFVII is overrated, and doesn't deserve the adulation it receives. That's my hypothesis.
Most people who hate FFVII haven't really given it a chance and listen to what other cynical assholes are telling them. D:<
It's called free will and personal taste. Liking a game just because the majority of people do isn't a mandatory requirement, people are always going to differ in their opinions.
It's called free will and personal taste. Liking a game just because the majority of people do isn't a mandatory requirement, people are always going to differ in their opinions.
I know that, but I'm just saying a lot of people really don't form their own opinions about Final Fantasy VII because they see all these fanboys/fangirls making the whole series look extremely retarded with their fanfics and awful fan-art. I don't blame them, but I think a lot more people would like FFVII if they actually played it.
I am definitely one who got a bit irritated with the popularity of this game. The same goes for Cloud and Sephiroth. They are simply NOT two of the best video game characters of all time. Not by a long shot. Not even in their own series. And to hear people preach on and on and on, it just gets old and stale. It seems like some people claim to be FF Fans and simply blank when they hear the name Cyan or Steiner, who are two great characters. I digress.

FF is certainly a great game. I personally love 4, 6, and 9 FAR more than this game and I believe it is unjustly considered the best. But what it all boils down to is; who cares? Do you like it? Do you like the characters? That's all that matters. Enjoy what you enjoy and let others classify whichever installment they want as their favorite. In short; to each their own.
There are a couple of different kinds of people that are called VII "haters".

1. People who genuinely dislike the game, they played it and didn't like it. I have no quarrel with these people, it's their opinion after all. If I were to get upset by every little thing like that then I'd have to stay away from the internet altogether in order to stay calm.

2. People who genuinely dislike VII fans. From what I can tell, this is the majority. They dislike how many fans claim that the game is indisputably the best game ever, despite not providing evidence to prove it. They don't hate the game, they hate the fact that some people blindly idolize it to the point that they become ignorant of everything else.
I suppose I belong to this category, I do get a bit annoyed when a fan comes online and is adamant that VII surpasses all other games in excellence, writing everything else off as inferior even if they haven't played it or given it any thought. It's these kinds of people who will go into a VS thread and immediately vote for Sephiroth and claim that he could clearly beat anybody or anything without even breaking a sweat. Despite the fact that he never displayed that kind of power in the games and the fact that other games have plenty of powerful characters as well.
I don't mind VII fans in general, it's the blind and ignorant ones that get me mad.

3. People who are "on the bandwagon". I honestly don't see this happen as much as some people say it does, most people who say they don't like VII as much have completely legitimate arguments as to why, as well as examples of games that they prefer. I've seen a few people who clearly dislike VII for the hell of it, but for the most part it's just because some people prefer other games.

I've said it many times on this forum, but my personal opinion is that the game is very good, but not quite as good as some people say it is.
We have threads that deal with this matter. Try posting in all ready created posts before creating your own.

This thread actually came first.

The other one just had a clearer title which is why everyone posted in that.

They should probably be merged really as the topics are exactly the same and were created a few days apart from each other.

Anyway, to the topic.. Vlad's list of 3 type of haters is very true. Some genuinly hate the game, some hate the hype, and some hop on the bandwagon.

Though I have seen the bandwagon one happen quite a lot I feel, it does appear to be cool to hate FF7 among certain groups of people, where merely just saying it isn't your favourite should suffice instead.

Hate is pretty strong, and I don't understand why people can honestly feel it for a game like that. That's just me talking though, who will find possitives in pretty much anything he plays and open himself up enough to allow himself to enjoy it the best he can, even if it is flawed.
Even the most popular games suffer great amounts of hatred. I think, with FFVII, most of the hate started when it got too much attention. There are people out there who aren't that devoted to this game, so seeing it get so much praise probably ignited the flames. Then, as it got even more attention, it just ended up adding fuel to the fire.
A lot of people who hate 7 have A) never played it B) Think the spinoffs arn't necessary ( they arn't but they add to it) and C) prefer some over game from the series and think that theres is better and deserves as much praise.
Anything that becomes too popular becomes a victim of hatred from fans of a series. The same is true for FF7.

I think what it stems from is that to the outside world FF7 is probably the one that people think about and so some fans hiss at FF7 because they believe that other FF's deserve just as much attention as the FF7 game and spin offs.

It's also pretty much the fault of the spin offs as well. I believe Square made a mistake in focusing their efforts on making loads of FF7 games, films, anime and other stuff rather than giving some time towards other games too. The spin-offs have spawned a whole coach load of new fans as well, a lot of which hadn't played the original FF7 game but still consider it their favourite. :huh: So this annoys a lot of general FF fans who don't consider these newbies as proper FF fans, or proper FF7 fans at least. It sort of leads on to how some people see liking FF7 as a blind, thoughtless choice, and that you are just conforming to the masses etc. Which isn't always true at all.

Basically the more that they milk FF7, the more fans will grow irritated by FF7's popularity, and this can sometimes ruin their appetite for the game. This sometimes leads to hate and people start to preach against FF7. I've seen it happen a hell of a lot on here. :awesome:

So that is essentially what has happened. That, and also that some people just genuinely dislike the game. However it is mostly just down to people being fed up with how popular it is. Quite a few people do things like that as it is seen as breaking the norm, being different, standing out etc. It's sometimes a subconscious thing.

If a lot of the haters let themselves enjoy it I'm sure they could, they just feel too angry to let themselves as now it is so much harder for them to play FF7 without trying to compare it with the other games and looking for every possible flaw in order to say "ha! THIS got made into a movie, why couldn't my favourite game which was perfect?" etc etc.

I don't hate FF7. Personally it is one of my favourites (FFVI and VII joint first place in my mind), but I personally don't care as much for some of the spin-offs. However, I don't let this affect my judgement of the original game. Personally I don't see the logic in writing the game off and spoiling it for me forever. Sadly so many other people do, which leaves a bad taste in their mouths regarding FF7.

That's what I think happened to it, from what I've observed.

Well, I think Argor got that about covered. XD I love it though, personally. It is my favourite of all of the Final Fantasy games, and really, I can't get enough of it. :D

My favourite character from it, and heck, favourite character from any Final Fantasy game, is Nanaki. The quadruped party member from FF games, that makes him unique, and his part in the story, that was my favourite of all.

The part, where you go through the Cave of the Gi, and at the end, where Nanaki finds out the truth about who his father really was, after he had thought of him as a coward for such a long time...

I know it is kind of embarrassing, but that part actually makes me cry a little. Not out loud, just a few tears trickle down my face...

I think it has alot to do with the extensions and spin offs that have been made, they kinda ruin the image of the game.
Anything, whether it be games, music, books or movies that are loved by the masses will draw a group of those who completely hate it, more so for the amount of praise it receives rather than the actual content.

Most of the 'haters' don't dislike the game, they dislike the hype and amazment surrounding it, thier 'hate' for the game is therefore exageratted because they want it to be known that they are going against the masses with their opinions and will pick out tiny things and make a big deal out of them when theyt are trying to defend their arguement, having said that it also works the other way.
holy crap! those ffvii haters should realy give the game a chance, i used 2 despise ffvii. but then i gave it a chance 4 pc and i loved it! if u tried it, then u must have a pretty good reson 4 being a hater