Wait what!!?

most gamers today will not play final fantasy 7 and prolly not like it even if they tried because of the graphics and that is why i think remaking it for the ps3 will be a good move , and maybe ppl will see the beauty this game really has
Indeed, I think with modern gaming being so graphics orientated I feel that the only real barrier between FF VII and most players is the graphics. Something that wasn't the case back in 1997 when it made the series much more visible.
Anything that becomes too popular becomes a victim of hatred from fans of a series. The same is true for FF7.

I think what it stems from is that to the outside world FF7 is probably the one that people think about and so some fans hiss at FF7 because they believe that other FF's deserve just as much attention as the FF7 game and spin offs.

It's also pretty much the fault of the spin offs as well. I believe Square made a mistake in focusing their efforts on making loads of FF7 games, films, anime and other stuff rather than giving some time towards other games too. The spin-offs have spawned a whole coach load of new fans as well, a lot of which hadn't played the original FF7 game but still consider it their favourite. :huh: So this annoys a lot of general FF fans who don't consider these newbies as proper FF fans, or proper FF7 fans at least. It sort of leads on to how some people see liking FF7 as a blind, thoughtless choice, and that you are just conforming to the masses etc. Which isn't always true at all.

Basically the more that they milk FF7, the more fans will grow irritated by FF7's popularity, and this can sometimes ruin their appetite for the game. This sometimes leads to hate and people start to preach against FF7. I've seen it happen a hell of a lot on here. :awesome:

So that is essentially what has happened. That, and also that some people just genuinely dislike the game. However it is mostly just down to people being fed up with how popular it is. Quite a few people do things like that as it is seen as breaking the norm, being different, standing out etc. It's sometimes a subconscious thing.

If a lot of the haters let themselves enjoy it I'm sure they could, they just feel too angry to let themselves as now it is so much harder for them to play FF7 without trying to compare it with the other games and looking for every possible flaw in order to say "ha! THIS got made into a movie, why couldn't my favourite game which was perfect?" etc etc.

I don't hate FF7. Personally it is one of my favourites (FFVI and VII joint first place in my mind), but I personally don't care as much for some of the spin-offs. However, I don't let this affect my judgement of the original game. Personally I don't see the logic in writing the game off and spoiling it for me forever. Sadly so many other people do, which leaves a bad taste in their mouths regarding FF7.

That's what I think happened to it, from what I've observed.

Like all things that rise to the height of popularity, others want to chop it down. And the fanboys and fangirls of the game are another reason why people, in turn, dislike the game itself.

Also, the plot really isn't that difficult to grasp. It just forces you to think, and that can become rough on some people after 3 discs worth. Essentially, what you know is what the characters know, so you have to figure everything out as you go along. That's what causes confusion with most people, is that I'm guessing they have a hard time separating what the characters initially think from what we actually discover. Um, really, a lot of FFs are like that. 9 had its own twist and turns as well. And lets not get started on X. The only thing that I think would legitimately confuse people if they don't pay attention, is the stuff about Cloud's relation to Jenova & Sephiroth.

And then a lot of people love picking at the typos. When really, most of the time, that's all they are. Harmless typos that have no real impact on the story, and maybe a few, minor mistranslations. The only misleading one I can think of is the one regarding Tseng's fate (when Elena says to the party that they "did her boss in"), and that's even fixed for the PC version.

The third reason, as others have said, would be the graphics. People can't decipher the fact that FF7 is still a PSX game. The very graphics that were once considered revolutionary for its time are now considered outdated. This is a very silly reason.

Those are three of the biggest reasons I see that come up, and I find them a bit ridiculous, but to each their own.

If someone has legitimate reasons for disliking the game, that's perfectly fine. People are free to feel and think as they please.
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