
I would just call him a Blitzer. He has his own unique style. I didn't really use him in battle unless I wanted to inflict darkness.
His overdrive is good though =]
He is everything mixed into one!!!

Wakka: Status elemetalist range attacker (with blitzball skills)

There that kind of sorts that out
Wakka's an archer for certain. Yes and with status damage but that's not so important b=ecause of the sphere grid. All the other characters can learn his Dark/Sleep/etc attacks.:)
Yeah, I always classed him as a status inflictor as well as a long ranged/archer attacker especially against flying fiends.
I'd say Grey Mage it's not really a conventional class I just made it up but it mixes White magic (status such as Regen and Protect) and Black Magic (obviously damage) mix 'em up and voila Grey Magic that does damage and status effects.

I think that would be considered Red Mage? Both white and black magic.

I don't agree with everyone that is saying he is a status inflicter because the sphere grid allows anyone to do that. I think he would be classified as a long range attacker...basically an archer with no bow and arrows ^_^
Archer, except with a ball...... ballcher?

Plus status changer person! ....... stat-ballcher. For sure.

:P But for real hes just a ranged attacker to me.
I think he fulfills the requirements for both the Ranger and the Gambler with the former being his main job.

Come to think of it, all the other characters (save Lulu and maybe Auron) appear to have 2 jobs:

Tidus: Warrior/Time Mage
Yuna: Summoner/White Mage
Rikku: Alchemist/Thief
Kimahri: Blue Mage/Dragoon
I think that would be considered Red Mage? Both white and black magic.

I don't agree with everyone that is saying he is a status inflicter because the sphere grid allows anyone to do that. I think he would be classified as a long range attacker...basically an archer with no bow and arrows ^_^

I guess Ranged Red Mage...
even though you are all right, i'd still say hes a blitzballer, well he is actually a blitzballer lol. i agree that you could call him a range or archer type person but for wakka i dnt tink that would suit him. if you kno what i mean
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Wakka is the closest thing to an archer/gunner FFX has. He just has GREAT attack and status inflicting attacks...even though by the end of the game everybody is in a different class...my Tidus is basically a paladin...
i would clasify him as the ranged type of class since he had the blitzball
The thing that always stumps me about Wakka is that his section of the sphere grid has MP healing spells like Osmos and attack spells like Dark Attack and Sleep Attack that don't necessarily inflict more damage; they just handicap the enemy. And to top it all off, his Overdrive doesn't really relate to anything that he learns on the sphere grid.

He has a scattered list of abilities that would be better suited for the other characters. Lulu should have spells like Osmos, and Auron should have skills like Dark Attack. And furthermore, what doesn't make sense about the Osmos spell being on his side of the grid, is that Wakka doesn't necessarily need to use different MP consuming skills during each turn. A character like Lulu probably depletes her MP two or three times as fast as Wakka would.

Seems to me like they just scrambled a bunch of abilities together, taking a few here and there from the other character's (should have been) grid attributes and combined them for Wakka.

I like Wakka as a fighter; he's very versatile. A long range fighter with status inflicting abilities, normal and elemental attacks (his overdrive) healing skills, and really great strength. Not to mention he's also available in underwater parties.

I wouldn't call Wakka an Elementalist. He has the ability to cast elemental spells, sure. But he also has a little bit of everything on the side. o.0
I never thought about what to classify him as, but now that you mention it, I would just classify him as a blitzball guy.
i always counted him as a ranger...

Please put more effort into your posts as this is spammy. Thank you.
I also always classed him as a ranger also, his blitzball is as close to a gun as you get in X and he can hit the 'back row' enemies when the others can't with their weapons
yeah i dont have a clue about wakka if i had to put him in a skill i would say he was a tutor at the start for tidus as in showing him the way around the village and also i would put him under bliztballer
I really don't know, I'd say he should have his own custom class, blitzballer, or blitzer or whatever.