SPOILERS Was 9 ruined by the ending?

i think zidane and garnet should have kissed at the end. i thought the guy in the cloak was him anyway and then he goes "i want my dagger" or something then they should have kissed not hugged
He came out of nowhere... I was so confused until I died.
But he should have at least been mentioned a bit more.
Personally i thought that the end of the game was the best part from Terra on Disc 3 onwards.the suspense was through the roof discovering about Kuja and the final boos battles of Disc 3 were brilliant.

Then on to disc 4 the tower of Memoria which was beautifully designed in all aspects (The Artistic Design of the place,the battles,the size etc.), then when you get to the end of the Crystal "World" and battle with Kuja it was fantastic the atmosphere with the characters motives along with th tension of battle and superb Soundtrack "Dark Messenger" it was amazing then when the battle was over you thought Necron, Now i can understand why people dislike Necron due to how he just suddenly appreared,though he does have his reasons for being hidden personally im glad the battle is there at the end because i cant imagine it just ending with Trance Kuja as the final battle.also i find Necron more trickier than the other bosses (Discounting Ozma i suppose) and enjoyed the Final battle.

As for the ending i enjoyed it,it was a long and explained everything i needed to know :)

personally i enjoyed everyhing about the game apart from the trance system
It was kind of hard for me to string the events of the whole Memoria and such after that, and where the crystal boss came from was a mystery to me...But the Terra and the whole story line prior to that was actually amazing...It just seemed to take such a drastic turn in a short period of time.

I would have like to know where Memoria came from and how it was manifested.
i think zidane and garnet should have kissed at the end. i thought the guy in the cloak was him anyway and then he goes "i want my dagger" or something then they should have kissed not hugged

Erm they did kiss right at the end of that scene when it fades out you see there heads go closer to each other and kiss.......well im sure thats what happend and now im tempted to replay the last bosses just to see that.:blink:

okay i just looked on youtube,no kiss hmmm strange ah well.
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Ruined by the ending? Pff, of course not. Necron's appearance was somewhat disappointing, but it hardly ruined the game...
I found Necron's appearance to be a tad more than a bit dissapointing, I haven't played the game since. ><
i think zidane and garnet should have kissed at the end. i thought the guy in the cloak was him anyway and then he goes "i want my dagger" or something then they should have kissed not hugged

For some reason, ROFLMAO! :D
Yeah, I agree, there should've been kissing.
But then again, since the characters were modeled like small humans, I guess the producers expected them to do something less...say, mature.
Hugging's fine for kids.
Mind, I'm one.
I can't imagine thinking this great game could be "ruined" by anything. The Necron stuff wasn't fully explained, I didn't like the part with Zidane wandering around in the stars, and the ending seemed to run a little slow, but other than that it was great. The cutscene was long but just perfect. I cried as more than I would at some smarmy kneejerk Hollywood movie, that's for sure. My only complaint is that disc 4 was so much shorter than the other discs. You really just pop it in, and BANG that's the end of the game. There also should have been a better option about teleporting in Pandemonium. You can teleport back to the beginning of Pandemonium, but not from the beginning to the end / crystal area. I did the entire ending with no potions, no high potions, and only 7 elixirs. I just about had a heart attack.
I actually agree that Memoria ended it for me.

Like, the first time around I thought it was cool and etc., it was a little hard to get at first. But the second time around im just like...what was Square thinking? The whole looking for the colored plates or whatever lost my attention the second time around.

BTW: Memoria was manifested by everyone's memories.
. My only complaint is that disc 4 was so much shorter than the other discs. You really just pop it in, and BANG that's the end of the game.

That's true of FFVII and FFVIII as much as it's true of FFIX.
I liked the ending too... I never thought It was ruined though ^^
I was also shock when Zidane popped (lol) in suddenly at the play...
and Vivi has some chibi look alike followers
The only thing I didn't like is not knowing what happened
Zidane saved Kuja... or joined him in falling

But, all's good ^_^

FFIX was ruined by that absurd battle system. The trance system is next to broken (Zidane, Zidane, Zidane -- eight ways to do max dmg), dodging animations take forever, and the mobs super-cede you... ~roars~
how come some of you guys said it would have been better if zidane died? how so? why would the main character dying and the ending being depressing for all of the characters have made it better? i disagree completely and was really pissed when zidane got swallowed by those plants. i was pissed until he took off the cloak and said "bring my beloved dagger to me!!". also i liked the fact that garnet didn't care about dropping her pendant and was able to just be herself and be with the person she loved the most. a truly touching and magnifacent ending. flawless. oh and necron? ah who cares, that wasnt enough to ruin a great game like that for me.
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I like that the game got all weird at the end and gave you such a huge twist. FFVII did the same thing, it started off as just attacking Shinra Corp. but then at the end you found out their was a higher being at work that was the root of all the problems. Same thing happened in IX actually to be honest that IS exactly what happened when you fight the huge tree and it opens the link to the other world. I loved the ending it was by far the best one in my opinion.
Then ending wasn't ruined.
If Garland was a Human and at the end Zidane just goes to to a castle in Gaia, there would be no suspense and no thrill.
Would you rather they stay on Gaia not risking anything, or go to another world knowing they may never come back?

The story thickened when the planets were going to collide in a way they could of never gotten if there was 1 world in the game. When they went to Memoria it was to save the Crystal, which could of destroyed the entire UNIVERSE. The game just wasn't Zidane trying to Kick Kuja's ass it was Zidane trying to save the Universe for a world that wasn't even his.

Virtue, You don't need a reason to help people.