SPOILERS Was 9 ruined by the ending?

FFIX was ruined by that absurd battle system. The trance system is next to broken (Zidane, Zidane, Zidane -- eight ways to do max dmg), dodging animations take forever, and the mobs super-cede you... ~roars~

I liked the battle system. And though the trances timing pissed me off at times, I still liked the whole "trance" thing.

As far as the ending, Zidane should NOT die. That would just suck. The ending was good it summarized the story and left it open for a "part two".
I think it would have been interesting to discover a mysterious mastermind who had been hiding in the shadows influencing Kuja.

*cough* That was Garland <.<

As much as people complain about Necron, and as much as he doesnt make sense...there's one thing i do appreciate about him: he was challenging. VII had three end bosses in a row, Jenova Synthesis, Bizzaro Sephiroth, and Safer Sephiroth. Jenova and Bizzaro can both be defeated in one turn with Knights of the Round, and Safer takes a long time but with Big Guard and high HP it's nearly impossible to die. IX had three end bosses, Deathguise (although you could save after him), Kuja, and Necron. No matter how many uber strong moves you had, there was no way to beat any of them in one turn and they all provided a really good challenge. And dont even get me started on Yu Yevon....

Anyway, i really liked the ending. It's the only FF ending to make me cry every time i see it, and i've beat the game five times.
As far as the ending, Zidane should NOT die. That would just suck. The ending was good it summarized the story and left it open for a "part two".

agreed sever off, i dont see how someone can try to make an argument about how zidane should die. if zidane died, where would the ending have gone? all it would have been was the whole lot of them being depressed the whole time, aka...not fun :dry:
No, in fact, I would say the end was brilliant. Granted, IX was my favorite, so that is a little personal bias there. The only thing that went over my head was the final boss. Perhaps someone can explain it to me, did Necron have anything to do with the story line? He seemed to appear randomly.
I liked the ending too. BUT... There is a lot of debate on all Final Fantasy's endings. Personally, I like every single Final Fantasy ending. (Of course, only the ones I've played) But there is this ending over debate, and Final Fantasy 8. They pretty much
stuck Ultemicia in there.
Overall though, I don't care. Every Final Fantasy I've ever played, I loved. But then again, these are just oppinions.

Personally, I really liked the ending. I just wish it wasn't so long...Its what, 20 minutes long was it? It seemed like that...

I wont deny that it was expected, but it was still very good to see. I think that
Garnet really should have gone back and picked up her amulet after she tried to beat Zidane
though :giggle:. I wonder what happened to it...

Well, yeah. All Final Fantasy Endings are long, if I remember. But in my oppinion, they are better if they are longer! :)
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Good ending (hammer in possesion): OK
Bad ending (No hammer): The biggest load of crud I ever witnessed.
Well, in consideration that the whole point of FFIX was to be an homage to previous FFs, it definitely wasn't ruined by the ending. FFs in general have really sappy endings, so it kept with that tradition.

Plus, for a side romance, Garnet and Zidane were great. It really was a natural romance. It didn't have much conflict, so it wasn't interesting enough to upstage the main problems. I was glad that they got back together - plus the plot as a whole isn't really very dark; Zidane dying wouldn't fit too well with the tone.

The whole thing with the two worlds merging was alright... they just should've introduced more hints earlier in the game so that foreshadowing would've tied it all together.

One thing that bugs me is Necron. What the heck? I get how he's related to the game, but I don't think he was really necessary.
Nah, the ending was ok, I didn't expect Necron to be the final boss, I was like wtf , who the f*** is this :D And it was a sad and happy story which too appeals to me. Vivi is the man :D
Through posts I read that Terra was colliding with Gaia. That actually isn't true. Terra was collapsing and the only way to survive was to merge with Gaia. I think Garland tells that somewhere in Memoria.
If a game is good, I don't think an ending can "ruin" it completely (i.e. Darth Vader's "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" didn't ruin Episode III, just made for a bit of a cringe-worthy moment in an otherwise pretty decent movie). The first time I saw it, I thought the ending to FFIX was a little disappointing. I think I was expecting something more grand. However, after more play-throughs, I think the ending that it has is suitable.
The ending to this game was good. It remained within the FF scope of things so to speak. To be honest, much of the rest of the game would make less sense without the ending the way it was. If they changed the end, I feel they would have to change the rest of the games main story line somewhat. That said I wouldn't say the ending ruined it at all.

Necron was extreamly random however and didn't fit in at all upon first examination. Years later when I played through again it did make sense in a way... though it would have been better if Necron was like Garland's master having just been awoken from collecting enough souls.

Ending movie was pretty good, but predictable.
^Agreed^... Necron was totally unexpected and just some random end boss. Then the whole Garland thing at the end sucked as well. This game was too good to be "ruined" by that but I felt it did take away from the game. Kuja should have went trance to the third power and the final boss should have been ULTRA_KUJA. Now that would be a good end boss.
Oh god no. I despise end Bosses that just morph into something more powerful and never die.

I thought the ending was great. I didn't think the ending FMV was predictable. I was very surprised when Zidane appeared in the play. The very ending was perfect ^_^

Although, I can't remember how Kuja opened Memoria and the Crystal world, but I thought it made sense. Plus, Memoria added character development, which is always good :D
I can see why a some of you were upset with the ending. A lot of people just weren't "into" this game for several reasons. The final boss was a disappointment to me the first time I played the game as well. Of course, this game came right after FFVIII which undoubtedly (in my eyes) has one of the most awesome final dungeons in the series.

Necron does in fact make sense...you just have to pay close attention to what the NPCs tell you in order to really grasp what happens at the end of the game. I didn't fit the pieces together the first time I played either...and to be honest, it doesn't matter how many times you play the game; it won't make more sense the next time. There wasn't enough emphasis on who Necron was. The facts are there, they certainly are...they're just buried underneath the rest of the story.

The actual game ending was cliche and perky. I wasn't upset that things turned out for the best, not in the least. This game isn't one of those suspenseful mystery boats that makes you want to play again and again in order to understand it better and see the awesome ending again. It's just a matter of personal taste I guess, as to whether or not you're prompted to play FFIX more than once.

Even though the gameplay isn't top notch, and the story is the same every single time, this is the most replayed FF game that I own.
Necron didn't disappoint me as much as
Yu Yevon
did in FFX. At least Necron was a challenge. I admit I didn't like him as a final boss, mainly because, as a lot of people have mentioned, his sudden appearance in the game. There were so many aspects of the game that I really liked, like the setting, for one thing, and the whole theme, and the cheesiness of the love scenes. xD The game itself probably would have made a good shakespearean-style play.

But, apart from Necron, I enjoyed the ending. The whole Zidane escaping from the Lifa Tree thing made an awesome cinematic, and it was both really cool and comical at the same time. And then the whole thing with him
being supposedly dead, but then making his appearance in the play at the end.
I thought that was really cool. xD It was one of those really corny happy ever afters, unlike the other FF games that I've played.
I was a bit upset about the rather unrelated final boss, Necron [although he's certainly strong enough to be a final boss]. Then again, I can't actually think of any other way to end the game; it just wouldn't have been 'finished' if Kuja was at the end.

As for actually diverting the scope of the game; there was only so much you could do by means of international war. Then again; the war wouldn't have gone half as far as it did without Kuja manipulating the characters and, then, we are presented with the question, "Who IS Kuja and where did he come from?"

Making Zidane and Kuja's relationship as such was just the créme de la créme.
Personally, I thought the ending was great. It didn't leave any loose ends, and it wrapped up pretty nicely.
Final Fantasy IX is still first FF i played and the one that got me addicted to the serie, and it is also the first FF i've ended. I didn't neither expected Zidane and i find it pretty cool to they meet again away they very first met (this time he doesn't need to snatch her tho :P).

Even today when i beat FF IX, i still enjoy the ending. And also Garland, Memoria and everything is not ruining the game but making it better. At this point so far, you don't expect to see such major twists like this.
I don't believe the ending was ruined at all. The ending actually wrapped up the game rather nicely. I loved it.

Nercon was explain but vaguely. You need to pay close attention to the quotes and references Garland makes.

The implication is that when Zidane and the others were hit
by Kuja's Spell, they were KILLED, and then came face-to-face with the Iifa
Tree's true form on the spirtual plane, it attempting to dismiss them from
Gaia as it had done to all the souls up to this point, as was the purpose
Garland said the Tree had been given.