SPOILERS Was 9 ruined by the ending?

The only thing that may have ruined the game (if it wasn't saved by that awesome ending after the final battle) is Necron. Necron totally SUCKED. I hate it how the bosses in the game gave you like, jack for AP and NO experience whatsoever. At least in games like FFVII the bosses (especially ones like Jenova) gave you some sweet EXP and AP. Now...bosses suck...

Bu the game was saved by the music and the general gameplay and the FMVs. They were sweet. The FMV graphics are PS2-worthy.
Yes it was very over the top and not really nessesary. 9 has been my favourite so far and I really loved the medievel theme. The citys were great and the characters were amazing. But the ending was unnapropriate IMO.
FFIX was in my opinion the best PS1 FF game and the fantasy setting was far more interesting than the manga infused VII and realistic yet dull VIII worlds. The things that ruined it though was the last disk where it seemed to lose steam and went overboard with the plot and brought in parts like Necron which made no sense really. Still a geat game though.
The Ending Rocked! the whole game rocked, the only thing that partially 'destroyed' it was Necron, why the hell did they add that in the game? They shouldv'e had the last boss as Quina or somthing cause he could be like some undercover brother like Kuja.
Hmm, I didn't think it was ruined either...although Critical Blue does have a good point.
Quina could have been an undercover brother??? Huh? Like Eddie Griffin? :P
What would other people have preferred for a final boss?
The Ending Rocked! the whole game rocked, the only thing that partially 'destroyed' it was Necron, why the hell did they add that in the game? They shouldv'e had the last boss as Quina or somthing cause he could be like some undercover brother like Kuja.

I'm not defending Necron. This is why he may have been added to the game. One of the main themes of this game was life. All through out the game many of the characters were afraid of dying. The black mages didn't understand the concept of death and Vivi knew his time was coming soon. (I read somewhere that in the Japanese version Vivi stopped before the ending FMV) Kuja was so afraid of dying that he was going to destory the world because of it.

After defeating Kuja, Necron shows up as death personified. So in a way, you have been fighting him the entire game. You technically do not win this battle because death in inevitable and can't be stopped. The characters kind of realize this during this fight but vow to never give up fighting, meaning that they will all try to live as long as they can.

I'll agree, it was pretty random of him to just show up at the end and the reasons are pretty vague.
i admit, first time around i thought that the whole situation of the end.....transporting to another world and all that was a bit out there compared to the rest of the game, but on a secound effortt the whole thing grew on me more and i came to love the game completly. i got to appreate why it was introduced like that into the game and that it actualy was a good thing.
In my opinion everything from Necron onwards was lame. The fact the last boss in the game you have never even seen before or heard of. Zidane going back for Kuja was poor. The cutscene looked good but i didn't like that he went for him. Zidane showing up at the play was just rubbish. I was very dissapionted by it if he had died it would have been a much more dramatic ending.
FFIX had a perfect ending! It fit well with the game, and it was so romantic to finally see Zidane and Garnet together at last. ^_^
I think the ending (in terms of storyline) was great, but i don't like how Necron was involved. He just appeared out of nowhere, whereas Kuja is the baddie throughout. I think Kuja should have been the last boss.
I feel that Necron was an important part of the game. In a sense, he/she/it was the Iifa Tree, the soul divider part anyway. Supposidely he was created by Garland for that purpose, but after hearing Kuja decided that all life exists only to die, which is why he attacked the party on the hill of despair
Probably the best ending to a FF game, the inclusion of Necron was a bit cheap but it was slightly hinted upon with previous remarks about how there was consequences if the crystal was destroyed. Would have preferred a bit more in terms of detail but didn't ruin it for me.