Was magic important in battle?

Magic: helpful or not? (Exclude Cure)

  • Yes of course!

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • No. Magic is totally weak in this game.

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sometimes it is important but most of the time a good old whack with the keyblade does the trick.
I certainly used magic much more frequently in Kingdom Hearts II. I think it may have had something to do with how much easier it was to restore MP, and how much fun it was to actually use Magic.
How lamezilla... I'm actually posting in a KHII topic...

Anyhow, yea, I thought magic was fairly decent in KHII. The only reason I say that is because you could hit a group of people and kill them off faster if they were lower levels. Regular attacking was all about long chains of powerful hits... but sometimes that just takes too long when you're up against a lot of enemies. Alternatively, if it's a hard enemy you can stay way back and just shoot up your enemy.
Absolutely, i didn't really use Magic that much in KH1 but it really gained a purpose in KH2, particularly Thundaga.

A Magnega + Thundaga combo destroyed all enemies in the Underdrome.

Reflega was a mighty powerful spell as well, and it destroyed enemies.
I used magic a lot in the second game, of course it's not worthless. It's there for you to use, isn't it? Apart from the Keyblade to swing around, there's also magic.
The magic in KH I really put me off using magic at all in II, but later learned that against the likes of those... fat pirate things, Blizzaga was a pretty decent spell to have. After that, I made a lot more use out of Fire and it's upgrades for its damaging area.

And naturally, those curative spells were an essential. Generally though, I didn't use offensive magic TOO much, but definitely more than in I... it was just so poor in the first game.
I found the magic in KH2 more effective than the Keyblade to deal with the more tougher enemies. Particularly Thundaga with it's blast radius, it would easily take out some annoying enemies like those Purple thingies in Tron's world.
only curaga, if you take that away, then i only used blizzaga and firaga, but very, very, very, rarely did i mention very rarely
Well... at least SOME people agreed with me. (Even though, I used a lot of magic to be honest so that sort of makes me a hypocrite. But I didn't think the magic was strong but it covered some area. So I guess I'm not a hypocrite.)
Magic is always important in any type of game due to the fact its magic and is needed for different circumstances. Firaga is useful when multiple enemies surround you, and Thundaga is a good spell for damaging enemies in a wide area. So they all have their uses.
Magic was pretty powerful, I used it a lot, but it sure was fun to smack enemies with keyblade too. But magic was really useful, for example, if you didn't want to fight those fat heartless enemies, then you could just cast magic and ta-da~ they're gone!
But still, I prefer smacking enemies with keyblade.
The only magic i really used is Cure, and Thundaga, but thats only so i can waste my MP, go into Berserk Mode, and spam Horizontal Slash
Yeah it was pretty useful although all I used was Thunderga and Magnetga. I prefer bashing every enemy with combos.
Only when it was necessary (not talking about restorative spells since its mandatory in this game much like in the Final Fantasy games... But I would make great use of spells with enemeis with high physical defense or invulnerability to a certain element).

I found that Magnetga spell extremely useful in the harder Hade's cup's I would pile up enemies together and blast them all to death with Blizzaga or Thundaga
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i used magnaga on pride rock to get to lv 99
and i used reflectaga very often on my low lv saves especially against xaldin and xigbar :/