Was magic important in battle?

Magic: helpful or not? (Exclude Cure)

  • Yes of course!

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • No. Magic is totally weak in this game.

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't think that magic is as good in Kingdom Hearts as it is in Final Fantasy. Comparing Sora and Donald is like comparing Rikku and Lulu. I think they should have done it like in XII - swappiful.

Anyway, I liked magic all the same - combos of it used effectively could mash through huge groups of enemies. Like Magnega, Thundaga, and Firaga.

I reckon that they should have holy (to make it truly FF hybrid), and the fourth levels of spells hidden well. Like - take out Sephy for Firaja...

I wouldn't say magic is important. Taking cure out of the picture, it'd be simple to complete the game without casting a single spell.

Using magic while in Wisdom/Master/Final form makes life a bit easier, however.
although it is good if you have to use a finisher on a boss to kill it
just use thundaga
Thunder is probably the most useful spell next to cure. Given the large amount of enemies, using thunder to wipe 'em out in a short amount of time can be a real help.

Definitely not essential for victory, though...
I used maybe... 100 spells the whole game? o_O and almost all of my casts were cure, which i only used during organisation XIII battles. Just using valor did more damage than a full bar of magic and 6 ethers for me.
I loved casting spells in kh2 simply because it looked cool. I mean the way sora would be chaining those combos xD. But the most useful spell in the game was Thundaga because y'know it hit three places + it's massive attack radius from each attack.
If you dont use it because your afraid of it running out it might as well if you dont use so why not use it?

I figured this out and became a more skilled and balanced player which made me a lot tougher. the toughest boss battles were now very easy
Thunder. That's the only type of magic that I found to be useful in this game. Blizzard just throws snowflakes, and fire is only effective if you're surrounded by enemies.
and that goes away once you get the explosion ability.

but mainly, just thunder.
my main magic is curaga and thundaga and blizzaga and firaga if i want a boss kill to look cooler
Although I never used Reflega or Magnega, I think Curaga was extremely beneficial, especially when fighting Sephiroth
i recently started using reflectaga in kh2fm and it is extremely useful for the new bosses
Fire in wisdom form is the only way to beat demyx's water clones in kh2fm because you have to beat his limit cut version without using the reaction command ^_^

Without reflega it is almost impossible to beat roxas's limit cut version
I don't think I ever used any magic except cure, though I'm pretty sure I used blizzard and fire in some occasions in the beginning when I was desperate for a way out of a boss fight. =(

So yes, it is important, especially when you're in a tight spot.
I think magic was pretty much totally useless in Kingdom Hearts II. Curative spells were handy in a pinch, but most of the time I was easily able to survive on regular Potions. The damage done by the attack spells paled in comparison to the damage you could do by stacking up a huge combo attack with the Keyblade. I never even bothered to find out what the other spells like Reflect or Magnet actually did, so they can't have been all that essential either.
I didn't use much magic in this game. I used Cure alot but Donald used it more than me. *shrugs* I don't see magic being useful in the KH series. It's more slash and hack.
It was utterly useless. Cure/Cura/Curaga is the only useful one.

As for KH2: Final Mix.....WTF. Are all you people modding your PS2s or something?
Magic except Cure? Rarely...it was useful against those fat enemies, but other than that I haven't used it much. I'm having too much fun with the keyblade, really...though even that takes a little long later in the game, but not as long as flinging spells at them.
No modding just swap magic ^_^
reflega is now more useful than curaga in the new critical mode for me now because i can take all limit bosses without taking a hit using a decent reflega and guard and dodge roll technique