Weak Vincent?


Feb 8, 2007
Hey people. I'm just playing this game through again, and I noticed that for most characters equipping their ultimate weapons raises their attack damage by at least a couple of thousand... all except for Vincent, his only seemed to raise by about 200. Any ideas why? Or is it a mistake on the game? By the way, all my characters are pretty much the same level so I can't find a reason for this...
The power of Death Penalty is determined by the amount of monsters Vincent has either killed in total, or just with Death Penalty... I forget. Never-the-less, it's based on kill quantity.
Yeah, I can't remember the exact numbers, but I used Vincent from the second you get him all the way to the end, and his attack damage rose a lot more than 200 o_O
Ah right, thanks! Guess I'll just have to kill some easy montsers with him then.
Vincent was great although he was my forth choice after Cloud, Barrett and Red XIII.
vincent and barret are the only two characters capable of damage overflow. this is because of how their final weapons are structured. barrets is just based on mastered materia. It's a game glitch, but not technically a cheat because it just requires you to master materia, or in vincents case, kill enemies. This means that after you kill a LOT of enemies with vincent, the death penalty would be able to kill some really hard mobs with just one hit, although they have over 10000 hp. The figure will appear will be the standard 4 figure number, but that's the overflow, or in other words, in ADDITION to killing the enemy this is the damage left. But that's just in glitch cases. Which means you need to spend oh about 300 hours in gameplay, but the end result is killing emerald and ruby weapons in one shot, and of course, all the bosses.
:) But then again, you can finish ff7 at any level, I've spectated someone complete it with around 1400 hp, with the old curse ring, powersoul-low hp combo. Anyways, hope that helped :)
I think 1349 kills gives you 9999 damage. Its total kills though not kills with Death Penalty.
he is a good character if you use him straight away like i did with cloud and baratt or red x111 his potential increses by his lvls
Yeah, use him as much as you can. I have used him pretty much throughout, the only times I traded him in were
at the scorpion boss in Nibelheim (he absorbs fire which makes Galian Beast pretty unnecessary) and on the train section of Corel (you have to be quick in order to get the huge materia, and Vincent's limit slows him down)
. It's pretty much his limits that make him clunky to use, yet sometimes they can be a godsend, and add to that all-important mob count^_^
Yeah. My problem is that I raised all my characters levels and limits equally throughout the game so I didn;t se Vincent enough early on. Oh well, I'll make up for it now. :)
Yaya!!!! I just got him up to using Chaos, I'd never got him that far before. It oozes awesomeness!!! I'm actually admittedly impressed with Yuffie, it takes some time but she actually becomes really powerful. I got her 4th Limit the same time as Vince's, they are a force to be reckoned with!

Hey you should keep Vince in your party just for the stuff he says!! ;)
From what I remember, he was actually quite a formidable character. I got him really early in the game, so I was leveling him up along with the rest of my characters, and although he starts out weak at first, he'll eventually prove his worth later in the game. His limits aren't to my liking however, save for a few. Other than that, he was one of my strongest characters.
Vincent is cool, but I have never used him all the way to the end, using Tifa and Nanaki just seemed a better combo for pwning the later bosses.
there is a reason you get the weapon when you get chaos the reason is that chaos is the strongest limit in the game dealing up to 999,999 yep that is no mistake square soft said it too chaos' instant death attack goes around the death resistance thus requiring there to be a numerical value to the attack being as i said 6/9 (X/9= number of didgets / highest number posible)
well since i got him early in the game i actually to time to level him up and for some reason or another his was the only charater able to kill majority of the bosses with his l.breaks, even though my strongest charater was cloud