Weapon Preferences


White Mage
Jul 5, 2006
Well each character can wield a different type of weapon but I'm sure I'm not alone when i think some characters just "feel" like a certain type of weapon goes with them.

Example: Vaan looks just the right type for a Dagger. Maybe a sword.

Or it could be because some other weapons just look stupid on them ie. Vaan and a Pole.

So which type of weapon do you prefer for each character?
I had my Vaan a Greatsword, which you probably don't have yet. Fran has a Katana, Penelo a staff, she's basically the mage. Ashe has a sword, and shield. Basch uses the Zodiac Spear. (Strongest Weap if you didn't know.) Balthier a gun. Maybe you could try my weapon types if you want.
I gave guns a try...not a big fan.

I just use Vaan, Ashe and Penelo and I have Vaan with a Dagger, Ashe with a Katana and Penelo with a Hammer and Shield. Katanas apparently do damage depending on Magical Power and Ashe has the strongest of my main party so she gets the Katana. Daggers are for fast characters and Vaan is the fastest of my group also.

When i get a Greatsword I will probably have Vaan use it, though.
I really only used Basch, Balthier and Penelo throughout most of the game. Basch had greatswords, of course, because they just seemed to fit (him being a Knight and all). Penelo used staves and rods for the most part although towards the middle of the game I started equipping her with bows. Balthier swapped between bows and katanas. In the end, I gave him the Masamune and Genji Glove combo.
Personally, I always used the Formalhaut (strongest gun) for my mages, who were always Penelo and Fran. The reasoning for this is because they were equipped in a way that made them weak to physical attacks, and using a gun kept them out of the fray (enemies tend to focus on the closest enemies in this game).

The other 4 were close range attackers, so I had them equipped with the Zodiac Spear (strongest spear), Tournesol (strongest greatsword) and the Masamune with Genji Gloves combination (strongest katana with a high chance for multiple hits). Depending on the situation, I sometimes use the Whale Whisker (strongest pole) or the Yagyu Darkblade (strongest ninja sword).
Basch had a sword or a greatsword, Fran had a katana or ninja sword, Ashe a sword, Penelo a pole or bow, Vaan a sword, and Balthier a gun.

Seemed aesthetically pleasing enough for me. Though, when used in battle, it definintely worked well too.
i actually have Vaan equipped with a pole. he looks cool when he fights with one, IMHO. the rest have their default weapon types, save for basch who gets the great swords. Vaan is the most efficient fighter of the group though.
Every one of my character is wearing a Deathbringer and a Demon Shield.

I love using the Masamune with the gengi gloves. The masamune has 40% chnce of combo, and the gengi gloves, 30%. So, together, it's 70% of combo. All my atacks do 2 or more hits(each turn). In 1 minute, I gave 2 combos of 8 hits... The masamune has 93 atack. It's razoable. Think: the zodiac spears hit 9999 damage, but only 1 hit. The masamune hit 5000 but its 3 hit(15.000 damage agains 9999). So, what is better? And also, katanas are very fast!
me, I did

Vaan- broadswords
Ashe- Broadswords
Penelo- Poles
Basch- Hammer's
Balthier- Gun's
Fran- Bow & Arrow's
Well endgame when It all came down to it. Fran vaan and balthier..I call my team ''the sky pirates"

Vaan uses the turnesol. One of the best swords in the game. He looks good with swords

Fran uses the masamune...Another awesome endgame weapon...its a katana because she is my caster. (she looks better with a bow)

Balthier uses The zodiac spear. (the best weapon) He looks tight with a spear
Well.... here's my setup for weaponry.

Vaan: Sword/Ninja Blades + Shield
Penelo: Staves, Rods and Poles
Ashe: Swords/Katanas + Shield
Basch: Great Swords/Spears/Axes/Sword + Shield
Balthier: Guns/Crossbows/Handbombs
Fran: Bow/Crossbows/Axes

I havent decided wether to start using daggers or who should wield them, no one seems to do any good damage with them lately so i've skipped out on them.

I also haven't got any Zodiac gear yet (Spear and Shield).
Oh. I don't tend to be bothered about who looks good with what, I tend to give my leader (usually I alternate between Fran and Balthier) my strongest weapon, which from fairly early on is the Zodiac Spear, and the other two who are fighting get the next strongest- usually some kind of axe as soon as I get them
Oh. I don't tend to be bothered about who looks good with what, I tend to give my leader (usually I alternate between Fran and Balthier) my strongest weapon, which from fairly early on is the Zodiac Spear, and the other two who are fighting get the next strongest- usually some kind of axe as soon as I get them

You can get the Zodiac Spear early in the game? I don't have ANY of the rare gear pieces and i've finished the storyline and half the quests!

I even searched the entirety 2 times over for the Zodiac Estrucheon (sp?) that i've repetively been told is in barheim passage (still not found.)

...Where the hell am i going wrong to NOT get the good gear...i even sell all my loot...i spend a day in each area farming loot just incase i was missing something...:mad:
I change the kinds of weapons my characters hold throughout the game. Whatever strong weapon becomes available at the time.

For now, I have Vaan wielding a sword, called the Demonsbane, and I plan to make his final weapon a sword, or the Zodiac Spear.

Balthier wields a hammer. I've had him wield an axe, a pole and a gun.

Fran has a bow, and always has.

Basch has a hammer. Used to have a Javelin and a Sword on him.

Ashe had a spear, now I have a Crossbow for her. The choice of whom I give the Zodiac spear to is between her and Vaan, unless I get two of them.

Penelo has a Bowgun. I've had daggers and javelins for her.

By the time I come up to Yiazmat, I'll find out what 'ultimate' weapons I should have for each character.
I think Vaan is best with the greatswords...
Ashe with Sword & Shield...
Basch with katanas (because I think prison made him skinny so I don't equip him with heavy weapons :P )
Balthier looks best with guns...
Fran obviously with bows but she is also cool as a black mage...
...and Penelo, I don't know what to make of Penelo, sometimes I think of her as the ninja type and sometimes as the white mage type.
Although these choices matter mostly for the Internation Zodiac Job System version of the game, if you have the original you don't need to bother too much.