Weather Affecting Stats...Just a Thought


Blue Mage
Jan 11, 2007
Okay,I got this idea while traipsing through the Paramine Rift and other blizzard prone areas with Fran,Ashe,Vaan and the rest wearing tropical outfits.What if your HP,Vitality,Speed,etc. were affected by the surrounding conditions unless you had the right clothes?Like equipping the characters with Fur Cloaks,Thermal Underwear,Toboggins,etc.Of course,Square could come up with some more fantastical names than me.:)Or what if in the rain?Rain slicks,duck boots anyone?Or summer?Well,they already have the clothes for that.Tell me what you guys think!
that IS a good idea but i might forget to actually try it because i only look at whether my characters can use it, if i have enough gil and if it raises the defense
Hey that would have been pretty neat actually. lol.
But I don't like the idea of changing the outfits around. =\
If amano were still designing characters, we wouldn't WANT to change their costumes. lol.
while that would be a brillaint idea, I doubt it will be implemented because the majority already feel this games are over complex.
I guess it would be rather irritating,especially once you get the ablility to travel to other parts of the world instantaneously.....but maybe they could just automatically out of common sense have some coats and pants on when in the middle of a blizzard?Just for looks.But I guess that it also goes with the idea of fighting Zodiark in a mini skirt or shirt-vest or whatever.I mean,how about being armored like the judges?I dunno,maybe I'm putting too much into looks:)
I think the idea has potencial but... it would need developed a lot. The weather changes frequently and changing equipment to match would be a pain in the butt. Not to mention that the liscense system is already a little comical as it stands. Having to go through and learn liscenses just to equip simple objects. I can understand for swords... but headgear is going a little over the top.
Hm. Maybe if only in really extreme conditions, or in special areas, not like a whole weather system. Maybe something along the lines of not being able to advance because 5 minutes in the environment would kill your people, and you would have to go and find a special armor or something.
Hm. Maybe if only in really extreme conditions, or in special areas, not like a whole weather system. Maybe something along the lines of not being able to advance because 5 minutes in the environment would kill your people, and you would have to go and find a special armor or something.

That would be a good idea, especially for a sidequest.
The climate affecting stats is a cool idea, but micro-managing the characters attire to best suit the weather might get somewhat annoying at times.

i think it would be very annoying. i wouldn't play the game that would make me do that.
I think its a cool idea but to avoid added agravation you should have "packs" of clothes you could put together and put them in different cold, rain, ect... Then once you entered rain or other conditons simply go to eqiup or clothes and pick what it is. I also like the outfits changing on there own just for looks that would be neat..
Sounds very cool, and it would be nice if you could ' see ' them wearing it because after I put on a new weapon and it showed it, I thought it would show the golden armour too... but it still showed it as like.. rags