Weight Loss

I've lost 4kg over the last 2 or 3 months purely by eating less, not even eating that healthy either :wacky:
You don't need tips and tricks (well I didn't anyway), a lot of the time it's just watching how much you eat without starving yourself and if you get a craving for more food then drinking water instead or chewing some chewing gum (as the person above said) will help with that.
I wasn't trying to pick on your post or anything or say your tips weren't any good (just in case it came off that way), I just thought I'd mention sometimes you don't even need the tips or tricks so long as you're willing to eat a little less than normal. Hints on how to stop cravings and stuff during the day though are always helpful!
I've lost 4kg over the last 2 or 3 months purely by eating less, not even eating that healthy either :wacky:
You don't need tips and tricks.

That's awesome :monster:

And yeah, it's true you don't always need tips and tricks, but some people need guidance. Hell I do otherwise I would be a whale :wacky:

That is a very good way to help shed a few pounds though . A lot of people overeat and don't even realize it. Eat until you're about 3/4ths full. so you're satisfied and not full. Approximately, it takes your body 20 minutes to register that it is full so eat slow :)
I did not read all the posts. But on the topic of people losing wight, gaining back, this also depends on the method used and how fast you lost it. If you are on a diet which follows rules you can handle, you will be able to continue same diet as a maintenance plan. Why Weight Watchers has been a successful program. Because it has a maintenance plan.

Shu is right about the schedule. If you keep a schedule of when you eat, it helps. Also, it is very important to eat something in the morning that will hold you through the day. A cup of coffee and a donut just won't do it. What you eat in the morning is the most important. It will give you energy to obsorb the food, you eat the rest of the day better, as well. So it won't all just store in your body as fat.

Also, eat fruit and veggies. We are basically vegans, so only eat meat maybe once day, even once every three days. Since it is hard for us to digest.
Hi everyone, new to the forum , I'm posting here because I believe my advice to be not only true, but proven through years of study and personal experience + training. There's been some fantastic advice in this thread, and some very untrue statements that have been made. I dont even know where to begin... So ill just start by stating some facts;

Whether you are fat or skinny is 100% upto you; Genetics cannot stop you from achieving your goals and is not only a pathetic excuse, but an Insult to those of us that strive and work hard for the perfect body.
Diet is a bad word, because it implies temporary change. What you need is a lifestyle change and commitment to overall good health.
The times you eat in the day are irrelevant. You might often hear people say "Metabolism is boosted the more often you eat, that's why french people are so skinny". It is quite possibly one of the dumbest fitness related statements I've ever heard. Breakfast is just a meal, like any other, and makes no difference if you eat it or not. Metabolism will slow down if you starve yourself, but starvation occurs after a number of days without food, so this is not something people in modern civilization would ever concern themselves with.
So when should you eat? You should eat when you are hungry. Simple. If you are weight training, you should eat immediately afterward (as with protein shakes and supplements if that's your thing) for the best possible results.

Weight training is the most effective form of weight loss and getting the perfect body. Cardio can only do so much and I can tell you now, all swimmers and marathon runners would do weight training as well as cardio. Cardiovascular exercises are often practiced to improve lung capacity and blood+oxygen flow to muscles. Those are the most important things to have when you are a marathon runner or swimmer, those two things dont necassarily mean you will lose weight faster. Weight training requires a tremendous amount of effort and energy in small bursts, which is why its so effective and not only burning calories, but also building muscle and giving you that perfect shape you're after. Weight training doesnt always mean 'big muscly grotesque figures' weight training results in slender, lean and thin healthy body image if you lift correctly. The biggest problem people face after deciding they want to lose weight, is actually knowing how to actually achieve their goals. I dont have the time to write up a plan here, but I can give you some quick tips which will make sure that you're on the right track.

-the only liquids you consume, should be water.
-eat plenty of chicken, meat, vegetables
-cut back on carbohydrates (this is essential if you are borderline obese, I highly sugguest atkins)
-Get plenty of exercise. Weight training is perfect.

if you can follow these steps, you should see results. I know its not much, but I cant put a lot of effort into something If its going to go unnoticed. I have before and after shots of myself, But since i really dont know you guys that well yet, Im not going to post them.
I came up with my own diet plan and lost 15 pounds in a few weeks. I had gained a little bit of weight over last winter and wanted lose it for the summer, so I did this:
Go a week consuming only 30 carbohydrates a day. Your body will get rid of all those excess carbs locking up your metabolism. Also, you will get rid of excess water weight as well. After a week, return back to the normal amount of carbs but only consume 1500 calories a day.
No exercise is required, though it will be quicker if you do.
Simplicity itself :)
I've been overweight my whole life. My heaviest point was a couple years ago at 233 lbs. That was pretty much my breaking point. I weigh 195 now and it's still going in the right direction. I have quite a few factors against me, but I still make progress. One thing is I have to take birth control (I've been on it for 12 years) for an endocrine disorder.

I don't even really eat that much. But I changed the things I eat. Even just little things made a big difference for me. I would tend to snack like while playing or watching tv, and cut that out only by allowing myself to eat at the dining room table (which was hardly ever used before). I have a long way to go, but whenever I see people lose their weight like super fast, it's hard for them to maintain it. Just my $0.02...
When I was in highschool I never really gave my weight a thought. I honestly didn't care. I played football at the time and weighed around 270-275 so my weight never was an issue that I cared about.
However after highschool? I've become crazy obsessed with my weight and how I look. I ordered the program called p90x and did that. That's a workout program that comes with workout DVD's and a diet guide. I followed that to the T and I lost 95 pounds in 3 months. I wanted to try and get smaller and look more fit. Not only to feel good about myself, but to also get the attention of females. I wanted to wear shirts that were tight and wear smaller clothes.
The program is no joke. You will sweat like crazy. It definitely works and will get you in shape if you take it serious.
Reading this, I feel I was a bit harsh back in 2012. I think more or less now a days, you abstract plans. If you follow the same plan forever, you will get bored. Unless you absolutely love running, unless you absolutely love lifting weight, and lastly if you absolutely dieting you will revert back and maybe worse.

The big portion to all of these High Intensity work outs (P90x) is finding the right fit. I can't stand in front of a TV, I will never be able to. I like being active as possible.

Last year I got down to 178 from 201. I ran a Personal Record in my half marathon breaking it by almost 30 minutes and also got to under 40 minutes in my first ever 10k, which most say is insane. Was it due to diet?

Honestly it was do to channeling energy. This might get weird, but take it for what it is. I had a lot of negative things happen all at once. A colossal train crash of my life. To get to the point, I started lighting fires within that remained lit as a result. I started bending to the music. I found that some music made me completely evolve my steps in running and working out. It was unreal how much energy, I had moving through my whole body at times. Does this mean you need trauma in your own life to actually wake up this energy? No. It's called figuring yourself out.

1) High Intensity Training isn't for everyone
2) Cardio is not for everyone
3) Dieting is not for everyone

In my opinion it takes meditation and channeling thoughts you might have blocked. Let those feelings take a hold. Try turning on some music that might make you think of people. You are in this life for you. Until you realize that you can't find that inner motivation for working out, hell for that matter anything else.

If you one day find yourself in a rut, and are unhappy with your health, your work, and everything, it's because you are the one who is to blame. Take the responsibility and spin. Evolve past it and start finding energy that impacts your performance.

1) Do away with negativity and the people that spread it. This includes gossipers. The wise man knows to stop the gossip once it gets to him.
2) Keep people around you that actually give a damn.
3) Don't use people, try to give back as much as you are given.
4) Pay it forward, and be a hero.

After this.. let's talk. Put on some headphones, get back to the gym and realize we are all counting on you to get through for you and us. You are at your best until you give all and learn to sacrifice. You might be a little nutty sounding to other people, but that's what is going to bind you and create your foundation.

1) It ends depression
2) It ends social anxiety
3) It makes you love other people.. since now you love yourself ;)