Weirdest thing ever happened to you

1) Once, before school, I was running up my stairs from my basement and I felt something holding my back pack. It had such a hold on it that I wasn't able to keep going up the stairs. At the time I was still pretty fearful of the basement and didn't want to turn around. I thought that if I did I would surely see some sort of demonic creature holding on tight. Finally I determined that, realistically, I was probably caught on the banister. So, I turned around to free myself when suddenly I could move again. I was nowhere near anything that my backpack could have gotten caught on. It still creeps me out a little when I think about it.

2) I was at my Uncle's house and I fell down his stairs that led to the basement. I'm talking head over heels falling, not sliding on your butt falling. At the end of my fall, at the end of the stairs, I was facing toward the ceiling and back up at the stairs. Instead of hitting my head on the bare cement that was at the bottom, I hit an empty 2 liter bottle of Coca~Cola that my Uncle had just yelled at my cousin about for throwing down the stairs. A 2 liter of Coke saved my life... strangely enough, I still prefer Pepsi.

3) Another time I was unplugging a lamp in an unrecommended way (I grabbed the cord about a foot away from the socket and pulled). Well, the prongs from the cord came at me and carried with them an arc of electricity from the socket. When they both collided with my arm it caused my arm to jerk. Not all that weird I guess, I'd just never seen it do that before.

4) I was sitting down with my mom eating dinner. My dad was walking across the kitchen towards the fridge when he tripped over the cord to the vacuum cleaner. He immediately grabbed the cord and the vacuum and threw them both into the next room (this is very unlike my dad). He then continued on to the fridge as if nothing had happened. Me and my mom were staring at him with mouths gaping, completely shocked by what just happened and the lack of time in which it seemingly affected him. He just looked at us both for a second and said, as if nothing had just occurred: "What?".

5) Again I was sitting down to dinner, this time with my whole family (mom, dad, and brother) and my brother and mom were having an argument. My mom got frustrated and stormed away from the table and upstairs to her bedroom. We all stopped eating and just kind of stared at each other for awhile because, whatever it was they were arguing about, it wasn't that big of a deal. Then my dad randomly threw his fork across the room, stood up and said: "Great! You guys piss her off, and I gotta live with her!" and then he stormed off.

About 5 minutes after he had left the room, my brother and I were still staring at each other wondering what had just happened. Then suddenly we started laughing hysterically because what had just happened was essentially nonsense. At the moment that we started laughing we heard our parents also start laughing from upstairs. Apparently they too understood the ridiculousness of what had just occurred.

6) Finally, my family and I had gone on vacation, and had just arrived at the hotel. We grabbed all of our stuff and headed up to our room. There was a guy at the bottom (he worked for the hotel) who let us go on in front of him because we all weren't going to fit. So, we get on the elevator and press our floor. The building had about 5 or so floors and we were on the top level. For whatever reason, the elevator stopped at the 4th floor (assuming there was 5) and then went back down again. The guy who had let us on looked a little confused, but we quickly told him the story and hit the button and went back up again.

Once again, we stopped at the 4th floor and went back down. This time the guy looked a little upset. On top of that, there were a few more people now in line for this elevator. So, feeling kind of stupid, we didn't stop to explain, we just hit the button again and went up again. This happened three more times, each time there were more and more people waiting to use this elevator. By this time we were laughing so hard because there was nothing we could do to prevent it, and everyone thought we were just playing on the elevator. We still don't know what was up with the elevator, but it was sure a great start to a wonderful vacation.
I was eatting sushi, and there had to have been some kind of drug in it, because when I looked out the window, I swear to god there was a car floating next to it. I did a double take, and found out it was just a branch.
when i was 2 i stopped a ceiling fan on high speed with my day it fell out of the ceiling towards me while i was sitting on the couch
I got into university! Seriously, I wasnt expecting to get in as no one in my family as ever gone, so very surprised and happy!
I was on a school trip too kenya, to get there from machester you need to go from manchester airport , to amsterdam then to Nirobi, When i was boarding the aircraft to holland , i got frisked . no biggy a little uncomfortable but nessarcary. then going too kenya from holland i was frisked again But by a small dutch fella who seemed too be just a little bit touchy feelly round my crotch area for 15 minuits , mean while the group i was with were standing and laughing at me . for the rest of the trip was cool and fun.
One time i was on the bus when a lad said wouldnt it be funny if we broke down right next too some lions . Guess what we did next too these lions (below other pic of a really evil bird) We were stuck for nearly 15 mins until chris fished us out. Other than that not much scrarey happened on that trip. Anyways if any1 wants to see more of my picture of the animals just pm me