Well hey there


Jul 24, 2008
Hey, obviously I am new here and i'm rubbish at introducing myself so here goes :P
I'm Raven, 16 years old, english and female. I have been playing Final Fantasy for around 5 years now, and my favourite is X as it introduced me to the world of FF, although VII and VIII are close behind.
I love reading, writing, drawing, travelling, going to music gigs, playing videogames, watching anime, etc. Pretty much your typical teen I guess.
I have bad jetlag right now, hence why I joined this forum and am posting this at this stupidly early time in the morning.
Like I said, i'm rubbish at intro posts so hopefully I'll do better in the main forums :)
Welcome to the forums!

I almost never welcome anyone, but hey, What up?

I like VII and VIII a lot, X not so much but its cool that it got you into the series and got you interested in the games that came before it.

Good luck being 16, I didn't much care for it.

Hello & welcome :monster:

VII, VII & X Are my faves aswel :monster:

See you around :neomon:
Heyy, Welcome to the forums I hope you have a great time ^^ PM me if you need something. Post alot have fun and all that jazzness XD.
yo welcome to the forum im torbonator, nearly 16 (15 days:D), english and male. And my favs in order are ff7,ff10,ff8 :D lolz