We're All Concerned

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The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
This is a copy of a PM to Darkblade that Myself, Mitsuki, and Rydia composed - we feel that we need to share it with everyone as it is a pretty important topic.

Ok this is a group PM (Myself Rydia and Mitsuki composed it) as we feel we need to tell you about a sugesstion we have about the forum drama. We feel that some of the mods - Rhea, The Unforgiven, and The Slasher aren't really on as much and therefore are unable to help with controlling the drama and spmmers. but the ones that are on more don't have enough power as they are limited in their Modding Area, the mods we are on about are Riku BustaMo and Faith, as we think that LA needs more support and that these three would be useful as they are adamant on keeping the forums clean and spam-free. What we believe would be the best course of action is replacing the 3 Gmods we previously mentioned and replacing them with Riku Faith and BustaMo - if they agreed to it of course - as they seem to be far more active and assertive than the 3 in question.

At the end of the day. we know that it is up to you and the other admins on who gets what job, but we feel that the current Line-up needs to be changed, especially with the current waves of spammers we seem to be getting recently.

We care about our forums and so, that is why we as members feel the need to bring our concerns to your attention so that our forum can stay clean.

Aeris Gainsborough

what we would like to know are your opinions and inputs.

And we're sorry if this is going to be classed as Drama - but we feel that this issue must be raised.
Just to put your mind at ease: this thread is certainly not "dramatic." Given the guidelines, which I, myself, composed, you are perfectly within the rules to raise concerns with members of staff.

As for the topic at hand ... well, the rest of the staff know exactly how I feel about this.
I agree with you, but of course I do because I helped write the letter. :)

I think that because of all the recent spamming and problems with new members, this would be for the best. The drama has been getting ridiculous.
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It is interesting. Especially with recent developments, getting on top of things would be effective and I believe would be productive to a site as a whole
yeah, i'm all for it but then again I have already discused this with you over MSN so you know my veiws on it. BTW if you happen to read this Unforgiven i'm sorry.
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Don't get me wrong, I support all the mods but I do completely agree with that PM. My only real objection is against you, Riku. No offense. I like you as a person. You're fine as a mod. I want to see more time before you're GMod again. Just a personal opinion. Not because I think you'd abuse it or anything... it's honestly because you seem to want it for the wrong reasons. Every time you do any form of moderation it comes with the tagline "I can't mod in here... yet" or "If only I had more modding abilities >_<" and I'd lie if that really didn't rub me the wrong way.

Faith, I honestly don't post in your section, so I really don't know you. From what I have seen though, I'd definitely support it. And as always, I support Busta all the way.
I agree with the decission. I've seen Riku, BustaMo and Faith on alot more than the other G-Mods you mentioned, and from what I've seen their pretty smart and could do a good job as G-Mods.

Maybe they could be demoted to something that doesn't take up as much time? The only one I really know from the ones that are in danger of being demoted is Rhea, and she seems like she could do a good job. Give 'em a chance, though. They might have something that needs taking care of at the moment.
No it's not drama, believe me I know E-Drama far too well. As for the topic, I agree on the fact that Lady Aerith need some help with the forums since she also has, like every normal human being has too, her own personal matters that are highly important too.

The staff already knows how I feel about this subject, as I am one of the RPG Admins that agrees with the situation that Lady Aerith needs more help.

I am also in the same situation as Riku, our powers are limited and we can't do much outside of our asigned areas. I completely agree on letting Riku, Faith, and BustaMo as part of the GMods since, well you know how good Riku is as a Mod, BustaMo has been doing a great job, and Faith is a great RP Moderator, and I am sure that she would gladly help LA.

As for Rhea, she is a great person, and I mam sure that she could do an excelent job, still we haven't heard anything about her during the past month. I wonder what happened to her....
This will really be for the best. We're not saying that the other three are not capable enough to do their jobs. In fact, I've seen them do their job. It's just that we feel that the more often there's mods around, the better. (For instance, closing unnecessary threads, ASAP.) We're really doing it for the best of the community and in hope that everyone will get along.

Well, I won't be repetitive since our thoughts and opinions are already stated in the previous post. I just hope that there are no harsh feelings for anyone because that is the last thing we want.
I think Rhea might be in Cali, she does travel back and forword a lot, and I'm not sure if she has internet there or not, but you would have though she would have notified someone, it's been 10 days since she was last online I think.

I have noticed BustaMo, Riku, and Faith on all the time working their asses off, and LA is the only global mod I've seen active for a while. I don't know if anyone has tried contacting the other global mods to see whats up because FFF really needs them here!
I haven't been here that long. So I do not know the other G-mods very well. Since I've been here though, I do not think I've seen them here once in the last week. The mods in question, Busta, Riku, and Faith...I have seen here everyday.

Busta I know is a great mod. I've seen him mod in many other places. He is fair and follows rules to a T when he needs to and will cut some slack if it is fair.

Riku is active and has opinions. It'd be kinda weird to promote him again so quickly, but hey, he's a great contributor to the forum. If people want to bump him up again, thats great.

Faith, I honestly do not know her well cause I stay out of the RP. However, I have read some of her posts though and she seems to understand the forums well and what it needs and what it does not.

Like I said, I see these people here everyday. Also, promoting them does not mean you need to demote the others. It could just be a temporary situation for the moment with all the drama that has hit the forum as of late.

I support the promotion.
I haven't been here that long. So I do not know the other G-mods very well. Since I've been here though, I do not think I've seen them here once in the last week. The mods in question, Busta, Riku, and Faith...I have seen here everyday.

Busta I know is a great mod. I've seen him mod in many other places. He is fair and follows rules to a T when he needs to and will cut some slack if it is fair.

Riku is active and has opinions. It'd be kinda weird to promote him again so quickly, but hey, he's a great contributor to the forum. If people want to bump him up again, thats great.

Faith, I honestly do not know her well cause I stay out of the RP. However, I have read some of her posts though and she seems to understand the forums well and what it needs and what it does not.

Like I said, I see these people here everyday. Also, promoting them does not mean you need to demote the others. It could just be a temporary situation for the moment with all the drama that has hit the forum as of late.

I support the promotion.

No no no, there will be no demoting going on at all. When we made that message, we didn't say we wanted to see someone demoted at all. Like I said, the three current GMods do a great job too. It would help a lot more if they can continue modding as well. It's just that the other mods are on much more often and can seriously help Lady Aerith. And besides, it's not really in our hands whether this idea goes through or not. We just voiced out our opinion. It's all up to DarkBlade.
I agree with the decission. I've seen Riku, BustaMo and Faith on alot more than the other G-Mods you mentioned, and from what I've seen their pretty smart and could do a good job as G-Mods.

Maybe they could be demoted to something that doesn't take up as much time? The only one I really know from the ones that are in danger of being demoted is Rhea, and she seems like she could do a good job. Give 'em a chance, though. They might have something that needs taking care of at the moment.

^ Why I started talking about demotions

Ah, okay Mitsuki, I see why you thought that I thought there were going to be demotions. I wasn't saying that this suggestion meant that there would have to be demotions. I was just addressing the fact that they shouldn't get demoted out of the blue cause that would be cruel. I support their promotions, but I wouldn't support a demotion to the current G-mods either. Sorry if that seemed confusing before.
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I dunno, tbh. I think this thread cries out

'somebody mod me!' at times.

While i do understand it's hitting an important need I can't help but see this tbh
I dunno, tbh. I think this thread cries out

'somebody mod me!' at times.

While i do understand it's hitting an important need I can't help but see this tbh

When did we ever say Mod Me? when in our PM we specifically explained what we would like to see happen - and not once did we say anything like - make us mods, or make me a mod, or make our friend a mod.

Really, i think were reading two completly different things here.
What other solution is there to what you're proposing?

Hmm, didn't we just say in PM what it is we're proposing? I don't know where you got the idea of "Somebody Mod Me!" but that isn't the case at all. What we want is for more available GMods to mod the forums, so that people won't feel neglected by other members due to severe flamings. I even see some people flame GMods and mods, posting rude pictures that is extremely degrading! So you can get an idea how much the situation is getting out of hand now.

Really, if it's possible, it would be great to have ALL those we mentioned be GMods, but I doubt that would be the case.
But essentially that's all that they are already. As previously stated, Faith has mainly kept to her forum, and I don't know the girl or anything, but giving her the responsibility of moderating a forum that she may have no interest in modding isn't a good thing tbh.

Because let's face it, the mods are real people too. They do this site a service and they want to get enjoyment out of it too. If they are 'bullied' into working on something they have no strong interest in doing, well it's a tad unfair.

And with stating that some of the other GMods were AWOL for a while I just assumed that if the others were bumped up to GMod Status, that there would be vacancies at lower mod status.

It's just my perception. Sorry if it offended you.
No offense taken, don't worry. ^_^ I understand where you're coming from. I realize we probably should have waited until DarkBlade gave his inputs to prevent any sort of confusion, but we were told that it is alright to make this thread.

About Faith, I believe she won't mind because I got the impression from her previous post (another thread) that if she has the power to do so, she would gladly help Lady Aerith mod the place. You see, she's limited to the RP section only, yet I see her around forums anyway, trying to keep the place clean. Only thing is, she cannot close any threads that needs to be closed before things gets out of hand, but usually that turns out to be the case anyway because a G-Mod or Administrator isn't always around.

Same with BustaMo and Riku. I know there was a time that BustaMo wanted to close a thread but couldn't because their "mod powers are quite restricted." (Quoted Faith there) Besides, I forwarded the PM to BustaMo and he was alright with it. And Riku clearly agrees with it also. There is no "bullying" taking place at all.

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I know I did a damn good job in modding Busta. Anyway, this issue is being addressed in staff, don't worry, and if the 3 Global Mods, excluding LA, cannot handle their position any longer, due to RL issues, then something must be done, but there are to be no demotions as of yet. No promotions also. If you feel however, that yourself, or a particular forum member could be a future moderator, PM me, and I'll make anote of things.
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