We're All Concerned

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The only person I'd really consider (of whom being currently on staff) to recommend for a G-mod position, would be BustaMo. No offence intended to the others; I just don't think it'd be a great idea, regardless of the activity of the other members in said positions.

I'm sure Darkblade knows my feelings on this matter, but I am supporting the comment on the current moderator's power limitations.

Judge Rulia said:
If you feel however, that yourself, or a particular forum member could be a future moderator, PM me, and I'll make anote of things.

I don't understand, what's the problem?

I'm a pessimist, and almost like to see the bad side of things. This being no exception; I'm expecting you to be bombarded with "omg pick me i am gud as a modurat0rz." and such. Might not be the case here, but like I said... pessimist. Likewise for recommending people too.

I think introducing democracy here could create more trouble than this matter is worth.
Don't get me wrong, I support all the mods but I do completely agree with that PM. My only real objection is against you, Riku. No offense. I like you as a person. You're fine as a mod. I want to see more time before you're GMod again. Just a personal opinion. Not because I think you'd abuse it or anything... it's honestly because you seem to want it for the wrong reasons. Every time you do any form of moderation it comes with the tagline "I can't mod in here... yet" or "If only I had more modding abilities >_<" and I'd lie if that really didn't rub me the wrong way.
I didn't realise I had expressed that I "wanted" it, to be honest. I know what you mean about the comments I've been making, but in all seriousness, they're just meant for a little bit of light humour. It's just slightly annoying, going from being able to sort something out there and then, to having to ask another member of staff. I've lost track of how many reported posts I've sent since becoming staff.

If it makes anyone feel any better, I'm in no desperate rush to become a Global Moderator. When Darkblade offered me my job back, I asked if I could Moderate the Kingdom Hearts Series and the Temple of the Ancients because, maybe you've noticed, they're the two forums I'm mostly active in, and I didn't see much point in being a Global Moderator if I confined myself to specific forums. There's also the fact that I don't think Darkblade quite trusts me yet [and, frankly, I'd be surprised if he did anytime soon].

By the way, what did you mean by "want it for the wrong reasons"? Despite not actually going for the job, I'm curious: what 'right' reasons can one have for wanting to become a member of staff, other than to help the forums? :P

If you feel however, that yourself, or a particular forum member could be a future moderator, PM me, and I'll make anote of things.
Kind of puts a big army boot right on top of the policy of "don't ask to be a Mod, because it ruins your chances," eh? :P
By the way, what did you mean by "want it for the wrong reasons"? Despite not actually going for the job, I'm curious: what 'right' reasons can one have for wanting to become a member of staff, other than to help the forums? :P

The right reason is just to help the forums. Like I said, I know you'd do your job as a GMod, but it seems like you just want it for the title. Because as much as you complain about it being hard to help the forums as a section mod, try being a member. lol I know I've certainly reported my share of spam, flaming, and the like. I try not to "spam" the report button because I have faith in the mods... but sometimes I'll shoot off a PM or something like that. And when I do my job as a "good member", I don't go "Wow, that sure was nice of me. It'll be better when I get to be a section mod >_<" or any of that crap with it. I just try to do my part. Like I said, I think you do a very effective job... but you seem to do it for a pat on the back and the respect from other members. That's why I referenced you in my passion topic too.

Kind of puts a big army boot right on top of the policy of "don't ask to be a Mod, because it ruins your chances," eh? :P

You asked the first day you were back. lol So I don't really want to hear it. :dry:
Did I say this was going to be a permanent thing? It's for a limited time shortly, I'd like to get a good idea of the regular members who could help us in the future.
The right reason is just to help the forums. Like I said, I know you'd do your job as a GMod, but it seems like you just want it for the title. Because as much as you complain about it being hard to help the forums as a section mod, try being a member. lol I know I've certainly reported my share of spam, flaming, and the like. I try not to "spam" the report button because I have faith in the mods... but sometimes I'll shoot off a PM or something like that. And when I do my job as a "good member", I don't go "Wow, that sure was nice of me. It'll be better when I get to be a section mod >_<" or any of that crap with it. I just try to do my part. Like I said, I think you do a very effective job... but you seem to do it for a pat on the back and the respect from other members. That's why I referenced you in my passion topic too.
I know where you're coming from, but I still have to disagree. However it may look, I assure you that it's just in the spirit of humour - it was easier as a Global Moderator, and adjusting to that was quite strange :P

You asked the first day you were back. lol So I don't really want to hear it. :dry:
Excuse me?
I'm surprised to think that people think I do a good job at all. :O But yeah, this has been a bit of an issue lately for the staff and we're in the middle of discussing this problem. But there's nothing to worry about at the moment since we're doing fine, yet there's always the troublemakers that want to insult staff members and mess the forums up. But yah, we're sorting this out.
I know where you're coming from, but I still have to disagree. However it may look, I assure you that it's just in the spirit of humour - it was easier as a Global Moderator, and adjusting to that was quite strange :P

Excuse me?

There's no point in saying any more about it. I've already explained my views and explained my reasons for it. Anyone is free to disagree. But you understand what I meant and any further discussion would just lead me to say things that you could take as insulting. As it stands now, I've simply explained my position.
Riku isn't asking for a Global Mod position, nor did he ask to have his job back on his first day back on the forums either. He was offered his job back previously. That is a misunderstanding. Riku is fine where he's at and he's obviously comfortable where he's at. Also, I don't know if you knew or not, but Riku used to be a Global Moderator on this forum quite awhile ago, so I don't know why you feel the way you do about him. I think he's doing a fine job being back on staff. He hasn't once made it obvious he wants a Global Mod position back, atleast to me anyway and we talk on MSN all the time, so *shrugs* let's keep anything that could insulting towards each other in PMs or IMs on the messengers, okay? ^_^
lol Yep, like I said I've already stated my opinion. So I'm not gonna bring it back up. But I still am for getting some new people out there to help in GMod positions.
lol Yep, like I said I've already stated my opinion. So I'm not gonna bring it back up. But I still am for getting some new people out there to help in GMod positions.

Hmm, I don't really think we need new people. That's just my opinion though. I'm thinking all the staff are comfortable with their numbers. It'll be cool to just move a few people up so that they can have more privileges with their powers in order to help our community.

At this point in time there are no plans for demodding anybody or getting new people. We're discussing the matters in staff, but we're fine where we stand right now. Some of the other mods just needed a heads up as to where I was standing and what was happening. I was taking on a lot of stuff on my own without any help from the other GMods. In the future we may bump some people up, but as of right now, it's being discussed. If there are new mods, they'll be announced in the forum news section.
At this point in time there are no plans for demodding anybody or getting new people. We're discussing the matters in staff, but we're fine where we stand right now. Some of the other mods just needed a heads up as to where I was standing and what was happening. I was taking on a lot of stuff on my own without any help from the other GMods. In the future we may bump some people up, but as of right now, it's being discussed. If there are new mods, they'll be announced in the forum news section.
What LA is trying to say is that we're fine at the moment. We don't need new people and no one needs to be demoted. I don't want to yell, shout or scream at you all. This is the internet, after all! The staff is quite capable of sorting this problem out and I want you guys to relax. We can handle the site, but you're going to have to trust us. We'll sort everything out and you guys just get back to your posting. I don't mean any offense by this. But just have a little faith in us and we'll be ok.
Has this issue been resoloved or are we still talking about it...so that I might add some input. =x
if i may add some input... i think Aeris Gainsborough should be a mod. he is always active and hes quite responsible.
We are currently not promoting anybody to moderator positons at the present time. Anything else about moderating, staff, I don't want to see it discussed in this forum any further. We'll discuss it in staff lounge. Thank you.
I did ask people to PM with me any nominations they feel fit, ones that would work. So far, I have received two PM's, and me and Darkblade are also discussing this matter. At the moment, noone is being demoted. Rhea is back for good I hope, The Slasher, I am hoping will be more active, and Unforgiven, I have yet to contact him. We do need a couple more moderators, more active section mods - currently, Riku, Faith and BustaMo are doing well, but I don't think there'd be any harm in having a couple more section mods. As for the G-Mod situation, that will be monitored, but LA has nothing to worry about, she's done great.
Why dont you make a vote for it?
Why dont you keep all 6 for that job?
I know i shouldent be in here but i couldent stop trying to ask.
So Sorry.
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