What annoys you?

You know what IRRITATES ME? Nerds on Halo 3 who have no fucking lives AKA MLG PEOPLE. Oh did I mention that there are little kids that play Halo 3? Well those irrititate me so bad and some think they are so good and they are not. Sersly but Mlg is fucking peoples lives up.

I remember when I used to be good at halo

I'd just scream DERELICK MY BALLS into the microphone everytime I started farming someone with an energy sword, shotgun, rocket launcher, etc. and laughed myself have to death while they raged :wacky:

Oh yeah, and people who get up my ass about things. Like, when someone asks me if I've sent something when I've told them I've sent it already and they start complaining like it's my fault that it's not with them by now. That just makes me feel like telling anyone whos doing it to fuck off :wacky:
Ants. <_<

As soon as it gets hot they start crawling into your house and getting into everything!

They get all around the kitchen sink because of the water and then they get into your sugar and they even get into soft drinks and such that haven't even been opened!

When you open it all you can smell is that anty smell and they're all dead around the lid. =0

Then they venture into your room and sometimes you wake up with them crawling up your legs and such.

I hate ants! :gasp:
Ants. <_<

As soon as it gets hot they start crawling into your house and getting into everything!

They get all around the kitchen sink because of the water and then they get into your sugar and they even get into soft drinks and such that haven't even been opened!

When you open it all you can smell is that anty smell and they're all dead around the lid. =0

Then they venture into your room and sometimes you wake up with them crawling up your legs and such.

I hate ants! :gasp:


Seriously. I went to go make some brownies the other day. I had the egg out and cracked, did all the other stuff, then I opened the brownie mix then BAM!

Ants fucking everywhere.

A couple of weeks ago, I was making tacos. But guess what had gotten into the taco shells? ANTS, THAT'S FUCKING WHAT!

I fucking hate ants too.
I don't know if i'll be able to control myself the next time someone says something about me and doesn't confront me to tell me to my face.

I may be a dick at times, but i only am because of good reasons. I don't really get angry at minor things, unless its a continuing thing. That and waiting for things to happen on time. I'll wait 40-45 minutes after the allotted time but after that i lose it. I don't like waiting as it is when it comes to alot of things.

Girls i can deal with, i don't mind that they take long to get ready to go places. But when i'm waiting in the waiting room of a doctor's office and theres only 4 people in the room with me and i don't get called after an hour i get pissed.

No not because people go before me, its after the fact when i'm the only one there left and i'm still not called in.
My f**king PARENTS!!! God I hate them so much! They get in the way of everything and they don't like to see you happy. If you're happy they ask why you're happy, you tell them you get all shot down by their stupid words. They try to keep me away from my friends and honestly the only good thing I've ever gotten from them, oh wait not even them..it was an Mp3 player. I can't stand them at all and they think I can't do shit all by myself.
Mods on LiveJournal. They think because they have power over a community, they can get away with being immature pricks. Their name-calling and shoving their opinions down everyone's throat is childish and unnecessary. But oh, no, if I were to do the same thing I'd be banned.

I also hate it when people complain that the Japanese version of any anime is better than any 'shitty' American version and bashes anyone who not only disagrees with their like for the original but those who just like the American version in general. If you like it in Japanese, kindly fuck off out of the American version and go watch the Japanese version.
Here's a list of a few things that bug me-- in no order.. XD
1. spiders
3. attention getters
4. politicans
5. uptight peeps
6. paranoid peeps
7. cookie selling girls
8. hidden fees
9 WHEN YOUR IN A MIDDLE OF A LONG POST ANDDDDDDDD.... it doesn't go through because well IT LOGS YOU OUT!
11. girls who think their fat/ugly when they aren't.
12. older brothers who think their better >:(
13. sexcist
14. racist
15 rapist
16. over emotionals
17 know it alls
18. boring peeps
19. when someone sad and you ask why, they say "OH IT'S NOTHING." >_>
21. peeps who don't take care of themselfs
22. peeps that dont brush their teeth (hygine)
23. control freaks
24.animal abusers
25. forgetting to do something when it's really important.
26. into themselves peeps.
27. show offs
28. braggers
29. doubters
30. peeps with no confidence... have a back bone and stand tall :)
31. stupid questions
33.idiots-- when they really have the potential to be smart.
34.reality tv shows.
35. when someones mad-- they take it out on someone else
36. laughing at someone elses pain (like a major injury) thats mean! x(
39. backstabbers

40. Someone who makes fun of someone disabilties... thats wrong...

haha. woooow. XD thats a lot. i'm sure there's more but-- i'll shaddup :wacky:

When someone doesn't know how to properly set the blasted thermometer. I'll wake up around 2-4 AM because I'm close to suffocating and almost in a panic mode since my sister-in-law had set the heater up to 86-90 degrees! I mean seriously...common sense. And we've told her not to touch the thing anymore and leave it at 70-72 degrees since that's quite comfortable enough, and she still does it. If she's cold, get a damn blanket. I just hate waking up in the middle of the night, getting out of bed and walking to the hallway to set the temp back to normal. My step-mom used to do this a lot too back when I still lived with her. Drove me nuts. There's been a lot of times that it was so hot you can practically feel the heat burning and you start to feel dizzy. I think I actually stepped out of the house a few times just to catch some night air. Could be that I'm also a bit claustrophobic due to a few reasons...so that's probably why it seems likes I'm the only one in the house who wakes up and notice the sudden change of temperature. And then I get moody until I fall back asleep.
room mates who can't turn the lights out when they leave a room
people who interject into conversations that don't involve them
Glenn Beck
Rush Limbaugh
people who associate Halo playing as a life skill
Unexpected trips to and by family. I hate when they just come in without warning and immediately start expecting food (culture). Sometimes it's when the house is a mess and we absolutely have nothing in the fridge so it just gets awkward.

I also hate when I get compared to people. I choose to live life the way I do on purpose, not because, no, I didn't see how [cousin_genname] handles this situation. "Well, you should be more like..." is absolutely my most hated question.
Things that annoys me;
1. People who tells me what to do. - They can't do anything with their lives so the try to control other people's.
2. Math subject - Because I'm bad at it and gives me head aches.
3. My Math professor - He's just so freakin' annoying. Especially when he gives us exams that's different and more complicated than the thing he taught us the other day.
Fake people.

The ones that go to church and are all preachy about God and what not, then come home and swear their arses off and act nothing like they did in Church.

Um, hello? God does see everything you do. Just because you aren't in the Church doesn't mean you get to be a bitch for 6 days a week and hope to redeem yourself on the Sunday.

These people make me wonder why they even bother. If you aren't committed to God and don't want to be good, then why try so hard to be something your not?

It's not like they're trying to make themselves better. They're just being completely fake. <_<
1. People who are plastic. idk, I guess it has something to do with the fact that I'm rarely "plastic" to people myself. But it annoys me to no end how people complain about a "friend" behind that friend's back and act as if nothing's wrong in front of them. For the love of god, you're not being honest to your friend about your feelings, so obviously, you've no way to resolve your problems with him/her!

2. Over-use of sarcasm. Sarcasm is okay (it adds to the lulz sometimes), but too much of it is sickening.


4. Bad hygiene. I swear, that really ticks me off. :mokken:
-:gonk: people in youtube who think they are funny.

because when I'm bored, I usually watch random vids in youtube. I usually encounter some corny ones. Some imitating the styles of some of the best youtube-comedians. :ffs:
I couldn't find this thread for ages. >.<


People who smoke near their children.

Not sure I've mentioned this before but this makes me so angry!

They're strapping the kid into the pram with a smoke in one hand whilst doing so. The smoke is all over the kids face and what not and they're just smiling at the kid and what not like they're not doing anything wrong.

Or they're holding the kids hand while outside the shopping centre and the kid is trying to get away from the icky choking smell but can't because the parent won't let them thinking they're not harming their child in the slightest.

Do that shit away from your kids you psychos! Can't you wait until you get home and get away from your child before lighting up!

I just want to punch them in the face, stomp out their cigarette and tell them they're a bloody idiot! Those sort of people sicken me.
People with blue tooth head sets.- OH YEAH... YEAH... YEAH I CAN MAKE IT TO LUNCH..(goes on PROJECTING what he and his AWFUL family are going to have for lunch)

That streak of light that will find you when you lay down... that one streak of light from the window that is ALWAYS bothering you.

People who blame other people for their problems.

Overzealous gum chewing

Pig tails...

Anything from the game portal. YES I HAVE HEARD THE DAMN SONG (insert random friend here) and YES THE CAKE IS INDEED A LIE!
  • Far right-wingers. If you're a Republican/conservative, and your views differ from mine, that's alright; this is America after all.

    I get annoyed when the really irrational stuff starts pouring out. No, Obama is not trying to turn us into a socialist communist totalitarian state, no the government will not be keeping its hands off your medicare, and for the last time, the "liberal media" is as real as Optimus Prime (though it would be fucking awesome if Optimus Prime were real).

    Just...augh...the depths of crazy to which some people can sink just astounds me.

    Anyway, to continue...
  • Anti-gay stuff. I get that some people aren't comfortable with the idea of gay marriage/equal rights for gays and all, but consider this; in the 50's and 60's white people weren't comfortable with the idea of blacks having equal rights either. Take a look at how that mindset is viewed today and then take a guess as to how the anti-gay mindset will be viewed forty-fifty years from now. If you don't like the idea of gay marriage or the idea of homosexuality bothers you; don't get with someone of the same gender :)

  • That loud lip-smacking noise some people unconsciously make while eating.
    I realize it may be a trifle rude to blame the person for this (hence my wording) and that it is rather petty, but it still bugs the crap out of me.

  • Having thought patterns put in your head.
    I've had cases before where I'll be trying to explain myself and I'll get cut off with something like "No, you just wanted to do __________ because you think ______--" NO. SHUT UP. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING, AND I'M EXPLAINING MY REASONING TO YOU NOW.

  • Roleplay noobs.
    To clarify; there are newbs. These are people new at something, but have a general willingness to learn and improve. In the case of roleplaying they may not be the best and they may completely screw everything up on the first post, but they take critique well and often turn out to be quite good.

    And then there are noobs. In roleplay, these are the people who show up immediately believing themselves to be just dandy and promptly muck everything up with a first post of god-modding and auto-hitting. Their character profiles suck and when offered even the slightest critique, they act as though you've just murdered their best friend.

  • Finding that one damn lego piece.
    You know, that one you spend fifteen minutes looking for, get all frustrated, and then it turns out it was either under your foot or misplaced on another part of the model.

  • Immaturity.


  • People who don't recognize even a crappy attempt at humor :)
People that talk constantly about their sex life and how kinky they are. Really I don't care what you do in bed.

People, after posting something controversal on the internet, that whine when they get flamed. The internet is a cruel place. If you don't want to be flamed, don't post something that will get people up in arms.

Preteens. Nuff said.

Know it alls. God know it alls. People that know everything about everything. I want to smack them. I have one in my family. She will educate me about MY job. Really, I think I know more about children with disabilities, having actually been around them than she does.

Control freaks. I avoid them like the plague.

People that complain about everything. I avoid them because they bring my mood down.
Hah and yet another one.

HUGEASS Kiwi families that back the line in the cinema out the door because they have like a gazillion kids.

The kids run around and act like little shits and yet the dole bludging parents keep giving them more money to spend on the expensive games that they have available in the cinema.

Then they buy out the entire food stand and we're still waiting to just get our bloody movie ticket!!!

Pisses me off that the only reason those losers get to go to the movies is because I work my ass off and get a certain amount taken out each week so it can go to these bludgers who continue to make babies at the drop of a hat. <_<
I find people who make exceptions for themselves really annoying. They say, 'Don't do that' or, 'You're not allowed' but then go do it themselves. I'm sure there is a word to describe this kind of behaviour but I can't remember it at the moment. Also, when people brag about what they have. I get pissed off because they keep on talking and I can't even get a moments peace.