What annoys you?

When people misuse the word Ironic

Being interrupted

Being Ignored

Yellow fire hydrants (just keep em red!)

When people go to IKEA for lunch (Its a Fukkin furniture store ffs)

When people write
this or this (I can't Fukkin read it)
This Smilie :neomon: (seriously the glasses are just overkill)

When people use the word psychology to describe mind reading, telekinesis ect...

the word TEMT (its a shop), (I can't pronounce it without saying TEMPT)

The group songs on Pop/Australian/American Idol (I mean they only get like two lines each)

Pop/Australian/American Idol in general

Conceptual art (just annoys me for some reason)

Soulja Boy (I mean why the hell does this kid have an album!?)

parody movies I.E date movie, epic movie ect..(Scary movie was good, the second one was alright THATS IT! Playing rap music while having characters who wouldn't usually dance, dance in a stupid fashion is NOT funny!!! )

There are probably more things but this is all I can think of atm :wacky:

Hangovers annoy me. As do people banging on my door when I hacve said hangover making me get out of bed only for them to be gone by the time I get tothe door -__-

I wouldn't mind but I jumped out of bed and grabbed my dressing gown so it's not like I left it ages.

Also, my mate ringing me trying to drag me to the gym.....do these people not understand I'M HUNGOVER? and I have scary hair, she really wants me to go out looking like this? :gasp:

If it was the postman with my pants and I missed him, I'l be so fecked off -__-

When people go to IKEA for lunch (Its a Fukkin furniture store ffs)

It's a furniture store that also has a huge cafe in it, and it's CHEAP. So what's up with that?

Meh, just annoys me for some reason, IKEA is relatively new to my city so I haven't adapted to it yet. The concept of going to a furniture store with no intention of buying furniture just for lunch is just odd to me
Meh, just annoys me for some reason, IKEA is relatively new to my city so I haven't adapted to it yet. The concept of going to a furniture store with no intention of buying furniture just for lunch is just odd to me

They do a full English for 95p :monster:

Altho it's annoying when I go in for food and end up leaving with a load of stuff I don't need :wacky: They also sell flavoured vodka which is pretty nifty
Lol I don't think IKEA sells alcohol over here, if they did maybe I'd have a different impression of it :confused:
hahah you wanna go have a look round, they sell quite a lot of alcohol :wacky:

Keeping on topic tho, it's a REALLY annoying place, whenever I go buying stuff for my house I always leave empty handed or with stuff I don't really need. There's just so much stuff. It took me about half an hour just to choose some plates, then when I finally got some, I spotted some others I wanted >_<

You see couples arguing all the time because they can never agree on what they want. Then if you want something huge and flat packed off a stupidly high shelf you have to hunt out a member of staff who then takes for ever to get said item, and by then you're so annoyed you just think STUFF IT :gasp:
People who have labels hanging out of their knickers >_<

There was a guy on the bus today who really annoyed me- I always fold the pushchair up and put it where the cargo goes on the bus (never any buggy places anyway :mad:) then go sit down somewhere with my bairn. Then this guy got on and put this huge pull-along trolley thingie on top of the pushchair- I looked like a complete fool trying to get the buggy from underneath this huge trolley, the bus was moving and I had my toddler hanging off my arm and all the time the guy is giving me daggers as if to say "break my trolley and die". He didn't even get up to help me!!!! -__-
I hate that about buses, people always look at you as though you are something they have just stepped in when you get on with a kiddie, and when someone puts there pram right on top of yours its like HELLO, you have a child aswel, you should KNOW Im gunna struggle getting this off whilst trying to control a bloody toddler aswel.

I hate buses I really ought to learn how to drive -__-
I get really angry when people don't get my jokes. I also hate emos because they keep on hating the world and themselves, my "friend" is an emo, don't ask.
I get really angry when people don't get my jokes. I also hate emos because they keep on hating the world and themselves, my "friend" is an emo, don't ask.

The majority of emo's really annoy me. They're like a big group of conforming grubby looking rejects. Skank.
Hypocrites. Worst thing a person can be imo.

And then I realize that I'm one too, so I get annoyed at myself.
I hate having to wear a suit to school everyday. I hate the damn itchy dress shirt. I hate the damn tie that strangles me, and I especially hate the jacket. It's hot outside. The jacket isn't helping...

Oh, and I hate wasps. There's wasps outside now. Lame, dude.
I hate stupid/ignorant people. Especially the people who are intelligent but just PRETEND to be stupid in order to get attention. When people start their sentences with, "This might sound dumb, but..." or other phrases like that to put themselves down, I almost want to punch them in the face. It just amazes me how dumb some people can be when they're getting a good education.
Running out of peanut butter annoys me.

Customers at work annoy me. I don't care if you feel like the bubblegum machine with the plastic dogs is guilty of false advertising (real story).

Sunburns annoy me (they go from being painful to itchy).

This girl at the McDonalds drive-thru is annoying, too. She's mean, incompetent and extremely loud.

What else...

The smell of shrimp. Rasberry yogurt. American Idol contestants. Superman. Dragonball GT. Rap and country music. Stephen Colbert. Insects. Being too hot while trying to sleep. And diarrhea.
let's see what annoys me the most is that I am more mature than my parents. When my mom doesn't get what she wants she whines and cries, and when it happens to my dad, he throws fits.
I hate it when people dont signal at roundabouts...

And boy racer teenagers who dont know how to handle or control powerful cars in skylines or twin turbo supras who think theyre the fastest thing on the roads until they wrap one around a tree with their mate in the passenger seat. For christ sake some dont even cool down there turbo when theyve finished driving they just switch off straightaway. Your suppose to leave the engine running for a bit before switching of the ingnition!...

anyway thats one of the things that annoy me...
I hate it when people DON'T indicate and nearly kill me. I was minding my own business on my scooter once and some daft cow decided to change lane right infront of me, then went right back into the lane she was in -__- Emergency stops on scooters are NOT fun. Another time I was changing lane (yes I indicated) and I was almost in said lane when some stupid ARSE flew past me at about 80mph (I was also speeding, naughty me) and skimmed my wing mirror and made my bike wobble. I shat myself. I thought I was gunna die :gasp: When I got off I was shaking all over. Stupid STUPID man. People need to pay more fecking attention on the roads -__-

Oh taht also reminds me when I was in Manchester once crossing the road and some prat ran a red light nearly mowing me down. Expletives were hurled

Oh and bus driver that break too hard and almost send you flying, I'm suprised my daughter didn't break her legs before, I got launched forward and the parm rolled into the seat infront -__-