What annoys you?

One thing that really annoys me is people who don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom. Friday about 3 girls in the school restroom came out of the stall, messed with their hair, and then left. It really disgusted me cause I was going to have to touch the doorknob and everything after them <_<
I know exactly what you mean, I don't miss working in retail, especially a clothes shop. Women are like ANIMALS when they are customes D:

I so wanted to punch some of them in the face or tell them to fuck off but you just have to grin and bear it. I'l never work in retail again >_>

God yeah. My last day Im going to basically going to tell customers who bug me to fuck off. Im sick of being in retail, but sadly its all I know. Hence why im going back to uni next year to get more job options.
I went from retail to bing an office junior, so instead of having kers in shops, I had wankers down the phone at me, but with that I could put them on hold, have a tantrum, then talk to them again. I think it's just people. They annoy me :wacky:
i really want to work in a call center, 3 warnings and that phone is going down! Seriously, I can handle people on the phone better then i can to their face.
When my parents are worried sick about me. I keep tellin' them that I'm responsible enaugh to look after myself. My mum calls me every hour asking me "Where are you? Is everything okay?" and I'm always thinking to myself "Mum, find something else to do already >.<"
A general list of things that annoy me...
-Getting a PC game, and then finding out that it doesn't run because the specs. LIE
-Pointless Geography homework (Colour the high-income countries in Blue, Low-income in Red, etc.)
-(This is a bit odd, but it just annoys me:) People really failing to play one of my favourite characters on a game and posting it on the internet
-Doing the same part of a Video game over 5+ in a row (This counts as boss retries)
-Little students that think they can block, nudge, annoy or boss around senior students (They can't, but it's just annoying)
-People kissing in public
-People heavily drunk in public
-Teachers who always think that they're right, or treat people unfairly
-Other People who interrupt/talk loudly over you during a conversation (not the person you're talking to)
That is definitely not a comprehensive list, but it's a start.
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I hate if a person yawns. It doesn't matter what time of day it is I'm always like "Shut your mouth, I don't want to see your filthy mouth." or "This is NOT the time to fall alseep. Hey, are you listening?!"
I rarely yawn so I'm not annoyed at myself.
I can't stand it when people chew obnoxiously loudly, or with their mouths opened.

what annoys me???
HAIR more importantly MY HAIR
cos im 1/4 cast my hair is black and curly, i want my hair to be straight cos im SCENE

atm im chemically straightening it nd it alright but why cant hair be how you want it, does any1 agree with me
I can't stand it when people chew obnoxiously loudly, or with their mouths opened.


I hear you >_>

It goes through me, I just cant stand the sound of people eating. At all. Its really annoying in cartoons (Simpsons) when they are eating and they have the annoying chewing/slurping/nomming sound effects. It makes me really rather annoyed :wacky:

I also hate hangovers. Especially as my tollenec seems to be slipping, Ive had headache all day, I need more painkillers D:

Two faced people annoy me aswel, especially when they act like you are such an arsehole for doing summat thats not your fault, then you find out they have been talking behind your back. Hypocrite
what annoys me???
HAIR more importantly MY HAIR
cos im 1/4 cast my hair is black and curly, i want my hair to be straight cos im SCENE

atm im chemically straightening it nd it alright but why cant hair be how you want it, does any1 agree with me

Yes, my hair is an absolute arse, I hate having to spend time on it just for it to look nice, I spend half my time looking like a birds nest because I just dont see the point in doing it. I wish it looked nice with half the effort required D:
I can't stand people who confuse it's its, your you're, etc.

I also cannot stand people who equate communism with totalitarianism or atheism. They are completely different. My government teacher is a capital offender of this.
I got a few annoyances:
- People who drives around the neighborhood with very loud music at 11pm.
- Getting headaches 2 days in a row.
- I use to find people who played Ragnarok Online 24/7 to been very annoying because they basically ignored you half the time.
- People who don't cover their mouths when they cough. I don't want your germs.
- Siblings.
- People who don't bother to call me back, email me, or keep in touch like they say.
- Getting knocked off my horse in Warriors Orochi 2 from arrows or guns especially in Chaos mode since they shoot faster. Those annoying bastards. >.<
I can't stand it when people chew obnoxiously loudly, or with their mouths opened.


yep it goes through me as well, its like AGHHH! :P

I also get annoyed by stupidity, if I have to explain myself to someone 3 times or more before they get what im telling them, and have a very short temper with people that butt in during a conversation :P
I can't stand not having a decent bed in which to sleep after a ridiculously long night of partying at someone's house.

I also have a hidden contempt for people who can consume so much without putting on a pound, whereas people like me rarely eat, still diet and frequent the gym can't LOSE that fucking pound.
^ Try eating healthily then fool, if you rarely eat then your body will cling onto everybit of fat it can get it's hands on because it doesn't know when it's next gunna get fed. Similililililiy(stupid word) always have breakfast :monster:

Grammar nazis really wind me up, so my spelling isnt perfect I dont always use commas or apostrophies. Its not like my typing is so bad that you can't understand me, so get off your high fucking horse and go tell someone who CARES.

I got an A in English thankyou very much, I just choose to be a lazy cunt, it's not work or school, so why should it fucking matter if I misspell summat?
I hear you >_>

It goes through me, I just cant stand the sound of people eating. At all. Its really annoying in cartoons (Simpsons) when they are eating and they have the annoying chewing/slurping/nomming sound effects. It makes me really rather annoyed :wacky:

I also hate hangovers. Especially as my tollenec seems to be slipping, Ive had headache all day, I need more painkillers D:

Two faced people annoy me aswel, especially when they act like you are such an arsehole for doing summat thats not your fault, then you find out they have been talking behind your back. Hypocrite

Yes, my hair is an absolute arse, I hate having to spend time on it just for it to look nice, I spend half my time looking like a birds nest because I just dont see the point in doing it. I wish it looked nice with half the effort required D:

I used to sit by a girl when I was in school, who'd chew SO loud. Which brings me to another annoyance: Girls (or guys I suppose) who say "like" every two seconds.

Me: Could you please stop that?
Her: Like, why don't you like, lighten up like, jeez.

Hangovers suck. Especially when you get the for the first time. ;_;

Argh, two-faced. I can't handle those type of people. I always get really pissed and in most cases it turns into Drama. Which also annoys me. xD I can't stand hypocrisy, which is why I try to avoid it as much as possible.
I am annoyed by people who think that just because I work in a supermarket I have no brain. I am saving up to go to university again. I am not working there because it is the only job I can get.

I hate it when people don't use indicators in their cars. I'm not a mind reader. I don't know which way you're going to turn. Try letting me know. Then, when I almost crash into you, you can give me the filthy look, but don't give me a filthy look because of your mistakes.
-people who never talk, and when they do, they ask you to send them music and that's it.
OR start telling about how bad is their life suddenly and have lost all other friends, and suddenly you're the only and best one. It is annoying.

-People in school bus which is always full in the morning. When you try to sit next to someone, you can hear swearing. It's not the end of the world, thanks for the good start of the day.

-People who assumes everyone to be good at everything, and chooses their friends only by that.

-People who don't like things if it's popular, or when it's not popular at all. Like what you like.
-^^actually, people who keep saying that annoys me.

-Also, for some reason it annoys me when I see someone who I don't know, having same thoughts that I have. It's weird. But when they're nice people who I know, then I like it much.

-They who can't decide if they're going to continue driving or if they wait that I go across the street.

^^yes, most of the people really annoy me.

-well, when I'm waken up too early